Fleeting happiness

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Akihiko had woken up as early as 04:00 and could never find sleep after that for the rest of the night , so he decided to grab his boxing gloves and go for a warmup . Before he knew it , he got carried away and continued practicing until the sun was beginning to rise . Seeing as how there was little point in trying to sleep after that , he decided to descend into the lounge . To his surprise , Ken was there as well , sitting with Koromaru by his side .

" you're early

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" you're early ... " Akihiko remarked as he approached him

" yeah ... I couldn't sleep ... " Ken said as he softly brushed Koromaru " an enemy that cannot be defeated ... no TV show has ever prepared me fro this ... "

" is it really impossible to defeat Nyx ? " Akihiko thought loudly , and as he saw Ken looking at him silently with confusion and surprise , he let a stiff chuckle " the more I think about it , the more I hate the idea that I cannot defeat it , and the more I want to fight it ... heh ... I guess I didn't change all that much after all , Shinji would probably mock me for thinking recklessly ... "

" I don't know ... I think Shinjiro-san will probably be the first to say that he will fight Nyx ... " Ken sighed " you weren't there to see him fight Takaya back ... "

" yeah ... well , I've made up my mind ... " Akihiko bumped his fists together " I'll fight ... I won't let Shinji call me a coward ! Nyx can't be defeated , to hell with that ! The only one who decides what enemy I can and can't defeat is me ! "

" Sanada-san ... " Ken felt a fire burn within him as he heard Akihiko's words and saw his face , he had the same gleam in his eyes he always had whenever he entered the ring " you know ... now that I think about it , even Koromaru would agree with Shinjiro-san ... he defended his master's resting place against a shadow that he could never defeat , and in doing so found the strength within himself to call a Persona ! "

" yeah , he looks ready to fight Nyx right now ! " Akihiko nodded with a smile as he saw Koromaru wiggle his tail excitedly and jump in place before Ken , then he turned to Ken " what about you ? Don't think of me or the others , think of your own life ... "

" well , I gave it some thought , and I want to fight , too ! " Ken said eagerly " if I die now , the only thing I can tell my mother in the afterlife is how I tried to kill Shinjiro-san , and caused all this trouble for the team and especially for Minako-san ! I want to fight , I want to achieve something in my life "

" I see ... "

" besides , now that I think about it , if I choose to have my memories erased , that would include my understanding of Shinjiro-san's conflict, and I don't want that ... "

" what are you boy's talking about this early in the morning ? " Minako's chirpy question interrupted their conversation

" we could ask you the same question , you're early today " Akihiko turned and stared at Minako and the extremely long scarf that she was carrying " what is that ? "

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