𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐠𝐚...

By xoxo_asgv

74.3K 9K 10.1K

PART2: After finding Jake, Elena decided to move on, but Jake is not going to give up on her that easily. He... More

🇺🇸→🇪🇸 The departure day #2
🇪🇸Spain#1 (Jealousy)
🇪🇸Spain#2 (La Campana)
🇪🇸Spain#2 (The kiss)
🇪🇸Spain#3 (Depression)
🇪🇸Spain#3 (COSTA BRAVA)
🇪🇸Spain#3 (VALENCIA)
🇺🇸USA #1 (NYC#1 - Star Tavern)
🇺🇸USA #2 (NYC#2 - THE ZOO)
🇺🇸USA #3 (NYC#3 - Birthday's morning)
🇺🇸USA #3 (NYC#3 - LOCAL NYC)
🇺🇸USA #4 (WASHINGTON#1 - Lincoln Retail Refreshemenst & Gift shop)
#1 Maria King
#2 Jennifer Hanson
#3 Nathan Danford


491 66 91
By xoxo_asgv

Elena's POV

Jake: It's ridiculous, Elena. I'm not even able to describe how annoying and irresponsible you are!

Ever since I finished talking to Anthony on the corridor, Jake has been complaining all the time. When we entered the room, I didn't even try to explain it all to him. I just sighed and took all my and his important stuff. We left the room and was about to leave the hotel and enter the car. Of course he continued his complaining behind me.

Jake: Of course you don't even listen to me. You never listen to me! - He was even more annoyed - And what? Now am I supposed to pretend that I don't want to kill him? Forget it.

I didn't even answer him, because I knew it would be pointless. I have to admit that I'm starting to have a fucking headache because of him.

Jake: If he provokes me, I won't hold back myself, Elena I swear - He said firmly.

Elena: Fine! Just shut the fuck up! - I shouted angrily and touched my forehead - I have a headache because of your fucking complaining!

Jake: Brilliant - He said proudly and smirked - Now, we're even.

I just sighed and then we finally left the hotel. I saw that everyone was waiting for us, without Luka of course who is sleeping. Of course all Anthony's friends have to go with us for our safety, but they just will keep an eye around the place where we will be going. Me, Jake and Anthony will do the whole work.

When Anthony saw Jake next to me he became red with his anger. Jake really is like a red rag a bull to him. I looked at Jake and he was even more furious too when he saw Anthony. But... They didn't say even a word.

Max: So... - He tried to break the silence - What's the plan, Elena?

Elena: Please, open the King's plan - We started going down the stairs and approaching them. I took out my phone too.

Elena: Today we should visit Rascal bar and Kippax lake. What do you think? - I started looking around.

Max: Yes - He touched his chin and looked at me - I think it's okay. What do you think Anthony? - He looked at him.

Elena: Jake? What do you think? - I looked at him.

Jake&Anthony: Whatever - They mumbled angrily.

Then, they moved in the same time, Jake entered one car and Anthony entered the other car. They just slammed the door and waited.

Elena: I'll be hard - I sighed and looked at Max.

Max: Yes, I know - He sighed too - But don't worry, Elena - He put his arm on my shoulder and smiled - I'll keep an eye on Anthony. I'll do everything to keep him from doing anything stupid.

Elena: Really? Would you really do it?

Max: Yes. I don't like quarrels either, Elena. Besides, I know how much both of them are important to you. I don't want you to suffer because of their argument.

Elena: Oh... - I was surprised - That's nice - I smiled.

Max: We'll do it together - He winked at me - So, see you next to the bar.

I nodded and Max entered Anthony's car and I entered Jake's. The others also entered some car and we were on our way to the bar. I looked at Jake and I saw he's still furious. He didn't even say a word to me.

Elena: How long will you be holding a grudge? - I smirked.

Of course he didn't even answer and look at me. All the time he was looking straight ahead at the road.

Elena: Oh, come on! - I laughed - Don't be so grumpy!

Jake: I hate you, McClain - He mumbled angrily.

Elena: I love you too, Jake - I laughed and kissed his cheek.

Jake: Oh, fuck off - He couldn't help but smile.

Elena: Just trust me, okay? - I sighed - I had to do it, Jake.

Jake: So... - He sighed - That's part of your fucking plan, huh?

Elena: I told you I would find Maria. Especially now, I'm even more determined, because he caught Jasmine. I will do everything in my power to save her, Jake. She's my best friend. I can't just leave her.

Jake: I know, I know... - He took a deep breath - I can only bear Gomez presence next to me for Jasmine. If having him next to us is going to help us find Jasmine, I can handle it... - He became angry again - Somehow.

Elena: Thank you, Jake.

Jake: But I won't allow him to provoke me, Elena - He said firmly - One foul play towards me and I won't hold back. Do you understand me?

Elena: Max will take care of it, don't worry. Anthony won't do anything stupid.

Jake: I just prefer to warn you. I won't allow myself to be treated like a fucking garbage. You can be mad at me, but if he does something stupid, I'll kick his ass. I swear.

Elena: Did he upset you so much for chasing you for several years? - I narrowed my eyes at him - A few weeks ago, you were able to talk to him in his office. Now, you're not even able to look at him. What changed your mind?

Jake: He... - He became furious again, but then he took a deep breath and calmed down - He's getting into our personal lives, Elena. He wants to take you away from me. I can't let this happen.

Elena: That's why you hate him so much? - I got even more confused - Aren't you exaggerating a bit? It doesn't make any sense.

Jake: I'm not going to continue this ridiculous conversation with you - He mocked me and turned on the radio - That's better - He sighed and smiled.

Elena: You're just impossible, Danford - I laughed and started nodding.

Jake: I can't hear you! - He volumed the radio up. All the time he was smiling.

I just laughed and we continued our way to the bar.


Anthony's POV

Anthony: She's the most annoying, stubborn and unbearable woman I have ever met - I mumbled angrily.

Max: Then why do you care about her so much, Anthony? - He laughed - Are you in love with her or something?

Anthony: Don't be ridiculous, Max - I hissed angrily - Of course not. She's just... Oh, I have no idea okay?!

Max: You know what? - He narrowed his eyes at me - At first I didn't even notice that, but now I can see. You really treat her like a daughter. Just... Everything makes sense now. At first you didn't want to get involved in this shit, because you were scared of your feelings. After some time you got to know her better and you realised that she's just like you.

Anthony: But why, Max? - I sighed - It doesn't make any sense! When I first saw her for the first time in my office... I felt like something just hit me. And that wasn't because she looks exactly like Maria. It was something... Different.

Max: Tell me... - He sighed - How is it possible that Elena and Maria look exactly the same? Are they related or something?

Anthony: No, it's impossible... - I got angry again - Oh, I don't know anymore! But Elena told me she doesn't know Maria. Moreover, Maria never mentioned Elena either. It's all... It doesn't make any sense!

Max: But we read the files, Anthony. They know each other.

Anthony: Elena doesn't remember her childhood, Max - I sighed - Even if she knows Maria, she doesn't remember her.

Max: Something is just... So fucked up here, Anthony - He touched his chin and looked through the car window - But I don't know what.

Anthony: Tell me about it - I sighed.

Max: Could we suppose the most irrational and ridiculous thing? - He looked at me.

Anthony: Spill it out - I sighed.

Max: What if Elena is Joe and Maria's daughter? What if Elena is the mysterious "she" from Maria's past? If that was the true, would you forgive Maria?

Anthony: Do you really think Maria would have been able to lie to me for so many years that she gave birth and left her own daughter? - I narrowed my eyes at him.

Max: You know what Ayo said. According to him Maria didn't want to leave "her" and wanted to take care of "her". Her parents, Joe's parents and Joe himself took "her" away from Maria. It wasn't Maria decision. Maybe that's why Maria was investigating Elena? Maybe she wanted to be aware of Elena's life?

When I heard that I immediately started thinking about it. Yes, for a short moment I thought about it too, because the resemblance is incredible, but I was running away from these thoughts. I just couldn't believe Maria would be able to do such a terrible thing... Leave her own child? No, that's impossible. Maria dreamed of having a child. She has spoken to me many times about the fact that she wants children, but Joe was always against it. When I thought about him my anger only raised... Joe fucking King. I remembered the words he said about "her". That "she was a problem and a mistake". If they actually back then talked about their child who they had left behind... If he was talking like this about Elena... About his own daughter... He is a fucking feelingless beast.

Anthony: Let's say you're right - I became firm - Let's say Elena is Maria and Joe's daughter. Would I be able to forgive her lie? Yes. That wasn't Maria's fault. She was forced to leave Elena. Moreover, I would be incredibly happy about if that was the truth, Max - I looked at him - Why? Because if Elena is Maria's daughter and I want to be with Maria, it means that Elena would be my step-daughter in the future, Max. It would be an incredible happiness for me. I would have an amazing woman next to me and an amazing step-daughter. Could I dream of better life?

Max: You really love them, Anthony - He smiled and started nodding - Both Elena and Maria.

Anthony: But I swear, Max - I became angry again - If that's true and Elena is Maria's daughter, I'll kill that motherfucker.

Max: Anthony...

Anthony: No, Max - I said firmly - You know how Joe spoke about "her". He called her a fucking problem and mistake for God's sake! Even after all these years he didn't change his mind.

Max: That's their parents fault and...

Anthony: You've got to be kidding me - I laughed sarcastically - He helped them to "get rid of the problem". Moreover, he said that he was relieved when their parents took "her" from Maria's house! No, Max - I started nodding negatively - I won't spare him. Not this time. Maria is the victim here and Joe is responsible for that. So are his and Maria's parents. He's a fucking monster and he'll pay for this.

Max: You know Elena, Anthony - He sighed - She wouldn't want that.

Anthony: Yes, I know Elena and I know she would never be able to forgive him all these words, Max. Elena is an angel, indeed, but everything has its limits. Even for her.

Max: We'll see, Anthony - He sighed - We'll see.

Then, we finally reached the bar and we parked our cars.

Elena: How are you going to guard the bar? - She left the car and started looking around.

Anthony: Oliver and Benjamin will be in front of the main entrance, James and Noah will go to the back door - I took a deep breath and looked at her - Max and I will go inside with you and we'll be looking around there during you will be doing your job.

Elena: Perfect - She smiled - So, shall we?

I nodded at my men and we all moved. Of course Danford was next to Elena all the time. It's making me sick when I see he's holding her hand. I'm literally about to vomit.

Max: If Elena is Maria's daughter then you'll be stuck with Jake forever - He whispered to me and laughed.

Anthony: Shut the fuck up - I whispered angrily.

Max just laughed again and we finally entered the restaurant. Elena started looking around and she nodded to Danford and show him the cameras. They approached some table, so did we. We were sitting far apart, because firstly I couldn't sit with Danford at the same table, secondly I have to look carefully to see if there is any suspect here.

Max: I think it's clear - He said after a while.

Anthony: Yes, I think so too.

I looked at them and I saw Elena was waiting for my signal. Danford was working on his laptop. I think he's doing the same thing as Luka's in front of the Pawn Shop. Breaking of law... Typical of Danford.

Then, Elena looked at me and I nodded to her. She said something to Danford, got up and she approached the bar. She started talking to the barman.

Max: They're pretty good - He smiled and looked at Elena too.

Anthony: As if - I mumbled angrily.

I started looking around again and I saw that some woman is gazing all the time at Danford. Well... He definitely caught her attention, that's for sure.

Anthony: Do you see it? - I smirked and pointed at the woman.

Max: What? - He narrowed his eyes.

Anthony: Danford totally caught her attention.

Max: Maybe, and what? Jake doesn't even look at her.

Then, I felt like something just hit me. I looked at Max with my wide smile. Of course! Why hadn't I thought about it before?

Max: Anthony for God's sake! - He turned pale - I don't know what you came up with, but get it out of your fucking mind.

Anthony: What if... - I smirked - I could help her a bit?

Max: Don't you even dare, Anthony - He became angry.

Anthony: Just think about it - I got closer to him - Maybe Elena won't have to read Danford's files at all? I'm sure that Danford just pretends to be perfect in front of Elena. If she sees what he really is, she will leave him all by herself and won't even have to know the truth about him and me. And I will help a little with that.

Max: No - He said firmly - End of discussion. Besides, you can do everything and he won't lose her anyway. You won't be able to destroy their relationship. They get along too well.

Anthony: So let's test their relationship - I said proudly and got up.

Max: Anthony for God's sake!

I didn't even listen to him. I just approached the woman and sat down at the table with her.

Woman: Do I know you? - She narrowed her eyes at me.

Anthony: No - I smiled - But I saw that man... - I pointed at working Danford - Caught your attention.

Woman: Really? - She laughed - I guess I'm not too discreet. Yes, but I saw he's here with some woman - She sighed.

Anthony: Oh, believe me. It's nothing serious - I smirked - I know him and you're totally in his type.

Woman: You think so? - She smiled.

Anthony: Definitely! You should go and talk to him, I'm sure you'll get along very well with each other.

I winked at her and got up. Of course neither Elena nor Danford notice me next to the woman. They were to busy with their work. I came back to Max and sat down next to him.

Anthony: Just watch and learn, my dear friend.

Max: You're fucked up, Gomez - He mumbled furiously.

Then, we saw that woman got up and started approaching Danford. I proudly started watching this scene.


Jake's POV

Woman: Hello.

I was so focused on my work that I almost got scared and jumped. I shook my head and looked straight ahead. I saw that some woman sat down in front of me on Elena's seat.

Jake: Hello - I friendly smiled at her - Can I help you somehow?

Woman: Well... - She smirked at me - I have to admit that you caught my attention right away.

Jake: That's nice - I laughed - But you're quite too late, I'm taken.

Woman: Oh, come on... - She touched my hand - You won't tell me it's something serious.

Jake: Sorry, sunshine - I took my hand away from her - I'm not this kind of guy anymore.

Woman: You won't tell me I'm not in your type - She laughed.

Jake: Well... - I laughed - You're pretty stubborn and nosy so yes, you're totally in my type. But one devil next to me is definitely enough for me.

Woman: She doesn't have to know, really. I can keep secrets - She winked at me.

Jake: I know you could - I laughed - But like I said, no. I'm madly in love and nothing will change that. But, I really hope that someday you'll find someone perfect for you as I have found for myself.

Elena: Jake? - She approached the table again and got confused - What's going on? - She looked at the woman.

Jake: Nothing - I smiled, grabbed her hand and took her on my lap - I just told this nice woman how much I love you - I kissed her cheek.

Elena: He caught your attention, am I right? - She looked at the woman with her serious and analysing face.

Woman: Well... - She got embarrassed.

Elena: Perfect! - She immediately smiled and I saw gleam in her eyes - So, you'll be perfect! Listen, you have to help me get rid of him. I'm trying so hard for a few weeks, but no one wants to help me! If you like him, it will be much easier!

Woman: What? - She laughed.

Jake: Elena for God's sake - I sighed and rested my head against her back - Not again...

Elena: Listen - All the time she was excited - Take him somewhere, okay? Meanwhile, I'll sneak out of here and run away as far as possible. Let's just say you've never seen me here and he'll assume I was only in his imagination. I'll have a peace of mind and you'll have... - She looked at me with her disgusted face - Him - She looked at the woman again and held out her hand to her - Deal?

Jake: Don't you even dare, Elena - I sighed and grabbed her held hand - I told you she's a pure devil - I looked at the woman.

Woman: She's really good - She was laughing - Now, I'm even not surprised that you're in love with her.

Elena: Oh, seriously? - She groaned - Even you won't help me?

Woman: Sorry sunshine - She laughed - I would feel terrible taking him away from you. He's really in love with you!

Elena: Just great - She mumbled angrily and rested her head on her hand - Gee thanks.

Jake: I have already told you many times, my love - I turned her to my face and tucked her hair behind her ear - I think the world of you - I gave her a quick kiss.

Elena: Someday I will make it - She narrowed her eyes at me and smirked - I swear.

Woman: Sorry for disturbing you - She smiled and got up - You're really nice couple, I like you.

Elena: You sure you don't want him? - She turned to her one last time and looked at her beggingly.

Woman: Definitely - She laughed one more time - Have a wonderful day.


Anthony's POV

Max: And now what Mr. Destroyer of their relationship? - He was dying from laughter.

Anthony: It's... - I mumbled furiously - It's impossible!

Max: Just let them be, Anthony - He finally caught his breath - They're made for each other and you know it.

Anthony: He only acted like this because he knew Elena was nearby - I crossed my arms on my chest - If Elena wasn't here, Danford would fuck this woman even on that fucking table.

Max: Stay out of this, Anthony - He sighed - Just look at him. The way he looks at Elena... He's madly in love with her.

Anthony: I'll never believe that motherfucker has any emotions, Max. Fine, maybe this time it didn't work out, but I'll come up with something better. It was just a warm up.

Max: Anthony for God's sake...

Anthony: He's just pretending in front of her. What if the story with Williams repeats itself?

Max: What do you mean? - He narrowed his eyes at me.

Anthony: At first Williams was perfect too and treat Elena like a princess and then? He gave her that fucking ring and everything changed. You know Danford and you know what he did, Max. What if Danford is now also faking in front of her and after some time he'll start bullying her like Williams did?

Max: I don't know, Anthony - He started hesitating. I had to take advantage of this opportunity.

Anthony: Elena must know his true face, Max. Getting Danford to make a mistake will be the perfect solution for all my problems. He will reveal his true face to her all by himself. Well... With my little help. Look at this in this way. If Elena reads Danford's files she would be devastated and suffered because of him. I can spare her this suffering. Thanks to my little plan, Elena herself will decide to leave him alone and won't cry for him anymore.

Max: And what if you're wrong and he's nothing like Williams? - He sighed.

Anthony: If I succeed, that will mean Danford is exactly like Williams.

Max: Do what you want, I'm out of this shit - He sighed and spread his hands.

Max turned back and started looking around again. Meanwhile, I was looking at Danford all the time.

"Let's start the game, Danford" - I thought with my evil and proud smirk. Then, I started looking around again too.


Jake's POV

Elena: Jake?

Jake: Yes? - I looked at her from behind my laptop - Something happened?

Elena: No, of course not - She laughed - I just... Wanted to tell you something - She sighed.

Jake: Yes? - I looked at my laptop and I saw that all recordings had been downloaded. That's why I closed my laptop and looked at her with my narrowed eyes - Everything is okay?

Elena: First of all... - She grabbed her purse and started looking for something - I'm so incredibly sorry that you to have waited so long - She sighed - Due to our hospital stay, I wasn't able to give it to you. Besides, I didn't want to give it to you in a fucking hospital - She laughed and took a small, long box from her purse. I got even more confused - Happy birthday, Jake - She smiled at me and put the box in front of me.

Jake: Oh, Elena - I slightly laughed - You really didn't have to.

Elena: Don't even say that! - She raised her finger - Open it. I really hope you'll like it.

I was just nodding at her with my smile and finally I opened the box. Then, I saw what he gave me...

Elena: I told you I love your handwriting, Jake - She smirked - That's why I decided to buy you a real fountain pen. You have no idea how long I was looking for it - She laughed - Your handwriting is just perfect for fountain pen writing.

Jake: It's even engraved? - I took a closer look.

Elena: Mhm - She smirked - I signed it with my name so that you'll always remember me when you'll by writing by it. Do you like it?

Jake: It's beautiful, Elena - I got up and approached her - Thank you, really - I kissed her and hugged her.

Elena: I'm happy that you like it - She looked at me and smiled - But... - Then I saw her gleam in her eyes and I turned pale - I have something more for you.

Jake: What? - I sat down back on my chair.

Elena: Do you remember when we were talking about my tattoos? - She smirked at me - It was in my office a few days after I got back to the DIC.

Jake: Yes? - I swallowed.

Elena: You remember what did you promise me when you heard the story about my last tattoo?

Jake: Of course. I promised you that your next tattoo related to me would be about something positive. But... - I narrowed my eyes at her again - Why are you reminding me of this?

Elena: Because that's my second present for you, Jake - She looked in my eyes and smiled - I want you to choose my next tattoo.

Jake: Elena... - I started nodding - I can't...

Elena: You have to! - She raised her finger - I saw in King's plan that they were in a tattoo studio in Australia as well. When we were in the hospital and you went to the medical exams once, I called that place and I booked an appointment. I'm telling you this now so that you have a few days to think about what tattoo you want to choose for me.

When I was listening to her... I couldn't believe it what I heard. She really wants to do it. She really wants me to choose her next tattoo. But... Tattoos are for life. So it means...

Jake: Are you sure, Elena? - I got closer to her and grabbed her hand - Have you thought it carefully?

Elena: Jake... - She sighed and smiled - I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Sometimes you piss me off as hell - She laughed - But I love you. You know that tattoos are very important and symbolic for me...

Jake: Yes, Elena I know. That's why I'm asking you if you're sure about it.

Elena: I've never let anyone choose me a tattoo, Jake. I want you to be the first and only person to do this. Please - She smiled - It's really important to me that you choose a tattoo that will remind me of you.

I immediately felt tears in my eyes. I... I was just speechless. She really wants to do it. I can't even describe how happy I am right now. Nobody has ever done anything like this for me. No one has even shown me I'm so important to someone like she did right now.

Jake: It will be such a pleasure to choose you a tattoo, Elena - I smiled at her.

I can't even describe how big smile is on her face right now. She got closer to me, grabbed my face and kissed me.

Elena: Thank you, Jake - She looked in my eyes.

Jake: No, Elena - I smiled and touched her face - I thank you. This is the best birthday present you could ever give me. I love you.

Elena: I love you too.


Anthony's POV

Anthony: I'm about to vomit - I mumbled angrily and looked away from them - How long will we be sitting here for God's sake!

Max: What was that about? - He narrowed his eyes at them.

Anthony: Recently Danford had a birthday, I guess this box is her gift to him. I know Elena and I know she wouldn't want to give him a gift in the hospital.

Max: But after that... They were talking about something else. That was about something really important for them. I'm sure after their reaction.

Anthony: Whatever it is, it will knock the idea out of her mind - I said firmly.

Max: She's coming - He looked at me.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Indeed, Elena approached us and was incredibly happy. It pissed me off even more.

Elena: We can go now - She looked at me - I got information from the barman and Jake has video footage.

Anthony: Finally! - I groaned and got up - That took forever.

I peeked behind Elena and I saw annoyed Danford. I have to admit, that scene made me laugh.

Danford: Great, now we know who will take care of the recordings next time - He clapped and smirked sarcastically at me.

Anthony: If I had to dealt with it, you'd be completely useless here. Well... - I touched my chin - Maybe it's a good idea?

Danford: Haven't you got tired of sitting doing nothing?

Elena: At least you started talking to each other - She was standing between us all the time and looking at us - That's something.

Danford: I told you Elena. I won't let him treat me like a garbage - He said angrily.

Anthony: Finally we have an agreement - I clapped and smiled sarcastically - Now we both know you're a garbage.

Max: I guess I preferred it when you didn't talk to each other - He sighed and got up - Shall we?

Elena: Yes - She sighed too and nodded.

Of course Danford grabbed Elena's hand and walked away with her. He noticed that it makes me sick and I saw his evil smirk. When we were walking behind them, he kissed her cheek and peeked at me. I was red with my anger again. Danford just smirked one more time at me.

Max: He's also not idling, Anthony - He whispered, patted my shoulder and laughed.

I just sent him my furious gaze. We finally left the bar and I nodded to my men to come back. After a few minutes we all were around the cars. We were about to enter our cars, but then...

Danford: Shit... - He mumbled, sighed and started rubbing his face - I left my phone on the table.

Anthony: You have such an empty head that I'm not even surprised that you're not able to remember one simple thing - I sighed angrily.

Danford: You'll get hemorrhoids from this constant sitting and doing nothing. Be careful, you're in that age.

Elena: Okay - She sighed angrily - Go get your phone, we'll wait for you.

Danford: Are you sure? - He got closer to Elena.

Anthony: Won't you find the way alone? - I smirked - Be careful because you will get memory lapses, you're in that age.

Elena: I'll be fine. I'll be here with the others - She smiled at him - Go.

Danford just sighed and sent me his furious gaze. Then, he nodded to Elena and went back to the bar. While we were waiting for him, I came up with a new idea.

Anthony: Maybe we'll wait in the cars? It's getting cold in here. I'm not going to get cold because of Danford.

Elena: Yes, I think you're right - She sighed and started looking around.

Everyone nodded and they all entered the cars. Thanks to that, they didn't see us anymore. That was my chance. I smirked and started approaching the bar's stairs.

Max: What the fuck do you think you're doing? - He followed me and whispered furiously.

Anthony: When are you raging? - I smirked and I pulled some antibacterial gel from my bag - When things don't go your way - I poured all the gel on the stairs - If he slips, he will explode with anger and then Elena will be scared of him.

Max: You can't be serious right now - He grabbed my arm - He'll kill you when he finds out.

Anthony: He's coming - I grabbed Max's arm and we approached our car again. We were pretending that we wanted to enter the car.

Danford: Where is she? - He stood at the very top of the stairs and looked around.

Anthony: Not only with memory lapses, but also blind - I smirked - In your car, unfortunately.

Danford: Jealous?

Then, he began to slowly walking down the stairs and then he slipped.

Danford: The fuck? - He got confused and looked down.

Danford fell and it was really loud. Everyone immediately got out of their cars and started looking around.

Elena: What was that?

Danford: Shit... - He mumbled angrily and grabbed his head.

Elena: Jake? - She ran towards him - Why are you lying in front of the stairs? Are you okay?

Danford: Yes, it's just... - I saw that anger in his raised.

Anthony: See? - I whispered to Max - He's about to explode.

Cleaning lady: Oh my goodness, are you okay? - She left the bar and noticed Danford was lying in front of the stairs.

Anthony: Perfect! - I whispered proudly to Max - He'll reprimand her in a moment!

Danford: Don't go down the stairs - He stopped the cleaning lady - It's slippery in here.

Cleaning lady: Slippery? - She stopped and turned pale - How so? I... - She started stuttering - I was just cleaning these stairs.

Anthony: Just look at him - I whispered again - He is about to explode!

Cleaning lady: I'm so incredibly sorry, Sir - She gasped - It's my fault. I must have messed up and not to clean thoroughly.

Then, I saw that Danford looked at the cleaning lady and was furious. Finally, it's the time. He's about to shout in rage. He was looking at her for a longer moment, but then... He took a deep breath? What the fuck is going on?

Danford: Don't be sorry, really - He smiled at her - For the last two weeks I have been in the hospital. I must have forgotten how to walk down the stairs.

Then, I just opened my mouth. No, no... That's... That's can't be happening... I started looking around and I saw that other slightly laughed. What the fuck?

Elena: Are you sure you're okay? - She touched his face - If you slipped because of...

Danford: It's not her fault, Elena - He smiled at her - You see? I told you I think the world of you. Well... Even the fucking stairs too.

Elena: You're so stupid - She started blushing, laughed and hit his chest.

Danford: Please, be careful - He got up and looked at the cleaning lady again - These stairs are quite... Hard. Now, my ass hurts me even more than after sex with her - He nodded at Elena.

Elena: Danford for God's sake! - She laughed and hit his back.

I looked around again and saw everyone laughed again. I thought I would pass out here.

Max: See? - He was laughing too - He has changed, Anthony.

Anthony: Williams was a good actor as well. Finally, I'll succeed - I whispered angrily, entered my car and slammed my door behind.

Elena and Danford finally approached the car and he opened the door in front of her. I literally was about to vomit. At that moment Max entered my car and smirked at me.

After a few minutes we were on our way to the second place. All the time I'm feeling Max's proud gaze at me.

Anthony: Don't say a fucking word - I said firmly.

Max: I...

Anthony: Not a fucking word, Max.


Jake's POV

Elena: Are you sure you're okay, Jake? - She touched my hand.

Jake: I'm fine, don't worry - I smirked - I'll have a few bruises, but that's okay. Better for me to fall down those stairs than you.

Elena: That was... - She narrowed her eyes - Strange. We had been walking down that stairs a moment earlier and everything was fine. It wasn't slippery there.

Jake: Maybe I'm just unlucky and I stood in the exact slippery place? - I slightly laughed.

Elena: Maybe you're right? - She sighed - Just be careful, okay? You've already left the hospital.

Jake: I'll be fine, don't worry - I started whispering - No sex for today, sunshine. Daddy's ass is hurt as hell.

I looked at her, raised her hand and kissed it with my smile. Elena just laughed and we continued our way to the Kippax lake.

I think we reached it after 20 minutes. I have to admit that I got a bit confused.

Jake: Why did you decide to visit this place? - I looked at her questioningly - There's no cameras here. It's some kind of... Park?

Elena: To be honest? I don't know - She sighed - Maybe intuition? I just thought it would be valuable to visit this place.

Jake: If you think so... - I sighed and stopped the car - Let's trust your intuition - I smiled at her and stopped the engine.

We left the car and of course everyone approached us again. It made me sick. I'm still a bit mad at Elena, because she literally forced me to work with them, but... I trust her. I know she wouldn't do that if she hadn't a good reason. If working with Gomez and his servants help me find Jasmine... I'll do it. Besides, getting on Gomez's nerves in the meantime is a nice distractor.

Noah: Are you sure we're in the right place? - He looked questioningly at Elena.

Elena: Yes, that's the right place. I just... We should split up and look for... Something.

Gomez: Well... - He sighed and started looking around - Okay, if you say so. So, the same groups like in the bar? - He looked at his servants and they nodded.

Elena: Great - She smiled at him - So, shall we? - She looked at me.

When I saw her beautiful smile... I immediately started smiling too. I grabbed her hand and we walked away.


Anthony's POV

Max: You know that in a moment there will be a lot of journalists? - He looked at me.

Anthony: I really hope that nobody recognise them.  We can't stand out.

All the time I was walking around and looking for something. Whatever that "something" is supposed to be. We were following Elena and Danford of course and we we're quite distanced from them. I saw that they were looking around too, talking and laughing. I was about to vomit again. I literally couldn't stand that.

We spent a few hours here and we were in a dead end. We find out nothing here. We asked a few people about Maria and Joe, but no one knows them here. It's obvious, it's a fucking park.

Anthony: It's pointless! - I was annoyed - There's nothing here.

Max: I'm sure Elena didn't choose this place for no reason. Give her more time.

Elena turned to me and pointed at some bench. So, they got tired and wanted to get some rest. I just nodded at her and she sat down with Danford. The bench was positioned so that they had their backs to us. Max and I sat down at some bench too and I started looking around again.

Then, I saw a lot of kids who played football on the grass. At first, I didn't pay attention on that, but then I peeked at Danford and smile appeared on my face again.

Max: What? - He sighed.

Anthony: Danford hates kids. Just look - I whispered and got up.

I left Max behind and I approached some baby boy who was holding the ball.

Anthony: Hello - I smiled at him.

Boy: Mommy forbade me to talk to strangers - He said emotionlessly.

Anthony: I'm not a stranger - I took out my badge and showed him.

Boy: Whoah! - He smiled and looked at me - So, you're the chief of the every policemen in the whole world?

Anthony: You can say so - I laughed - I see you're playing here with your friends. Well... It isn't safe here to play, you know.

Boy: Really? - He became sad.

Anthony: Definitely. Something may happen to you here. I'm sure your parents are not able to see you here, because you're hidden behind all these trees. What if someone kidnap you? - I gasped.

Boy: Kidnap? - He turned pale.

Anthony: Oh, don't worry. You can't continue your game here - I pointed to the grass behind the bench where Elena and Danford were sitting.

Boy: And... - He looked there - Will we be safe there? - He looked at me again.

Anthony: Of course, just look. You'll be playing right in front of your parents.

I looked at the boy and I saw he was thinking really hard about it and looking at that place. It was so cute and adorable that I smiled. After a few moments, he looked at me again with his big eyes and smile.

Boy: Okay! - He laughed - We'll go there.

Anthony: You're a really responsible young man, you know? - I messed his hair and he laughed again.

Boy: Thank you Mr. Chief of the policemen.

He waved to me and ran away to his friends. I came back to Max and I saw how furious he is.

Anthony: What? - I laughed and sat down next to him.

Max: Seriously? You're using kids!

Anthony: I just wanted to make the kids safer - I smiled and shrugged - It's not my fault that Elena chose that certain bench.

Then, I noticed that all kids ran to the place where I told them to go. Just perfect.

Max: And what? - He looked at me with his annoyed face.

Anthony: Be patient, Max - I said proudly - It's only a matter of time when they hit Danford with the ball.

All the time we were watching the kids and their playing. After about 10 or 15 minutes they finally did it.

One child kicked the ball towards Elena and Danford so that Danford could get hit in the back, but of course he heard the ball and dodged.

Anthony: Asshole - I mumbled angrily.

Then, Danford immediately turned to the kids and looked at them. The kids got scared of him and took a step back. I looked at Elena and I saw she was confused.

Anthony: You see? He scared them - I said proudly.

Max: I'm pretty sure it's about that they're afraid of the consequences for playing the ball nearby not because of his appearance - He sighed.

Boy: I... - He stuttered - I'm sorry, Sir.

Anthony: Just look at him - I whispered - This time he'll explode. I'm sure about it.

Then, Danford got up and walked over to the ball in front of him and picked it up.

Anthony: It will be better than expected - I smirked.

Danford: Nobody told you that you have to be careful when you have fun? - He said firmly to them and stood in front of the bench.

I looked at Elena and I saw she sighed and looked at him beggingly. Danford didn't even notice her, all the time he was looking at the kids.

Anthony: I caught him - I whispered proudly - I knew it would work. He hates kids.

All the time Danford was standing with his firm face. After some time, he... Smiled?

Anthony: The fuck? - I narrowed my eyes at him.

Danford: Well... - He started playing with the ball - You have to train a bit more, you missed me - He smirked at the kids - I'll show you how it's done. Dodgeball! - He laughed and aimed the ball at them.

The kids started laughing and running away. Danford.... He started playing with them for God's sake! I was so shocked that I immediately opened my mouth.

Danford: And now... - He grabbed the ball again and tried to catch his breath - Goal for a hundred points - He aimed at Elena and smirked.

Elena: Don't you even dare, Danford! - She laughed and pointed at him.

Danford: These will be very easy points to earn, my love - He laughed.

Elena: What?! - She shouted and got up - I think you don't know to who you're talking to. I'm a dodgeball master!

Then, Elena joined Danford and they were playing together with the kids and laughing. It was just.... How the fuck is it even possible?

Max: Instead of separating them from each other, you only you bring them together even closer - He was dying with laugher.

I didn't even say a word. All the time I was looking at this scene. It's just impossible! It can't be...

Max: You see? - He pointed at them - The parents of these children got closer and they start recording them! I want to see your face when you see an article about Jake playing with the kids.

Anthony: It's... - I became even more furious - It can't be for God's sake!

I immediately got up and approached them.

Anthony: We have to go - I said firmly to Elena - Too many people see you here, it's too dangerous.

I didn't even wait for her response, I just turned back and started walking away, but then I felt a ball on my back. I stopped and slowly started turning back. When I looked at them with my furious gaze, all the kids and Elena in the same time pointed at Danford.

Danford: Squealers - He took offense - But... At least I won. I hit the the ultimate boss - Then, he winked at me.

I wasn't able to hold back any longer. I was just furious. I looked at him with my furious eyes again and then, I started chasing him.

Danford: Finally! - He laughed and started running away - Your hemorrhoids will thank me later.

Anthony: I'll kill you, Danford!


Elena's POV

Max: Did they just... - He stood next to me and pointed at running Jake and Anthony.

Elena: Yes - I was laughing so hard that I couldn't catch my breath.

Then, we heard our phones. Someone called us in the group chat. Max picked up the phone and we saw Noah.

Max: Hello, Noah - He smiled - What's up?

Noah: Hello Elena, hello Max. Well... - He started scratching his head - Jake, who was dying of laughter, ran past me a moment ago, chased by an furious Anthony. Should we interfere?

Elena: Nah, don't worry - She laughed - They'll be fine. Did you find something?

Noah: Unfortunately not, Elena - He sighed - There's nothing here.

Elena: I see - I sighed - So, let's meet by the main entrance okay?

Noah: See yo...

Jake: I see someone here cheated on his fitness tests - He ran behind Noah back and passed him by.

Anthony: I'll tear your fucking legs off when I catch you - He shouted furiously and passed by Noah too.

Noah: I see I'll have to take care of this - He sighed - See you later.

And he hung up. I looked at Max and we burst out laughing.

Elena: They're just impossible - I started nodding.

Max: You know what? - He laughed - Now I can see that they're alike, really. I hope that one day they'll unite.

Elena: Yes - I sighed - Me too.

Then, we we're on our way to the main entrance. After a few minutes we finally saw the others. I looked at proud Jake and still furious and offended Anthony. I thought I would die laughing.

Elena: How's your chase?

Anthony: Don't even say a fucking word, Elena - He mumbled angrily.

Noah: Finally, I was able to catch them. I thought Anthony would kill Jake, but I convinced him to spare his life - He laughed - Somehow.

James: I even have a recording - He laughed and looked at his phone - This is even better than the footage from Africa where natives attached Anthony and Luka on a poles.

Elena: What? - I was confused and started looking around.

Oliver: Don't tell me you didn't see the video and photos on the group chat! - He burst out laughing - Open it right now!

I looked at Jake and he was confused too. I got closer to him and he took out his phone and opened the group chat. Then... We saw everything. We watched the video of Luka and Anthony being attached to Natives' poles, Anthony's photo of being hung upside down, Luka's video from some tree where Max and Anthony were running away from the furious zebras. And then... How Anthony fell down from the tree because of Max.

Jake: Enough - He couldn't catch his breath. He literally started crying with laughter - I would do everything to see it live!

The others started laughing hard with us. Everyone except Anthony of course who was furious.

Elena: You've got to be kidding me! - I couldn't catch my breath either - These videos and photos are pure gold!

Jake: I can't! - He started waving - I can't! - He re-watched the video of Anthony falling from the tree. I really thought he was going to choke on laughing.

Elena: But... Why did they attached you to the poles? - I looked at Anthony.

Anthony: Long story - He mumbled furiously and took offense.

Jake: I CAN'T! - He groaned with his laugh - This one? - He showed me a photo of Anthony hanging upside down - That's my new wallpaper!

Anthony: Danford, I swear...

He approached us, but then Jake immediately stopped laughing and raised his finger. We all looked at him.

Anthony: What? - He became even more furious - Are you gonna shut me up? Listen here...

Elena: Jake? - I narrowed my eyes at him - What happened?

I saw he didn't even move a muscle. He was so incredibly focused on something. Then, he immediately looked up and grabbed my shoulders. Jake pushed me and we swapped places. Now, I'm leaning against the car and he's standing in front of me. Jake had his back to me and covered me that's why I couldn't see anything. He did it so quickly that no one even had time to react. I was so confused and started looking around, but the others were confused too. Then, they looked in front of Jake and turned pale. They immediately stood next to Jake and covered me as well.

Elena: What the fuck happened? - I shouted angrily.

Man: Give me her! - I heard some male's voice from in front of Jake - I finally caught you!

Jake: Isn't that nice to be sneaking up from behind - He smirked.

Man: I saw you! I knew you would be back here. After all these months I finally caught you, Maria!

Jake: Maria? - He got confused - That's not Maria. It's Elena.

Man: Stop this bullshit! - He became even more furious - I saw her. I know it's Maria.

Anthony: It's not Maria - He said firmly - But... Wait. Do you know Maria?

Man: I know that behind you is a woman who destroyed my whole life! Stop protecting her! I'll kill her.

Jake: That's why you're holding a fucking knife? - When I heard that I turned pale - I told you, you're wrong. The name of the woman behind me is Elena McClain.

Elena: Let me talk to him.

Jake&Anthony: No - They peeked at me and said firmly.

Man: Stop messing with me! All the time I was observing her here, I'm sure it's Maria!

Jake: You really start pissing me off, man - He was annoyed - I told you it's not Maria - Elena? - He peeked at me - Give me your ID.

I opened my purse and I handed him my ID.

Jake: See? - I think he's showing the man my ID - Elena McClain, moreover she's 25. Maria is 41.

Man: It's... - He started stuttering - It's impossible.

Anthony: Why the fuck you wanted to attack Maria? - He became furious.

Man: I want to see Elena.

Elena: Please, let me talk to him, Jake - I touched his back.

Anthony: No, Elena. End of discussion - He sent me his worried and furious gaze.

Jake was just standing and didn't say anything. They all looked at him questioningly. After a few moments he finally said...

Jake: Put the knife down and I'll let you talk to Elena.

Anthony: Are you out of your mind? - He shouted furiously.

I heard the sound of putting the knife on the ground. Then, Jake took a deep breath and he moved slightly to the side and I could finally see the man in front of Jake. Jake didn't reveal me completely of course. I was still standing behind his back between him and Antony, but still... I was able to see the man. I saw middle-aged man, I think he's about his fifty. He was... Devastated.

Jake: No stupid tricks - He pointed at him - Understood?

Man: You're... - He got closer to me and looked into my eyes, but then Jake stopped him - You're really not Maria.

Elena: No, I'm Elena. Please, tell me what Maria did to you?

Man: But... - He took a step back - How is it possible? You look exactly like her.

Elena: I don't know - I answered quickly - Please, I need to know. Maria has been missing for almost four months. Tell me what do you know about her.

Man: Missing? - He smiled - Finally! She got what she deserved!

Anthony: Excuse me? - He became furious.

Man: That bitch tricked me a few months ago. Because of her I lost everything! My wife, my home and my kids!

Jake: What are you talking about?

Man: I met her here a few months ago. I was here with my kids and wife. Okay, I'm not a saint and I like to look at beautiful women, so she caught my attention right away as well. When my wife went to take care of the children in the playground, Maria sat next to me on the bench and started flirting with me. She also started asking about me, my wife and my family. Of course I started flirting with her too. I was so... - He became furious again - Stupid! But she was so sneaky. When things started to get serious between us... She showed me her fucking recorder! Maria said that from the very beginning she was watching me and that I was looking at the other women in the park despite the fact that I was here with my wife and that she was sick of it. Of course she showed the record to my wife and because of Maria she divorced me! I lost everything because of her! If she did not interfere in other people's affairs...

Anthony: Then what? You could keep cheating on your wife? - He became angry again.

Man: It was none of her business! It's all because of all these fucking feminists! Women should keep quiet and do what men tell them!

Then, he started acting... Weird. Really. He really lost his common sense, I'm sure about it. He's acting like a maniac.

James: You're sick - He looked at the man with his disgust.

Man: I really hope that she's already dead - He mumbled satisfied.

Then, Anthony couldn't hold back and punched the man's face and Jake immediately covered me again.

Anthony: Take Elena to the hotel. I'll take this maniac to the police station - I heard the sound of handcuffs closing.

Max: I'm coming with you - He approached Anthony.

I saw that Noah, James and Oliver nodded and opened the car door. All the time Jake was covering me. He only moved when I finally got in the car. Then, he entered the car too and started engine. In the meantime I saw how Anthony and Max took the man to their car.

Elena: How did you know? - I looked at Jake.

Jake: Know what? - He looked at me questioningly.

Elena: How did you know someone is sneaking up on me from behind? Nobody noticed it... - I started thinking - Neither did you. You didn't look around so they couldn't see him. How did you know to cover me?

Jake: Hearing is my most important sense, Elena. Believe me, I'm able to hear literally everything - He smirked.

Elena: Wait... - I narrowed my eyes at him - That's why you avoided being shot in your head a few months ago and you avoided being shot by the ball in the head today?

Jake: Mhm - He smiled - When I hear something disturbing, I focus all my attention on listening to my surroundings.

Elena: But... - I started stuttering - It's impossible... You can't hear everything.

Jake: Let's say that making no mistakes and predicting everything is your "impossible skill" and a very good hearing is mine - He winked at me.

Elena: You see Jake? - I grabbed his hand - You're able to save and protect me.

Jake: Elena... - He sighed.

Elena: No, Jake - I said firmly - Trust yourself.

Jake just looked at me with his worried eyes and started thinking about something, but he didn't say anything. Then, he looked straight ahead again and we continued our way to the hotel.

Jake: I'll go check if Luka is up, okay? - He asked me when we entered our room.

Elena: Sure. Remember to tell him I want to talk to him.

Jake: Sure - He smiled and closed the door behind him.

I sighed and approached the table. I sat down and started working on notes from today. To my surprise, the door opened again.

Jake: I'll talk to him tomorrow - He sighed and entered the room - I don't want to wake him up, I really want him to rest.

Elena: Sure - I smiled and continued my work.

Jake: Do you want coffee or something? - He embracing me from behind and kissed my cheek.

Elena: Yes, coffee please - I smiled at him.

Jake just smiled and started approaching the kitchen. All the time I was looking at him and then, I smirked.

Jake: What? - He turned to me and smiled.

Elena: The view of you playing with those kids in the park today... - I smiled - It was a nice view.

Jake: Well... - He scratched his head - I have to admit that I had a lot of fun too - He smiled at me too.

Elena: I know - I said with my calm and warm voice.

Jake was looking at me for a longer moment, but then he turned back again, approached our kitchen and started preparing some coffee for us. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"He's so... Perfect" - I thought. I sighed with my smile and continued my work.

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