Compassionate feelings

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" not funny " Minako blushed

As Minako tried to hide her flustered expression by drinking from her order , she noticed that Shinjiro was coughing and breathing with difficulty , and he was looking around with irritation .

" is something the matter ? " She asked anxiously

" I'm fine ... it's not contagious "

" no ... I mean are you alright ? "

" it happens occasionally , it's no big deal , really . Still , this is why I don't like coming to public places like this " Shinjiro said while looking around him

" you're allergic to coffee ... ? "

" no way , what're you thinking ?! I just don't want them to be uncomfortable around me " Shinjiro laughed wryly , but as he noticed Minako was anxiously staring at him , he said " Seriously , it's nothing , don't look so down "

"  now that I think about it , you were coughing when you saved me and Minato from the shadows in Shirakawa Boulevard "

" now you're ignoring me ? "

" are you sure it's no big deal ? "

" hey , you've seen me fight before , did I look like a sickly person to you ?! " Shinjiro said sternly

" uh ... no ? "

" good , then drop it . There's this thing about men , they hate it when someone makes them feel weak . You should know that from your brother "

" yeah ... " Minako decided not to press him anymore as he looked irritated by the subject " anyway , why did you come here ? "

" I'm buying coffee for cooking later , I'd already told you "

" well , it makes me so happy that you're cooking for us again "

" I get it , my cooking is delicious , you and your brother have said that like three times so far "

" it's not just delicious , it's filled with love ! "

" what ?! " Shinjiro blushed

" you pay attention to every little detail in your cooking , and you look for certain additives that no other person would pay attention to . I that reflects how much kindness is filling your heart ! "

" don't ... don't be stupid ! " Shinjiro stuttered from the overwhelming praise " a fighter's health is very important , so of course I need to pay attention to these details , that's all there is to it "

" so what're you cooking ? "

" I haven't decided yet "

" anyway , am I the only person who thinks the heat is rising here ? "

Minako fanned herself with her hand as she took another sip of her drink , which carried on into a long gulp . Shinjiro then noticed something was odd about Minako , as she looked sleepy and was blushing for no reason .

" hey ... are you alright ? "

" yeah ... " she said wearily " I just ... feel a little ... hot ... "

PERSONA 3 RED and BLUE ( COMPLETED ) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن