Ken Amada - Part 4

Start from the beginning

" you ... you know about that series , Minako-san? " Ken was a little calmer when he saw Minako wasn't making fun of him for watching it

" actually , I mostly know about it from Minato . He was obsessed with that series when he was your age , even though he used to try and hide it "

" really ?! " Ken's eyes were wide open upon hearing that

" yes ... one time I entered our room when we were kids , and saw him putting a paper mask on and pretending to transform in front of a mirror and ... ouch ! " Minako was interrupted by Minato tackling her head with his school bag

" none of that happened , you had caught a cold and hallucinated the whole thing " Minato said with a clearly irritant tone

" oh , are you sure about that ? " Minako turned to her brother with a teasing tone

" just as I'm sure I was sleepy and dreamt the conversation between you and Sugoi Sakura Hime sama Kawaii desu , or whatever your Mary Sue imaginary friend could have been "

" touché " Minako glared at her brother " they were both our imagination , and they never happened "

" glad to hear that " Minato went to his room .

" on a quick and definitely not intentional change of subject " Minako turned to Ken " are you hungry ? Why don't we go grab a bite together ? "

" huh ?! " Ken was shocked to hear her say that " with me ? "

" well , we still didn't get to talk about last night "

" I'm not sure I want to talk about it ... " Ken started , but his stomach began grumbling , and his face turned red


The two went to Iwatodai mall and entered one of the restaurants . Minako seemed to check her purse , before happily declaring that Ken could order whatever he wants and she would pay for it . After they settled down , Minako said she would go and wash her hands before ordering, when she came back , the waitress was approaching Ken who seemed nervous to be asked about what he wanted . She hurried to their table and ordered for herself , before asking Ken what he wanted , and he seemed more comfortable with responding to her . After the waitress left , Ken seemed upset with himself , but he denied it when Minako asked him about it .

Eventually the waitress brought the food to them . At first , Ken was eating slowly , but his speed gradually increased as he liked the food more and more . Minako found herself forgetting her food and just staring at Ken eating down his , until she noticed he was feeling uncomfortable swallowing the food and feared he may choke on it , so she offered him a glass of water and told him to slow his pace . Then , as he was beginning to clear his dish more and more , Minako could tell he was pushing aside the peppers and broccoli .

" you shouldn't be a picky eater " Minako remarked in a slightly stern way

" huh ... ?! Oh ... uh ... okay ... " Ken stuttered , then sighed " the way you said it , it reminded me of my mother a lot ... She died when I was little ... "

" oh ... I'm sorry ... "

" that's okay ... it wasn't your fault ... " Ken murmured , and Minako could see a slight hint of anger in his voice

" by the way ... " Minako opted for a change of subject as the she saw Ken becoming more upset " what do your classmate talk about ? When I was your age , Featherman Alpha was all the hype "

" well , they're still talking about it , it's Featherman R2 that's captivating their attention ... " Ken started rather disjointedly , but he seemed to show more interest as he continued to talk about it " last week , Featherman Hawk snuck into the enemy's base and planted a missile guidance system , but he was found and captured ! So Featherwoman Swan had to jump in and save him , but she also got captured ! And ...  ! And Hawk was upset by seeing his lover getting captured by the enemies and blamed himself for it ! However , Red came and rescued them all , before telling them that they're a team and must always work together and never stray on their own ! "

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