Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer

10.1K 330 99
By aiimee9

An- Artwork from Lights-chan.

Dabbing rubbing alcohol on the Dragoon's scrapped eyebrow, causing the girl to flinch at the sting, "Ah tah tah tah!"

"Bare with it, Dragoon-san." Were Shoto's firm words, though he held a face of apology. It was the end of day two, finishing another day of interning with the number two hero. Once so, Koyuki and Endeavor had another spar match back in the Todoroki household, Quirk (and magic) this time. Their outdoor training ground was now unusable due to how burnt and deformed the area had now become.

The mage practiced her Fire-Water mode and used it against the hero. Seeing her fused "Quirks" on the sidelines had the chrome teen in awe. Though he held polar opposite Quirks, they did not fuse as Koyuki's. Seeing fire and water intermingle, releasing steam and strange ethereal element was something unbelievable. But once the match ended and the girl ceased using her power, her top was burnt to dust and left her upper body nude.

Much too Fuyumi's horror, rushing and tossing a white-grey yukata over the younger girl's head. Trying to save the mage's dignity from the sight of two men in the area. Though Endeavor was indifferent to such thing. Shoto turned away with glowing cheek's, flustered at such half-nudity from the Slayer.

Which now brought to them now; both siblings aiding the two wounded opponents.

Placing the bandage over her brow, "Does it still sting?" Concern laced in his words.

"If she cannot handle pain, there's no business for her to continue these spars and internship." Glaring towards the man, irked at his father's gruff words. Koyuki only huffed at this, "Someone's pride got hurt today." Seeing that the man too was being treated too.

Turning back to Shoto with a broad smile, "Hey, Shoto." Recieving a hum, implying he's listening as he treated her wounds, "Wanna train?" Pointing up directly at the teen's face, once seeing his confusion at her suggestion, "But hand-to-hand. You need to start familiarizing yourself on that." Seeing that the young Todoroki heavily relied more on his Quirk(s) over hand-to-hand.

Blinking widely, stunned to hear the silverette's blunt honesty. But continued the treatment, causing the girl to cringe at the burning of the alcohol, "You should rest first--"

"Mah!" Waving off his concern, "It's just a scratch--"

"You're covered in scraps and few bruising."

The young woman silently smiled at this; she never knew Shoto could be a bit of a worry-wart. Yet seeing her brother reprimand the whining silverrete was a sight. Finishing her part, her father slid past her and went inside with a huff. Possibly to review paperwork or plan out for tomorrow's exercise for the two teens even with his own wounds. Returning her sights to the two, smiling when the girl was still adamant to train her brother. Shoto sighing at the girl's persistence, gave in; now was told to start off with a stance of preparation...

"Eh?" Were Koyuki's befuddled response, a bit of a sweatdrop on her forehead at seeing Shoto's tensed stance, "You're going to be too stiff in a fight. You gotta loosen up."

"A-Ah, like this?" Only loosening his muscle a fraction. This made the Slayer giggle and tapped around his figure, much to Shoto's utter embarrassment, "Forearms up, close to sheilding your face." Patting his arms up. "Preferred leg a bit forward, the other back." Tapping his hips, making the chrome teen flinch in surprise at her boldness, "Back straight, when fighting, you gotta show some determined confidence." Stepping back to see his improved stance, but blinked in confusion at the glowing redness his face took, "Are you okay?"

Glancing away, not meeting her azure's, "I'm fine..." Flinching when he felt a hand pressed over his forehead. Now meeting her stare, seeing her other hand pressed over her own, comparing his temperature too her's. Humming, as if getting an estimate, "You seem fine." Moving her hand away from the blushing teen, "Hm. Maybe we should do this another time then."

"Shoto. Dragoon-chan, dinner is ready!" Fuyumi called out from inside. Making Koyuki perk up excitedly, almost hopping in place childishly in happiness, "Food!" Shoto almost yelped out in shock at Koyuki's sudden grasp of his hand and tug. Almost tripping forward as well, meeting the mage's broad smile, "Come on, Shoto."

Silent at first till nodding, "Un." Allowing her to guide him inside the Todoroki residence with an excited chirp, 'What a strange girl indeed.'

The next day, their internships took a sudden turn.

"I never would have guessed we'd be coming here to Hasu." Glancing around their surroundings, the Dragoon would have never expected coming to the city where Tenya's brother got attacked.

"Hosu, Koyuki." Corrected Shoto, he and the silverrete followed behind Endeavor, scouting the area late in the afternoon. After finishing their personal training in the morning, they were quickly informed of change of city they'll be patrolling. Knowing that Endeavor, along with his sidekicks, wanted to investigate and hope to capture the infamous Hero Killer, Stain.

Shrugging at her mistake and continued their track around the street, but froze stiff. Causing her companion to stop beside her, seeing her azure's wide and nose scrunched, "Dragoon-san--"

"Somethings on fire." Silent in confusion at her serious words; especially seeing her sniffing the air, "Buildings, it's rapidly spreading ahead of us."

"You can detect all that from just your sense of smell?" Amazed at that as well. This may possibly the reason she got passed the mines in the sports festival. She could basically sniff out the area and or objects with a few whiffs.

"You two better pick up the pace." Snapping towards the man's direction, seeing smoke beginning to rise now and growing ever so quickly. "The situation has changed now." Implying they'll have to take action and investigate as well engage the task at hand.

Before they could even take one step, both phones signalled that a message was received. Clearly confused at this at the horrible timing of situation. But the mage found this odd, she only knew one person that contacts her through text, 'Izuku...?'

"Hm?" Turning to see Shoto's puzzled reaction, "What's up, Shoto?"

"Midoriya-kun sent me his location..." Confused, she didn't realize she too pulled out her smartphone and turning the screen on. First thing on her lock screen, Izuku's documented location from the GPS message within a group chat. Strangely enough, he too was in Hosu; which she found this quite odd all on its own. Knowing that the greenette's interning in another city. Unless he is only here for his internship, then why would he send them his location? It couldn't be to inform Tenya, who is interning in this city, but then why would he send it in group chat? Growing more and more puzzled by the second, "Messaging the both of use his...location..."

Paling ever so slowly in realization, 'Hosu. Tenya. Message.-- Help!! This is an S.O.S!!' Not without a second thought, Koyuki rushed off; ignoring Shoto's shouts. Glancing to her phone then her direction, stopping too look at the street she's in. Only getting more anxious upon not recognizing the streets, 'Why's Izuku here? Why's he sending messages-- Why's he even here?!'

She almost snapped at the person who clasped her shoulder, calming herself in seeing that it was the young Todoroki. He must've followed her chase and caught in time of her state of panic, "Do you even know where it is?"

"No! I don't even-- I'll sniff him out!" Mixed orbs watched the Slayer sniff around the surrounding. It was similar to a hound dog smelling out illegal items, but the girl sniffed the air instead of the surroundings. Stopping stiff then glaring angryly now, "Found them."

"Them?" Following behind the Slayer, not understanding who are these people she's found. Until he, too, realized what she meant, 'Iida-san.'

Running, Shoto followed behind the mage, seeing that she ran and turned to certain directions to their location. Rushing as fast as they could within minutes. Spotting the alleyway Izuku specifically sent and where the scent was coming from. The first thing they see is the Midoriya away on the ground, conscious but unable to move for some reason. One wounded man lying by wall, his style of wear was similar that to someone of Native American. Tenya, bloodied and heavily wounded from the stab wound in his shoulder; the very bloodied scent Koyuki caught. The one who inflicted the wound stalked his way to the bluenette. Katana in hand to finish Iida off.

Seeing this, Shoto conjured his two Quirk's elements, blasting the approaching villain with fire and ice. With such surprise, the Hero Killer swiftly dodged with leap.

"Dragoon, now!" Huffing in agreement, Koyuki used the shock and charged the villain for a close counter. Upper-cutting from under with iced fists and met with katana blades. Using much force on the weapons to push them back and leapt next to Shoto. Leaving the gawking Midoriya to watch the two, "Koyuki!"

"Midoriya-kun. Learn to write more specific directions." Now both Todoroki and Dragoon scowled or glared down the Hero Killer, "We were almost too late."

"Dragoon-san, Todoroki-san, you too?" Rasped out the wounded bluenette, shocked to see two more of his classmates and friend here.

"But how'd you...?" Started Izuku, still in shock at seeing the duo here. But now more so at the flames swirling around Shoto's left, "And your left...!"

""How?" Thats my line." The duo taking a cautious stance, not knowing if the villain will charge at them or use the three wounded as hostage and attack. "Took us a few seconds to figure it out. That group text to everyone with nothing but your location."

With precise speed and concentration, Shoto launched another blast of crystalized ice at the villain's direction. The Killer leapt back from the attack and away from being frozen solid, "We realized it meant, "I'm in trouble. Help!" With this, Shoto quickly manipulated his ice to rise and causing both Izuku and hero to slide back towards the duo, "Don't worry. In just a few more minutes the pros'll be here." Blasting his roaring flames at the hero killing villain, thankfully at the information of backup.

Catching the two wounded in her arms, gently placing them down. Koyuki checked the two, even though she didn't know healing magic; she'll try to see any fetal wounds on the two that she could freeze to stop the bleeding, "I'm starting to become such an influence in your troubles." Saying so with a pout, azure's narrowed towards the villain now.

"But you're not killing these guys today, Hero Killer." Promising that the Hero Killer's killings stopped here.

"Todoroki-kun! Don't let him draw blood!" Izuku quickly warned, knowing that if one of the two gets hit, they'll be paralyzed and done for. "Pretty sure paralyzes opponents by ingesting their blood! That's how he got us!"

"That's just gross!" Gagging at such Quirk, she has yet to hear magic ingesting blood. The Dragoon made a face of disgust at such thing.

"Explains all the blades." Shoto took in this important information, "So I've just gotta keep my distance--" Koyuki reacted in time, pushing Shoto and cringing at the slice on her wrist; causing Shoto to shout out in shock, "Dragoon!!"

"You've got some good friends, Ingenium! Especially having little infamous Dragoon!" Snapping to see the villain swipping for the kill. Conjuring an ice wall and stopped the attack aimed for his neck.

"Back up, bub!" Clawed hands swipping the villain, it only caused the villain to smirk. Using her slashed arm to defend Shoto from being swiped from the man's blades. Cringing at the feeling of something licking her wrist, but gasped at tripping forward and the weight of her body suddenly tumbling the sudden loss of feel of her functions.

"Dragoon!!" "Koyuki!!" Bellowed out the three boys upon seeing the girl drop like a rock in water.

Without a second thought, flames and ice fired at the villain before they thought of anything to harm the mage. Koyuki clenched her jaw, disgusted at the villain's action, "That was so many levels of WRONG!!"

"Dragoon-san, use your ice to create an armor!!" Ordered Shoto, knowing that'll keep her protected until he get's her out of the villain's range of kill. She was unable to even move her neck to his direction either! Clenching her jaw in frustration of the turn of events, feeling the familiar glow protruding from her body. her clone appearing from above, hair tied into a French braid for difference of the two.

Yuki snapping her eye's open and grabbing Koyuki's coat, tossing the mage without hesitation to their direction and heard Koyuki's upset cry in the air, "You jerk!" Rolling to her side and near the four, glaring at her doppelganger.

"Koyuki! Are you alright?!" Fretted Izuku, barely moving her line of direction. Scowling at her twin still, "Got licked by a pervert. Got tossed by my twin. Using the damn phone to find this location and sniffing you guys out. Stiff, but fine."

"Are you SERIOUSLY having a normal conversation in a fight?! And that's what you get for being reckless!" Growled out the twin, upset at the Dragon Slayer's action of getting herself paralyzed. Charging at the villain and aimed from under, "Protect them, Shoto!!"

"Why...?" Rasped out Iida, "The three of you... Just stop it." Grinding his jaw angrily and frustrated, "I've inherited my brother's name. I have to do this. He's mine to--"

"Tenya!!" Bellowed the Dragoon, glaring towards the fight. Yuki ducking by slide under the katana blades, skidding around then speeding in zig-zags to confuse the enemy of where she'll aim. Swiping the villain, but hitting air. Growling out in frustration, trying to force her body to move, "I understand your anger, but snap out of it!!"

"She's right. But inherited his name? That's weird." Yuki flipped back as Shoto launched a gargantuas glacier. Clenching her fists up, "That won't hold him back for long."

"Cuz the Ingenium I know never made faces like that." Still focused on the barrier before them, "Guess your family's also got a dark side to it."

Not even faltering, Stain sliced through the thick ice like with a hot knife with butter, "Obstructing your own vision when up against an opponent faster than yourself. Poor strategy, indeed." Yuki's hands taking a glow and swipping out the chantment, "Water Dragon's Slicing Scales!" Water saucers sliced through chunks of ice and shattering them to shear dust. Glancing around to find the villain, but dodged at the raining knives. Snapping at the younger Todoroki's direction at his painful groan from the two knives impaling in his arm, "Shoto!"

"You're both not bad either. Even in your state, Dragoon." Complimented the villain, falling from above to give a suprised kill. What he did not prodict was Izuku's breakthrough of the enemy's Quirk and drag Stain by his red shredded scarf. Shocking the duo,

"Izuku!" "Midoriya-kun!"

"Somehow I can move again just fine!" Inputted the greenette, not understanding but not questioning the reason yet. Until he's certain of his analyses of such Quirk.

"So it has a time limit?" Gobsmacked at seeing the Midoriya in action.

"No. He was the last of us to get hit--" Started the native hero, but was cut off by the agitated silverrete on the ground, "Yeah, hi, girl paralyzed too! That theory is debunked!

"Quit your sassing back there!" Scolded Yuki, not leaving her eye's on the two. Hearing Izuku's gagging cough from the jab to his side. Hitting the ground with a roll. Both Shoto and Yuki blasted ice and Water Dragon's Slicing Scales towards the villain, getting the enemy away from the greenette, "Get back, Midoriya-kun!"

Rolling away with a yelp of shock at the frosty and hydro attacks. Safely by the active two, glancing back cautiously at the villain, "So he tasted our blood and paralyzed us. But I was the first to break free somehow. I can think of three possible explantions. Either the effects is weaker the more people he uses it on...or its about how much blood he gets. Or its effectiveness depends on blood type."

'Blood type? Izuku and I are both...' Glancing at her hand, concentrating and forcing a finger to move. Almost smiling when it did twitch in response, 'It is blood type! But that's still gross!' Recoiling at the fact of being lick to activate such power.

"Though it's not like knowing that'll really help us." Still not sure if the theory was correct as well that knowing such info won't make a difference on who they're facing.

"We need to hurry and get these three out of here." Both Izuku and Yuki hummed in agreement with Shoto. "He's quick enough to react to both my fire and ice. So I'm not seeing an opening."

"I'm limited with using any of my attacks. It'll only demolish this area and I don't want him to use that against you guys." Inputted Yuki, knowing with her Water magic, it'll only hinder them. Unless Koyuki regains feeling of her body, she's limited to close-combat and few magic spells.

"Until the pros get here, our best hope is to keep him at bay and keep dodging." Hearing the chrome teen's plan of action, 'Or use Water Lock on the man, but I need to be close to keep him down. One shot, Yuki! One shot!'

"You've got too much exposed blood, Todoroki." Pointed out the Midoriya, though worried, he took on an electrifying green glow. This stunned Koyuki at seeing this from behind the three, "Izuku..."

"He's right, Shoto. But be cautious." Were Yuki's word of advice, lowering her stance. humming out his agreement with the water clone, "The three of us will protect them."

"Three-on-one, huh." Rasped the killer, intrigued at seeing the three teens tensed forms, "At least you're not naïve." Clenching their katana hilt, lips stretched to smirk, "Personally seeing you, Dragoon, I thought you're just a rambunctious girl, but you do think of others around."

"Taking the 'rambunctious' part as a compliment, thank you!!" Snapping out with a frustrated glare, even in her state, she wasn't afraid such position. With a scoff from Yuki, she and Izuku launched at the man in surprising speed. With backup assistance from the heterochromia teen, burst of flames directed the villain, as they fought close. Though with such tight place to spread in combat, Stain easily embolize Izuku's front leg. Crying out in pain at the gash, toppling to the side from the fall.

"Stop it..." Muttered the wounded bluenette, begging them to stop, "I can't...take it..."

Reacting to Izuku's cry, glaring heatedly at the enemy. Charging and getting his attention away from any of the boys, evading the deathly sharp blades from beheading her. Swiping her legs and aiming to kick the enemy off his feet, clicking her tongue at their quick reflexes. Flipping over the blade, and struck their side. Hearing a satisfying grunt of pain from her opponent, sliding back and meeting her stare with a glare.

"If you wanna stop this, then stand up!" Bellowed out Shoto, hand aiming each way, but the two kept moving. Not wanting to accidently hit Yuki, seeing constantly entered his line of aim towards the Hero Killer, "Never Forget who you want to become."

Clicking his tongue in annoyance at the clones quick blocks from passing to the three, but then small pupils landed on the trembling Midoriya. Trying, but grinding his jaw at the pain from the gash. Narrowing upon the idea to get this clone out of the way. Dashing at the braided silverette, sliding under their high kick and rushing towards the unsuspecting greenette. This caused the girls to panic upon seeing this; Yuki blasting behind the villain with an alarmed reaction, "Get away from him!!"

unexpecting the sudden turn; Stain pivoting around and with lightening speed that brought silence. Until Koyuki broke it with a shrill, "YUKI!!"

"Ah...?" Yuki slowly glanced down at the sword piercing through her chest. Koyuki screeching out in anger and horror at this, azure's glazed. Izuku and Tenya, wide eyed at seeing the clone bleeding translucent water as blood, even her reaction was so human and not one you would assume a clone would react. Yuki shakenly met Izuku's eyes of horror, giving a trembling smile, "Izuku?"

Slicing across her shoulder blade cleanly, shredded pieces and painful shock read on her face. Water spraying out from the fatal wound, in that moment, the water seemed more blood-like than water with its way of seeming. Without any remorse nor regard, kicking Yuki's body; toppling over to the ground and on her back. Her Azure's faded and dull, staring up to the skies. Decomposing in misty smokes before vanishing completely from sight. Both Izuku and Tenya were now shaken at this; literally, they saw someone die before their eyes. And it was Koyuki's own clone, it is as if they just watched the girl die before them.

"You" A blushish-white glyph glowed under the heated girl, snapping her raging eye's on the Hero Killer, "BASTARD!!" Roared out, water and ice blasting her off the ground. Ramming the villain's form and freezing whatever her body latched onto. Clouded by anger and need to protect her friends from this murderer; sinking her teeth into the villain's shoulder. Something she never thought she would do.

"Dorn mu mare dantch dem(Don't you dare touch them)!!" Teeth digging into the man's shoulder, making Stain glare heatedly from the sudden action of defense and pain. Meeting her wild eyes, they screamed with rage and promise of not letting him near these people. Even in her paralyzed state of being, she'll do any barbaric idea to keep him away from them; at any cost. Swiftly grasping another hidden weapon in his pouch, dagger aimed, "Get off!" Stabbing into her side, only for her to dig her teeth deeper. Twisting the blade and causing the girl to bite out a cry at the pain.

"Koyuki!!" "Dragoon-san!!" Snapping out of the three in their stupor of Yuki's death and Koyuki sudden launch. Panicked at seeing her bleed and cry out, yet still held on to the enemy.

Without batting an eye, Stain used the hilt of his dagger and rammed it to the mage's temple. finally getting her to release her jaw and wrench her off his form with a slam on the wall. Sliding to the ground with a wheezy cough, tasting the metallic blood on her tongue from the stab to her side. Grinding her teeth in pain. Not seeing the glinting blade held high to swipe the girl's head, "...Sacrifices must be made, Dragoon."

"KOYUKI!!!" "DRAGOON!!!" "--BURST!!!"

Three of their voices bellowed the top of their lungs at the same time: Izuku, hysterical at seeing the weapon moving in such speed for a clean kill. Shoto charging without thinking, glaciered ice rushing at the Hero Killer. Tenya finally breaking free of the paralyzation and using his last resort attack, shooting past Shoto's rushing ice and speedily shattering the sword with a high kick. Turning his body and skillfully connecting to the enemy's side, causing them to leap back from another attack like that.

Shielding the wounded mage from the villain's sight of aim, a clear nervous sweat at the terribly close call.

"Iida-kun!" Relieved that not only the bluenette broke free of the Quirk's grasp, but saving the mage in nick of time too. Not the only one relieved, the young Todoroki glanced the wounded mage; seeing her grind her jaw from the bleeding on her side. Setting his attention back on the villain with a heated glare, "It wore off. This guy's Quirk isn't so great after all."

"This had nothing to do with either of you. So I'm sorry..." Hearing this, Izuku felt deeply appalled that the bluenette would continue that, "Not that again..." But blinked in surprise at his next words, "That's why I swear I won't let you three lose any more blood here."

"It's no use pretending." chided the Hero Killer, scowling at the Iida, "A person's true nature is not so easily changed." Now glaring heatedly towards the teen, "You're a fake who prioritized his own selfish desires! A cancer on this society warped by "heroes." Someone needs to correct this system."

"That's an awful mentality..." Rasped out the mage, feeling her blood smear the corner of her mouth. Scowling at the man, "If you think no one can change, how can one even improve." Narrowing her orbs deeply, "You're really warped by these philosophy."

Shoto had to agree with the mage's words, "So you're a fundamentalist? Get with the times." Glancing at the silent Tenya now, "Iida-san. Don't even think of listening to his so-called reasoning."

"No." Stunned at his word, but continued, "he's right. I have no right to call myself a hero." Clenching his bloodied fist tightly that blood dribbled, "Still, I won't let him break me." Resolve was now written on the teen's face, "Because if I break...then Ingenium's really dead."

"You're hopeless."

Flames roaring at the villain's path, Tenya scooping the mage off the ground and leapt back to Todoroki's side. Gently placing her beside with Native, seeing the mage bite back the pain from the sudden movement. The hero watching this with panicked eye's for these children, "Idiots! The Hero Killer's after me and the dude in the white armor! Forget fighting back! Just get out of here!"

"I Don't think he'll let us." Keeping his flames activated, frowning at seeing their opponent above the grounds, "He went through a clear change a minute ago. He's all fired up too."

Clenching her jaw's in frustration, watching her friends' battle an enemy and she just lied there. Pressing her cheek on the ground harshly, 'Dammit! Move body! Move!' A bit satisfied at slow disappearing of the numbing feeling. Fingers twitching in response. Snapping her head upon hearing the villain's angry shout and aiming their daggers towards Shoto. With so much force and concentration in her right hand, slamming it down and conjuring a crescent shield that blocked both Todoroki and Iida- who leapt to block the attack-.

"Don't get in my way!!" A hatched flung straight towards the Dragoon, palming the ground and ice pushing off to roll away from the hit. Glaring up at the man, "If you think I'll let you hurt any of my friends, you've got another thing coming."

With the silverette's help of shielding them, using that timeframe for Shoto to freeze over Tenya's calves and not the exhaust pipes, cooling it down, "There!" Silently thankfully towards the girl, even in her state, she fought like hell to protect them. With similar thought of plan, both Izuku and Tenya blasted or leapt off the ground. Aiming for the enemy's blind spots, fist and shin connecting their opponents form with such force. Though yet to be over, Tenya gave the finishing blow with a roar, "I will defeat you! This time for sure! You, as a criminal" axing their spine, "and me, as a hero!"

Conjuring an icy slide for the two, Shoto still tensed and shielded before Koyuki's form. the mage now propping her arm under her from to push half of her body up. The two rolling beside them with surprised cries. Not glancing their forms but their opponent, "Get up! He's still--"

Blinking in utter shock at the dangling body, the Hero Killer, unconscious. "He's out cold, right?" Questioned the Midoriya, still tense and unsure if the battle has ended. Snapping to the girl's direction before she could even utter a word, "And no sarcastic joke, Koyuki."


Sighing out in relief at the finished battle, "Let's tie him up and get out to the main road. See any sort of rope we can use?" Turning to Koyuki, "Dragoon-san, can't you conjure your chains."

"Sorry, only I can wield them and well..." smiling a bit in exhaustion, "I'm pretty low on energy from today, my chains won't be strong enough to restrain him. It'll be like shoe laces holding him back." With the large use of her magic on both training Shoto, sparring against Endeavor, battling Stain and using her cloning; she's just ready to fall asleep for a quick nap.

"Understood." Nodding upon her reason, allowing his shoulder's to lax and bend down to scoop her off the grounds. Seeing her brows deepen, "We'll have to hurry and get you and Iida-san a medic."

"I'm fine..." Ignoring the reprimanding orbs of Todoroki's from her words.

Though worried for the mage's health and wounds, they needed to get this villain contained by something. "We should take all his weapons too, just in case."

Moments later, they surprisingly found rope in the dumpster, tying up the Hero Killer. Much to Shoto's appalled annoyance at such thing, "Of course we'd find rope in a trash-filled alleyway." The ones' to drag the criminal were both Shoto and Native, even with the two wounded in their arms. Not wanting Tenya to strain his injured arm, even with his pleading, "Todoroki-san, please allow me to drag him. You'll agitate Dragoon-san's wound."

"Your arms are all messed up though." Firm on not letting the bluenette continue his pleading. Causing Koyuki to chuckle over his shoulder, arm wrapped around Todoroki. His arm wrapped under her legs, propping her up.

"Sorry, I'm supposed to be a pro, but all I did was get in the way." Sulking at the fact that four teens basically risked their lives and saved him. Izuku reassuring, with exhaustion in his tone, "Don't sweat it... It would've happened to anyone in a one-on-one against the Hero Killer and his Quirk. He's so strong."

"Hey, Dragoon-san, I've seen your fights against certain villains. How come you didn't go all out--"

"So you're fine at the fact those two buildings collapsing on us?"

"Never mind..." Shooting down Native's question, knowing that if she did use her other spells in a restricted area, the likelihood of the area crumbling was high. Again, that was risk she wasn't taking with these people.

"Even in a four-on-one fight, we just barely won because he screwed up." Pointed out Todoroki, "He probably got so mad that he forgot about the effect wearing off Midoriya-kun. And with Iida-san's final Recipro, he couldn't react in time to Midoriya-kun's movements."

Perking upon hearing deep babbles of shock, turning to see an elderly hero in a white-yellow suit, short in stature. Gapping towards the wounded greenette's direction, "Why're you here?!"

"Gran Torino!" Izuku, too, gapped at seeing his mentor, crying out at the boot planting his face from the angry elder, "I told you t'stay in your seat!!"

"Gran Torino!!"

Huffing out in frustration towards the teen, "Well, I don't know what happened here, but glad to see you're still alive."

"Gran Torino..." Mumbling his apology silently under his breath.

More voices followed from ways from them, "Is this the alley he mentioned?!" Seeing more heroes appearing ahead, spotting them and rushed over with shocked reactions:


"They're badly hurt. Call an ambulance!"

"Hey, is that the Hero Killer?!"

Disregarding their concerned questions of their wounds and tied up villain behind them, "So he's-- Endeavor's still over there fighting, then?" Not showing the silent surprise that his own father listened to his demand for once.

"Oh yeah. Those Nomu siblings or whatever..." Inputted Izuku, wondering if the hero was handling such a large scale enemies. Native setting the teen down gently on his feet, joining his three classmates side. Koyuki perked up in shock at hearing this information of the Nomus'.

The blonde heroine nodded at this, "Yes. Those of us whose Quirks had no effect on those villains came to help you guys."

While the pros discussed amongst themselves, the four were left together in their own group. Tenya being the first to break their silence, "The three of you" Glancing to see him bowed in apology, "You were wounded and nearly killed because of me. I am so terribly sorry." They could hear his voice tremble with regret and tears, "I was blind... I lost sight of everything...!"

"No, I'm sorry too." Spoke up the worried greenette, "I couldn't tell at all that you were so upset about it. And I'm supposed to be your friend." At this, Iida's form trembled at the Midoriya's words, knowing that he wasn't the only one who regretted their mistakes.

"Get it together. You're class president, aren't you?" Almost chuckling at hearing Shoto's bluntness of motivation for the bluenette. At least it worked, seeing him wipe an rebellious tears, "Yes..."

"Hey Tenya." Getting the young hero's attention, almost flinching when he was met with her reassuring smile, forefinger pointing directly his breastplate, "A wise old geezer once said to me and my family, "An individual's happiness is everyone's happiness. An individual's wrath is everyone's wrath. And an Individual's tears are everyone's tears." Tapping where Tenya's heart lied, "So don't ever think you're alone, we're here for you, always."

This brought more tears to Iida, jaw clenching to stop himself from sobbing out. He didn't think that's how Koyuki saw everyone, seeing them that close to her that she'll share their happiness, pain, anger, and sadness. Straightening up and meeting directly with her azure's, hardened with a determined stare. Nodding to the mage, trying to bite back any sound.

Izuku and Shoto watched this play, it still amazed them how much the girl will go for anyone: Friend or stranger.

"Get down!!" Snapping up towards where Grand Torino shouted, shocked to see a flying mutated creature that was close to the first Nomu's design. With the exception of it having wings and a much thinner body figure.

"A villain! How could Endeavor let it go--?" All snapping down and dodging the incoming creature that swopped down their group. But the next thing they saw now was a flash of grey and green, seeing the Midoriya's stunned reaction of being snatched up. Bellowing the top of their lungs at seeing them fly off, "Midoriya-kun!!" "Izuku!!"

Frantic at seeing her friend being captured by the creature, wiggling in Shoto's hold to be let down. Only for him to hold her in both his arms, "Dragoon-san, don't! You'll make your wound worse!" Seeing that more of her stab wound dribble blood on the concrete and smear on his hero uniform. But the girl wouldn't hear any of this, causing him to cradle her closer to his form, even with her pushing and reaching out to the greenette with a frantic call of the Midoriya's name. Freezing at seeing another form zoom passed them all and suddenly the Nomu on the ground. More so at the fact it was the Hero Killer who stopped the creature from escaping with Izuku. The Nomu bleeding out through its visible brain, shredded from the malicious kill, "Both this shame-filled society and the criminals who wield their power in the name of petty mischief are targets of my purge. All for the sake of a better society."

No one knew what to do after that show. The heroes who came to for back-up didn't know this turn of situation:

"He saved the kid?!"

"No, idiot. The boy's a hostage. This is an unrepentant murderer we're talking about."

"Enough already! Assume battle positions!" Having enough of her fellow heroes argue, they needed to hurry if the villain thought of harming the boy.

"Why're you all bunched up together?!" The heroes snapping to see the flaming hero himself, "Endeavor!"

"One of them should've headed your way!" blocking out their conversation, Koyuki's azures never left the two. Pale and nervous sweat breaking out, still being held back by Shoto. If the killer thought of harming Izuku-- any of these people...!

"You fake..." Tensing when the wild villain turned and now set his malicious eye's on the number two hero. Feeling Shoto tense at feeling such animosity coming from the criminal; everyone, but the narrowing mage glared at the hero head on. "If I don't fix it..." The animosity growing and darkening; threatening them all, "If someone isn't stained with blood...!" Preaching with no though in mind to make sense, "If I don't reclaim my hero status!!" Stepping close threateningly, challenging them to even dare, "Come! Just try me, you fakes!!"

"The only hero that can kill me is All Might!!" It was out of primal instinct to protect her friend's. What her mentor, guild master, but above all, mama taught her.

'Koyuki, dear." The ethereal blue dragon looked fondly to the small child on her wing. Koyuki, giving her mama her full attention.

Her soft features took a serious frown, cheerful aura gone and replaced for this part, "There are times we must look like a monster to protect others. Not by looks, but our will to protect and fight!"

"One day Koyuki, you will face many opponents that will get you down. But you must never give in, not untill those you care and love are safe."

Unleashing her magic, pulsing out in wild wisps before exploding in monstrous waves. Creating an overbearing pressure, and those around are feeling it.

Izuku and Shoto gasped, the greenette shivering fearfully. Eye's shakenly glancing towards Koyuki in Shoto's arms. He couldn't even see her body with all that miasma of blue-white magic coating her body, but her eyes... Those blue haunting glows glared down Stain.

Shoto actually fell to his knee's, body numb in fear at the sudden overbearing pressure. But still held the one who was causing this unexplainable fear.

'What is this pressure?!' Gran Torino thought in utter shock at the change in gravity. Even the temperature dropped in freezing levels.

'My body...It's so numb in fear!' Glancing down at the girl who was the one producing such feat, glaring down the Hero Killer. It was clear what her power were expressing, "You wanna fight them, you'll have to pass me, first!"

As quick it begun, it ended. The air and gravity seeming light now even with the sudden tension. It was Endeavor realizing that the villain, "This guy, he..." was unconscious while standing, "He's out cold."

With knowing that, Tenya also dropped to his knees, stunned. Shoto, still on his knees, shakenly glanced to the silverette. Blinking in shock to see her too unconscious. Exhausting herself from the large release of her power's, trying to intimidate the criminal from even daring and threatening them from thinking they won't get a fight. Stunned that the went to such length, 'Dragoon-san...'

Still trembling on the ground, emerald's set on the slacken girl, 'On that moment, I thought I saw a humongous monster-- a dragon.' The moment he saw all the miasma, an image of a large creature stood above them. It was tremendously large, larger than these buildings. Ultramarine scales, a white-ish blue feathered wings spread out in a threatening way. Curved horns similar to a bharal's horns. The eyes were whitened, seeming beastly and terrifying. He could almost hear its roar towards their, Stain and his, direction. But he knew, it wasn't a threat to him, but the one above him.

'I knew from there, Koyuki was willing to fight the Hero Killer even such state. All to protect us...'

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