𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐠𝐚...

By xoxo_asgv

74.2K 9K 10.1K

PART2: After finding Jake, Elena decided to move on, but Jake is not going to give up on her that easily. He... More

🇺🇸→🇪🇸 The departure day #2
🇪🇸Spain#1 (Jealousy)
🇪🇸Spain#2 (La Campana)
🇪🇸Spain#2 (The kiss)
🇪🇸Spain#3 (Depression)
🇪🇸Spain#3 (COSTA BRAVA)
🇪🇸Spain#3 (VALENCIA)
🇺🇸USA #1 (NYC#1 - Star Tavern)
🇺🇸USA #2 (NYC#2 - THE ZOO)
🇺🇸USA #3 (NYC#3 - Birthday's morning)
🇺🇸USA #3 (NYC#3 - LOCAL NYC)
🇺🇸USA #4 (WASHINGTON#1 - Lincoln Retail Refreshemenst & Gift shop)
#1 Maria King
#2 Jennifer Hanson
#3 Nathan Danford


596 72 51
By xoxo_asgv

Elena's POV

When we reached the White House it was almost 12. Bodyguards recognised our car and they opened the entrance gate for us. Jake stopped the car and looked at me. I saw how nervous he was.

Elena: Just be yourself, okay? - I grabbed his hand - They will love you. I promise.

Jake: Thank you - He sighed and smiled at me.

Then, we left the car and Jake locked it. George was waiting for us at the top of the stairs and waved to us. He changed a lot, because he looks even younger. He looks like he is 30. Now, he is a well-built man, with wide and honest smile, without any worries. I can see the pure peace in his eyes. I am so happy to see that, he really deserves some peace of mind.

George: Come here, you sneaky bitch! - He shouted and spread his hands.

I burst out laughing and ran towards him. I quickly ran up the stairs and into his arms. I hugged him so tight and closed my eyes.

George: You have no idea how much I missed you - He hugged me and sighed.

Elena: I missed you too, George - I looked at him and smiled.

Jake: Watch out, because I'm gonna be jealous - He laughed and stood behind me.

George: Jake! - I let him go so he could hug Jake too - How do you feel? Are you okay? I missed you so much!

Jake: She gives me a hard time, but yes, since she is next to me it can't be bad - He laughed, hugged him back and patted his back - I missed you too.

George: I can only imagine. She is a devil! - He let Jake go and laughed - Come, you have to meet my family and friends here!

He opened the door and let us in. The interior of the building was... beautiful. It really looks like a palace. A red carpet runs along the entire corridor, the furniture looked antique, there are portraits of previous presidents on the walls... Of course, there is an empty space in the place where Gilbert's portrait should hang.

George: Why weren't you together right away? - He looked at us and smiled.

Elena: Because he is a liar - I answered quickly, meanwhile I was still admiring the beauty of the interior - Besides, I'm not a whore who goes to bed with a random guy I met on the Internet.

George: I feel sorry for you, man - He patted Jake's back - She's not a piece of cake, that's for sure.

Jake: Tell me about it - He sighed - Can I just leave her here, please? You don't need her as some kind of employee?

George: I offered her a job as my personal adviser, but she refused - He laughed.

Jake: What? - He looked at me shocked - You didn't tell me?

Elena: Because I knew you would come to me to the Duskwood and take me to the DIC again, my love - I didn't even look at him, I was still looking around - I thought you didn't want me to run away from you to the Washington. Back then, tickets were quite expensive - I smirked - Besides, it didn't pay off to run away from you just for two weeks. I wouldn't even have had time to carry all of my belongings.

Jake: You... - He looked angrily at me.

George: And I thought you were always one step ahead of everything and everyone - He interrupted and laughed at Jake - She's good and you know it.

Jake: I'm sick of her since the morning. Are you sure I can't just leave her here? - He looked pleadingly at George.

George: I wish - He winked at him - I would do anything to have her under my roof.

Jake: Believe me, it would be your biggest mistake - He laughed.

Elena: Nah, I'd rather get on your nerves instead of his - I smiled at Jake - It's much funnier.

All the time we were walking down the corridor. George was leading us to some room. We saw a huge door in front of us and two bodyguards in front of it. The bodyguards were wearing earpieces and glasses. Then, one of them turned pale and he took off his glasses. I was confused for a moment, but then I realised he wasn't looking at me. I turned back and Jake was standing like a statue. He was looking at the bodyguard with his widen eyes and his face was white as sheet.

Bodyguard: Jake? - He asked calmly and looked at him questioningly.

Jake: No fucking way - He gasped - What the hell are you doing here? - He laughed.

Bodyguard: Now I'm serving the law. The real one - I saw tears in his eyes - Thank you, Jake. You saved my life - He got closer to Jake and hugged him.

Jake: No problem - He hugged him back - How about your daughter? Is she safe?

Bodyguard: Yes. Thanks to you she's safe, so am I - He let him go and grabbed his shoulder - I'll be grateful for that for the rest of my life, Jake.

I was still confused and looked at George. I think he knew something about them, because he was just smiling and nodding. Then, Jake held out his hand to me.

Jake: Could you come over, please? - He smiled at me. I grabbed his hand and got closer to them - It is such a great pleasure to introduce Elena to you.

Bodyguard: What? - He looked at me and turned pale. He even took a step back - That... Is she... - He pointed at me and looked at Jake again.

Jake: Yes - He laughed - My lady.

Elena: Your lady? - I looked at him questioningly. He never called me like that. It's not his style.

Dalton: That's how I was calling you when we were talking about you in the Gilbert's basement - He laughed - My name is Dalton. I was the one who had to keep an eye on him all this time.

I turned pale again and took a step back. What? Why isn't he in jail? I know there hasn't been a court trial yet, but still. He shouldn't free for God's sake. And why is Jake talking to him? Why isn't he furious? Why do they talk like good friends? Jake definitely must have been in that basement for too long. He has lost his mind.

Elena: Jake... - I looked at him terrified - Why is he...

Jake: He was helping me there, Elena - He sighed - At first, he was beating me of course. But then, he started giving me painkillers after my interrogations and food. Moreover, he helped me with Emma too - He started shivering with disgust. He always does that when her name is mentioned. But... Dalton shivered too - He promised to help me if she wanted to rape me. When Emma came in the basement, he left, but he was always at the door. If only Emma tried to touch me, he was about to intervene. He was giving me information from upstairs. Thanks to him, I was kept informed about the stage of looking for you they were. It was calming me down because I knew they couldn't find you. That's why I had hope. And then, thanks to him, I found out that Luka finally took you from your home to the DIC headquarter. That's why I was strong to the end, because I knew you would find me soon. Both of you.

Dalton: No way! - He laughed - So, she didn't run away with her lover?

Jake: No - He laughed - She followed all me steps and this one was also part of my plan.

I was still distrustful and distanced from them. Jake saw that and continued.

Jake: He isn't a bad man - He looked at me - He just had to follow the orders. They would kill...

Then, Dalton raised his hand to Jake and nodded. Jake sighed and let him speak.

Dalton: The entire plan to kill Jake had been painstakingly prepared for five years. We weren't supposed to hold him, we were supposed to kill him as soon as we found him. We found him trying to run into the car next to this hut. One of my accomplice tried to shoot him, but he missed. I mean, Jake heard the shoot and he tilted his head quickly - He laughed - Sneaky asshole. Meanwhile, I called Gilbert and told him that we found him. Then, he forbade us to kill him. We were supposed to drag him to the car and bring him to Gilbert's house. Jake beat most of the bodyguards, but there were 15 of us there. We finally caught him and drove him to the house. There I found out about Emma's plan. She is a psycho, believe me. She came up with she was going to be with Jake and that they would have a child - Jake and Dalton shivered again - I didn't want to do that... But I had to. They said they would kill my daughter - I widen my eyes and looked at Jake. He just nodded - My daughter is the age of Mr. Webster's when they tried to kill her too, back then. She is only 10. I had to protect her, at all cost. That's why I had to turn off my emotions, but I just... Couldn't. I wasn't able to beat him anymore, especially when I knew what he did. Jake saved his daughter and because of this I was supposed to beat him? I was feeling terrible. That's why I was only hitting him when others were watching. Therefore, I also had to pretend in front of them too that I was on their's side, because I couldn't let this happen to replace me. Believe me, if someone else had been with him from this basement, Jake wouldn't have survived a month. Jake did the right thing, that's why I decided to help him. I knew the catastrophic consequences of Emma's pregnancy for Jake. I couldn't let that happen. I owed it to him. And when he was talking about you...

Elena: What? - I looked at Jake, but he just laughed.

Dalton: No one could even say your name in front of him because he became furious. If anyone said your name with their "dirty mouths", he stopped speaking. That's why I was calling you his lady. Thanks to this, he was able to talk to me. One day I told him about my daughter. I wanted him to understand me, so I asked him if he ever had something like that. If he had ever loved someone there so much that he would have done everything for them. Of course he said yes. I immediately thought about you... - He looked at me and then at Jake and calmly smiled - Now, I can see he was telling me the truth.

Jake: When Jacob finally got to the basement, I ordered him to get Dalton out too. If it weren't for him, I don't know if I would have survived these 3 months - He grabbed my hand again - I couldn't just leave him, Elena.

George: That's why he's here now, Elena - He stood behind me and touched me back - I can't send him to jail. He's a victim of Gilbert too. His family lives in this building too...

Girl: Daddy!

I heard a girl scream from the end of the corridor. I turned back and I noticed her. She had short, black hair, pure, wide and honest smile and she was holding toddler. The ran into Dalton's arms.

Dalton: Hello, my little princess - He laughed and picked her up.

Girl: Mom doesn't let me go play with my friends - She looked offended.

Dalton: She's the boss here. I'm out of this - He was still laughing.

When I saw them my heart just melted. They were so happy. They way he was holding her... Now, I can see that he was telling me the truth. Jake was right, he isn't a bad guy, he's also the victim. Then, the girl looked at Jake and smiled.

Girl: Are you this Sir who saved my daddy? - She smiled.

Jake: It's not Sir, you tinny, beautiful thing. It's Jake - He smiled, touched her nose and she laughed - What is your name?

I was... Shocked. This is the same way I said hello to the girl in Duskwood centre a few weeks ago. But... How it is even possible? There weren't any cameras at that time and no one was recording me yet. He couldn't know...

Clara: Clara - She laughed - Thank you, Jake - Then she touched Jake's face with her tiny hand. Jake just laughed.

Dalton: I am so sorry for her, it's just the way she is - He laughed.

Jake: Don't be - He said calmly and looked deep into girl's eyes - She's perfect this way.

The girl smiled even widen and she let her hand off Jake's face. Then, Dalton put her on the ground and she ran away again.

Dalton: She is a real devil - He was nodding and laughing.

Elena: Elena - I held out my hand to him and smiled - Nice to meet you, Dalton.

I saw and heard that Jake was relieved when he saw this. Dalton was kinda shocked. He hesitated for a moment, but then he looked deep in my eyes. Then, he smiled and shook my hand.

Dalton: Thank you, Elena. Thank you for forgiving me - He smiled - Jake was right, you have something special in your eyes. I have already told you - He looked at Jake - Keep her close, man.

Jake: Yes, I remember - He smiled at me and touched my back - I will.

Then, Dalton opened the door and we entered the other room. There were a lot of people here. It looked like a some kind of dining room. Everyone was sitting at the table, but when they saw us, they got up and started clapping. I was just amazed...

George: Welcome in Washington Elena and Jake! - He raised his hand and smiled.

Then, everyone started approaching us. We met a lot of amazing people like vice-president, ministers, senators, deputies... They all were so nice to us. Then, the men gathered around me and picked me up. They started tossing me up. I thought I would die laughing, so did Jake when he saw this. I am not even surprised, thanks to me they won the elections, but that was still so nice and funny. Then they threw me into Jake's arms and he grabbed me. He was still laughing so hard.

Jake: Will you ever get rid of all these men around you? - He was still holding me.

Elena: Never - I was embracing him - One is no enough for me - I smirked at him.

He just laughed, gave me a quick kiss and put me back on the ground. Then, we were about to take a seat, but then George touched my back.

George: Elena, Jake? - We turned to him - I'd like to introduce you to someone. This is Isabelle, the love of my life - He smiled at the woman and kissed her cheek.

She was just beautiful. Like him, she did not appear to be in her 40s too. She was tall and slim. She has light brown hair, green eyes and beautiful, wide smile. She was wearing some elegant dress and high heels. I saw in her eyes that she is so incredibly happy, warm and calm.

Isabelle: It's such a pleasure to meet you, Miss McClain - She even bowed to me.

Elena: Please, call me Elena - I held out my hand to her and smiled.

When she saw this, she immediately hugged me and almost started crying.

Isabelle: Thank you - Her voice was shivering - You saved his life. I don't even know how to show you how grateful I am.

Elena: Don't worry - I hugged her back - No words needed. I can see such things - I smiled.

Isabelle: And you Mr. Danford... - She let me go and got closer to him.

Jake: Jake - He laughed.

Isabelle: You saved my daughter, Jake - She hugged him even tighter and started crying - You saved our little sunshine. I'll never be able to repay you.

Jake: It's okay - He hugged her back - I'm so happy to hear that from you. I am glad that you are safe. All of you.

She let Jake go and got closer to George again. They looked at each other and nodded. For a moment me and Jake were confused and looked at each other, but then they shifted sideways. Then we noticed a young girl between them. She was just... beautiful. She is tall, slim and she has black, long hair, green eyes and perfect facial features. I saw a gleam in her eye when she looked at us.

George: And this is the miracle you saved, Jake - He put his hand on girl's shoulder. I noticed that he had tears in his eyes - Her name is Emily.

Then, the girl ran towards Jake and hugged him so tight. Jake laughed and hugged her back.

Emily: Thank you, Mr. Danford - Her voice was shivering - If not you, Sir...

Jake: Please, call me Jake - He smiled and started stroking her head - You grew up to be a really beautiful, young lady. You even have the same gleam in your eye like the love of my life, you know? - He smiled and looked at me.

George: You saved our family. Both of you - He embraced his wife and they looked at us - We will be grateful to you for the rest of our life. We will always help you, no matter what happens. Always. We owe it to you. You're our angels. Thank you - A few tears ran down his cheek - Thank you so, so much.

Then, Emily let Jake go and got closer to her parents again. They hugged her and kissed her head. Jake embraced me too and sighed happily.

Jake: Beautiful, isn't it?

Elena: Yes - I put my head on his shoulder - A real, happy family.

Jake: Yes - He kissed my head - Indeed.

After that we sat at the table with all George's friends and coworkers. George persuaded us to sit next to him and his family. We agreed of course. Then, our small party started. We had a lot of fun here. We were all laughing and talking.

Senator: She tamed you, Jake! - He laughed.

Jake: If only you saw her in today's morning... - He laughed - Anyway, have you seen the photos of her playing with a fucking tiger in the zoo? And am I supposed to be assertive? After all, she would throw me for that tiger to eat for God's sake! - They all laughed.

Elena: Tubby wouldn't even touch you with a single claw - I smirked at Jake - He wouldn't eat such a trash.

George: Tubby?! - He laughed - You tamed the fucking Tubby? From NYC's zoo?!

Jake: Unbelievable, isn't it? - He laughed at him.

Elena: May I remind about 40 tamed men in DIC a few weeks ago? Later, Jake Danford was just a piece of cake for me.

Jake: Yeah, but I played hard to get, you know - He winked at the others - After three weeks, I finally persuaded myself to be in a relationship with her, because I felt sorry for her. She was trying so hard... - They all laughed again.

Elena: Yes - I sighed and continued his game - He finally realised that the longer he deceived me, the more I would go to the hotel owner's room at night in Spain. You have no idea how handsome he was...

Jake: Yea I agree, I would fuck him too - He drank his water - Besides, she had to pay for the room somehow. She was in his room every night and came back at 2 am completely drunk.

Envoy: And how do you know that, Mr. Hard to get, huh? - He laughed at Jake.

Jake: Well... I told you that she had to pay him for the hotel room and... I'm the one who is buying plane tickets here, so... - He smirked.

Minister: And which one is better? - He laughed.

Elena: Hotel's owner. Definitely - I drank my water too.

They all laughed and I looked at Jake. He was laughing too. I saw that he had a lot of fun here. I was happy about it. I don't even know when the time has flown so fast.

George: So... - He got up - I am so sorry ladies and gentlemen, but I have to stole these two from you right now. Duties call.

They all started groaning in sadness.

Elena: We will visit you again soon, I promise. Besides, after finishing my business, I have to put Jake in zoo's arrest for doing an animal race. So... I can visit you again in the meantime - I got up too and smiled at them.

They all started cheering and clapping. Jake just laughed and got up too. We said goodbye to everyone and me, Jake, George and Isabelle left the room.

George: How you want me to do it? - He looked at me while walking down the corridor.

Elena: Make an unpredictable speech as always - I winked at him - Let's the Internet explode again.

Then, we entered a huge studio. It was really enormous. Nobody is here yet, because journalists won't be allowed in until a few minutes. There were many chairs prepared for the audience. At the very end there was a stage with a large table and prepared seats. There is a lectern next to it. On the sides of the stage there are curtains and others exits from the room.

Ma and Jake stood behind the curtain on the right side of the scene and we were waiting. I thought we would die laughing here. Isabelle sat down on her seat and George he stood at the podium. He nodded to the bodyguards next to door, so they let journalists in the room. Isabelle and George trying so hard not to smile and laugh.

We heard that a lot of people entered the room. After a few minutes they all finally sat down and started recording.

George: Hello Americans, hello world - He spread his hands and smiled - Today is our second live press conference in which you will be able to get to know me and my wife better. In addition to questions from journalists, the screen behind me will display questions from you, the viewers. You know how much I want you to get to know me better. I want to tell you something. One day I met a girl - He sighed - She is the most incredible woman I have ever met. The first time I met her, she ordered me call her name immediately. That's why it's become a habit for me now. From the very beginning I tell you "hello" instead of "good morning" or "good evening". She taught me that we are all equal, regardless of age, social status, wealth, race or gender. And I will be grateful to her for that for the rest of my life - They all started clapping. Of course they knew that it was about me. I smirked - Moreover, this woman saved my life. But, not only mine's. She was ready to sacrifice her own life for the man, who was torturing in our ex president's basement for three months - When Jake heard these words he looked at me and kissed me - As you know, he was there because he saved my beloved daughter. Crazy, isn't it? - He and the journalists laughed - They both are crazy. Crazy in love too. I saw it with my own eyes - The journalists started looking at each other with confusion - I have never seen in my life so much love in someone's eyes. I swear. But... I hope you will see all of this all by yourself. You are probably wondering why there are a few extra places here - He pointed at the table - Well... I think you'll be reprimanded - He laughed - You made a mess with someone and that person is waiting for an explanation. So... Shall we start? - He laughed and looked at us.

Then, I grabbed Jake's hand and we left behind the curtain. They all gasped in shock.

Elena: Cheaters! I was fucking with him for just two days and you have already forgotten about me? - I pointed at the journalists and cameras - Unforgivable!

They all burst out laughing and started clapping and cheering. Jake embraced me and laughed too.

Jake: What do you have for your excuse? - He pointed at the journalists - In your last article, I was your almost last hashtag!

They still were laughing so hard and even started crying. George and Isabelle were laughing hard too.

The journalist: Happy? Our page is dead right now, because of you two! - He shouted and laughed.

Elena: Only one? - I groaned - Poorly!

Spectator: No way! YouTube and Instagram are dead too right now - She laughed.

Jake: Pretty good, don't you think my love? - I looked at me still embracing me.

Elena: Nah, I am still not convinced - I looked at him and smiled.

IT worker: Our stream is overloaded! What happened here for God's sake?! - He ran into the room and was furious. Then, he noticed me and Jake and stopped - Never mind, be prepared to get worse - He said to his earpiece, sighed and left the room.

Elena: Yep, now I satisfied - I looked at Jake and laughed.

Then, I sat down next to George and Jake sat down next to me.

George: Well... Don't worry. I won't be offended if you give them your full attention - He laughed - Think about it like a little gift from me for you. Besides, it is a great pleasure for me that their first interview together as a couple is at my home.

Elena: I swear - I raised my finger - I hear Miss or Ma'am for once and I am leaving. Am I understood?

Journalist: So, Elena - She smiled - Have you been lying to us and been in a relationship with Jake before you posted an official post?

Elena: I wasn't lying! - I took offense - I just... Firstly, I had to check by myself if I would be able to bear him. You probably wouldn't want an official post that would disappear after a few hours - I laughed.

Journalist: So, how long have you been together? - She laughed.

Elena: We are together since 6th of May. So, I've been hiding it from you for five days.

Spectator: Cheater! - He laughed.

Elena: I am not! - I laughed - I wanted to take care of you. And you what? I wasn't online for just two days and you replaced me! Hyenas!

Journalist: I have a question for Jake - He got up and smiled - How is it even possible? You have never been in an official relationship with anyone. What did she do to settle you down?

Jake: Well... - He sighed - She is pretty convincing. I am sure you saw all the videos of her. She tamed 40 man, the President himself let alone the tiger! Did I have any rights to say a word at all? - He laughed.

Journalist: But, you were always the one who played with women. Does that mean she was playing with you all this time? - He laughed.

Jake: Nah, it was a bundled transaction - He laughed - But yes, I must admit that from the very beginning I noticed that she is different from other women I have met.

Journalist: By the way - Next journalist got up - How did you meet each other? It's a mystery to this day.

Elena: Tinder. We got match by the accident - I answered quickly.

They all laughed.

Jake: Don't listen to her - He started nodding - She started texting me when she found out how rich I am.

Elena: Me? - I looked at him and laughed - You have been bothering me from the very beginning!

Journalist: So, Jake contacted you first, am I right?

Elena: Yes - I laughed - He contacted me because of Hannah Danford's case. He wasn't able to find her all alone, so I had to help him. Without me, he wouldn't have achieved anything in her case - I smirked at him.

Jake: If it weren't for her, I'd be much calmer, that's for sure. You have no idea how much she loves messing with me - He laughed.

Elena: Yup, that's my new, favourite hobby.

Journalist: Why did you decide to go to this hut and save her when you knew there was danger waiting for you, Jake?

Jake was looking at the journalist for a moment and smiling. Then, he just lowered his head and laughed.

Jake: Well... I knew Jennifer would want to kill her and I couldn't let that happen - He raised his head again.

Journalist: You could also have informed the police, but you didn't. Luka McKing was the one who called the police. You went there alone, why?

Jake: Because in that moment, I was already in love with her. And I am still to this moment. Nothing has changed - I looked at him - Yes, maybe that looked stupid in that time, 'cause we've never seen each other before, but yes. I totally fell for the mystery girl from the Internet, who was the key in Hannah's case. And every day I am falling in love with her all over again. I had to save her. I would do everything to save her.

Journalist: That's why you didn't say anything about her to Gilbert, yes?

Jake: Yes. They offered me a deal - He sighed - I was supposed to say where Elena is and they would let me go. The first time I heard that, I spat on his face - He laughed - But yes, during all interrogations they were asking about Elena. As you could see on the video, I said nothing. As long as she was safe at her home I was able to bear the torture. Moreover, the thought that she was safe was filling my heart with happiness and hope when I was sitting here.

Then, he looked at me and smiled. These words literally melted my heart. I grabbed his hand and gave him a cheek kiss. They all started clapping, some of the people even started crying.

Elena: Yes, sometimes even he is able to be adorable - I laughed.

Journalist: Sometimes? - Another journalist got up - What about your birthday's morning? - He laughed.

Elena: Yes, he is a madman - I laughed - He prepared everything for me. When I woke up and opened my eyes I was just astonished. I get the most beautiful bouquet, bracelet and my favourite coffee and breakfast. He knows me well. Sometimes even I am surprised because of that.

Journalist: Why are you traveling all over the world now? A few days ago you two were in Spain, now you are in the USA again.

Jake: Business with pleasure - He smiled - Yes, we have a lot of work to do now. That's why we were hiding from you for a few days - He laughed - And you replaced us! We are still offended.

Journalist: Where are you going next?

Elena: Boston - Jake looked at me shocked. He didn't expect that I would say that - But just for a moment.

Journalist: How did you like Spain?

Elena: You have no idea how much I wanted to stay there! - I groaned and they laughed.

Journalist: With Mr. McKing, am I right? - She laughed.

Elena: Of course! He is my best party friend! I don't go anywhere without him.

Journalist: Aren't you jealous, Jake? They had a lot of fun together.

Jake: When Elena and Luka are next to each other, you can really die of laughter, believe me. They are my personal humour department. But, of course not - He laughed - I trust them. Both of them. I treat Luka like my brother, he is my only family for 19 years. I know he wouldn't do something like that to me.

Journalist: Something like Jacob Rodrigues did, right?

Jake sighed and lowered his head. I wanted to say something, but he raised his hand and looked up again.

Jake: Now, I am older and I understand him. He was in his stupid age, I did stupid things too when I was young. One example of this was playing with different women. Now, I am ashamed of this. I was so reckless with women' feelings that I didn't notice Jacob's feelings towards her too. He was drunk and I should have left him and didn't say a word. But his words hurt me. It was the first time in several years that I felt emotions. And this day... changed me - He sighed - I was distanced from people even from my friends. Now this is my first official live interview in 7 years. And then, she fell from the sky to me - He looked at me and smiled - Thanks to her, I am regaining my old, true self. Elena saved me. She didn't just pull me out of Gilbert's basement. She pulled me out of the darkness in which I had lived for the last 7 years. And I will be grateful to her for the rest of my life - They all started clapping again.

Journalist: Have you been in touch with Sarah West since that event?

Jake: Yes - He laughed and I turned pale. Why on earth did he say that? - A few days ago, she sent me a message. She is just so amazed by Elena as all of you and wanted to meet her. That's why she contacted me. And I am not even surprised, she was always a bit jealous - He winked at the cameras - But... We have always got along with each other so I told Elena about my small-talk with Sarah and she was even more excited! Is that true, my love? - He looked at me.

I just opened my mouth and laughed. It was... genius. He is a real genius. Even I didn't think about it. Messing up with Sarah and start his own version before the trial? Brilliant!

Elena: Yes, I am looking forward to meeting her - I looked at the cameras again - You have no idea how worried she was about me - I grabbed my chest and made a sad face - She was so afraid that I am just Jake's another bed toy! I can't wait to finally see her and gossip a little bit about Jake. I am sure she will be testifying me hard as well - Then I made my smirk smile and winked at the cameras - I am sure we will be able to meet each other as soon as possible. I'm sure she will never forget meeting me. I will take care of it - Then, Jake just laughed and lowered his head.

Journalist: Now, I have a question for you, George. What was your first thought of Elena?

George: Well... - He laughed - At first she called me. When I heard her voice my whole body started shivering, really. Her voice is so calm, warm and nice. Then, she asked me to arrive to DIC headquarter and there I met her. As soon as I saw her, I immediately saw something in her eyes...

Journalist: The gleam? - He laughed. 

George: Yes - He laughed - She was standing in the middle of the room with 40 men and was totally okay with that. Everyone there was smartly dressed. The suits, shirts you know. And she was the only one who was wearing black, comfortable T-shirt, white shorts and some sports shoes. I immediately realised she was the person I spoke to on the phone two hours earlier. And when she smiled at me and held out her hand to me... Then I knew that I would do everything to help her. And her plan? Was just brilliant! Now? I think she is the craziest woman in the whole world - He laughed.

Journalist: But you made a mistake, Elena - He looked at me.

Elena: No, I didn't - I laughed.

Journalist: You fell into a trap and got locked in a studio.

Elena: It was part of my plan. I knew that after George's speech Gilbert would call FBI's chief to protect his house and Jake even more. I couldn't let that happen. That's why I focused all their attention to me. Thanks to access to the records from Jake's interrogations I knew they wanted me. That's why I was so sure about my plan. Of course, I was wearing bulletproof vest, but my legs were uncovered in purpose too. I knew they didn't want to kill me, at least they didn't have enough time to make such a quick decision back then. What do you do if you want to neutralize someone? You shoot that person in the arm or in the legs. That's why I uncovered my legs. I was afraid that if they aimed at my arm, they might shot my head. I needed George alive so I pushed him through to the door and I ordered Luka to lock all doors, by the system...

Journalist: What? When? You weren't on the phone.

Elena: Earpiece, sunshine - I winked at him - All the time we were in touch with each other. From the very beginning I knew that the distance between the studio and Gilbert's house was quite long, so we equipped ourselves with helicopters. I calculated that the distance made by helicopter was 15 minutes. That's why I was lying so relaxed on the floor - I laughed - I was waiting for my beloved rescuers.

Journalist: But how did you know they wouldn't hurt you if they caught you?

Elena: Because, I heard in my earpiece that Jacob get out Jake of the basement. I knew Jake would be the only person who came up with the idea to start the live from camera system again. I knew Gilbert would not risk killing me in front of the world. But, it took Jake quite a long time to come up with it, so Gilbert had a time to touch my leg. Gross! - I shivered and they all laughed - So, my hit on his face was my little surprise for good night.

Journalist: It's... Epic - He gasped.

Elena: Remember it. Elena McClain never makes mistakes - I said firmly.

Jake: Yes, I have to agree. She is really good. She has never made a mistake yet - He laughed.

Journalist: Well... I think it's time for the other journ... - He was about to sit down, but then he noticed my leg and turned pale - What happened to your leg, Elena? Is that a bandage? - Everyone started looking at my leg and then at each other.

Elena: Yes - I sighed - Do you have any idea how rooms in NYC are devastated?! - I laughed -  You know me and you know that I do a lot of unpredictable moves. The board in the bathroom wasn't prepared for that.

Journalist: Are you sure you okay? You have a bandage all over your foot. The hit must have been strong.

Elena: Yup, I consulted my doctor about it, everything is okay, it's just a bruise now. You don't have to be worried about me. You're not gonna get rid of me that soon - I winked at them and they laughed.

Journalist: I thought maybe those men at the club did something to you. But now I think that you would just cover it so as not to worry us.

Elena: It's so sunny day today, forget it! Besides, I know you know me well, you know I wouldn't be able to lie to you. If there was something wrong with me, I would let you know immediately. Moreover, I am a big girl. You saw the video from the TV studio. I will never let anyone touch me. Never.

Spectator: Besides, Jake saved her there. He would never let anything bad happen to Elena. Just look at them! They are totally in love!

I saw they all were relieved. I was so proud of myself.  Another extra point for me. "You will regret starting this case even before the trial begins, Sarah" - I thought.

The host: I think it's high time to answer some questions from the live chat - He smiled and turned on the projector.

Elena: 100 million viewers? Quite impressive - I laughed - How is your site still working?

The host: Our IT employees do what they can - He laughed - So, our viewers want to know when the engagement will be, Jake. We know that you are preparing something special - He winked at him.

Jake: Objection - He raised his finger and winked at the cameras - I am not going to tell you a word.

The host: I see - He laughed - So I think we have to wait a bit longer. The next question is about your future. So, when will the first child be?

Elena&Jake: Never - We said firmly with our serious face.

The host: Oh, come on! Stop lying to us. We saw all these photos and videos of you two and children. Kids love you! You would be the perfect parents! Your kid would be the most beautiful child in the wor...

Elena&Jake: Still never - We were still firm, then we looked at each other and laughed.

The host: We will see - He laughed - So... the next question...

And he continued asking questions. We had a lot of fun here. There were a lot of questions about our relationship, but also about our hobbies, history and adventures. There were some questions to George and Isabelle too. We didn't feel the passing of time at all. We finished the interview at 9 pm. After that they also took a few pictures of us.

George: I hope you will come here again soon - He said while hugging me. We were standing in the same place where George welcomed us earlier.

Jake: You should visit us in LA, too - He smiled.

George: Really?

Jake: Of course - He laughed - The door to our house will always be open for you and your family, George.

George: Your house? - I let him go and got closer to Jake. He embraced me and nodded - Oh my goodness! I am so, so happy! Congratulations - He hugged Jake.

Jake: Yes, I am happy too - He hugged him back - We will be waiting for you.

George: If you ever need help, call me. Remember about it - He let Jake go and put his hands on Jake's shoulders.

Jake: I know - He smiled - Thank you. So, shall we my love? - He turned to me and held out his hand to me.

I grabbed his hand and smiled calmly.

George: I have never seen so much love in anyone's eyes as in yours - He had tears in his eyes - Such love is rare. I never want to see any article about your breakup - He raised his finger - Am I understood?

Elena: Yes - I laughed - Don't worry. I think I'm stuck with him forever anyway.

Jake: I can always leave you here if you want - He winked at me.

Elena: Nah - I put my hands on his shoulders and smirked at him - I'll torture you a little longer - and I kissed him.

George: I'm waiting for a wedding invitation! - He literally started crying.

Jake: Of course - He looked at him again and smiled - Better start your preparations now - He winked at him.

Elena: Danford! - I hit his chest and let him go. He just laughed.

George: Goodbye, Elena. Goodbye Jake - He hugged us one more time and I literally started crying too.

Jake: Hope to see you soon, George.

He smiled at me and took my hand again. We entered the car and looked at George one more time. He was waiting until we left the gate and waved to us one last time.

Elena: You sneaky asshole! - I laughed.

Jake: I had the best teacher - He winked at me.

Elena: I am looking forward to hearing from Eric! - I laughed - He will kill is!

Jake: I know - He laughed - But we have to hurry up, we have a flight to Boston in a few hours.

Elena: What about Jasmine and Luka? Do you know where they went?

Jake: To the party with Jasmine's friends from collage.

Elena: You are bluffing! - I gasped.

Jake: I wish - He laughed - If she didn't kill him there, I would be really surprised.

We both laughed and continued our way to the hotel. I turned on the radio, closed my eyes and sighed with smile on my face.

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