Velvet Bond - Part 1

Start from the beginning

" just wait until you try it " Minako softly pulled Theodore's hands

At first , Minako was a little worried about Theodore playing a difficult game , but he proved himself to be a quick learner , capable of grasping how the game works from two or three losses . He was excited to play these games , and even more thrilled with Minako cheering him up .

" That was awesome ! " Minako cheered Theodore " and I had no idea you were such a talented player , Theo ! "

" I'm honored " Theodore nodded proudly " it pleases me that my mistress is proud of my performance "

" This deserves a celebration ! " Minako guided Theodore to the second floor " I'll treat you to--"

" Wait , my lady ! " Theodore suddenly froze in place , Minako noticed his nervous eyes were fixated on the escalator " I've heard about this ... it's the escalator , you stand on it and it carries upward or downward "

" you know ... " Minako smiled kindly " I've been slacking off recently , what do you say we take the stairs instead ? "

" I ... of course , that would be more beneficial ... " Theodore let a sigh of relief

The two of them ascended to the food court of the mall . Minako was unfamiliar with that place , since she tends to go to Iwatodai strip mall whenever she crave food . As for Theodore , he was displeased by the fact that you had to order the food from the cashier directly as opposed to a waiter asking them what they want , and even after that they had to wait their food by the cashier and bring it to the table themselves . Minako explained that these are fast food restaurants and things work differently here , but she assured him that he was going to like the food in the end . Indeed , they were satisfied with their food. Minako was happily stuffing herself when she noticed Theodore staring at her .

" is there food on my face ? " Minako asked with a smile

" oh ... no ... forgive me for staring ... " Theodore stuttered and blushed

" Theo ... are you ... ? " Minako started , but as she saw how embarrassed Theo is she realized that he would probably faint if she asked him directly , so she rephrased her question " I ... I mean ... why did you ask me to show you around ? "

" I'm sorry for wasting your time , my lady ... "

" that's not it ! I just ... " Minako didn't know how to ask Theodore

" we are residents of the velvet room , we govern power , guide and watch over guests as they grow in strength . We don't concern ourselves with the ideologies of our guests and we don't interfere with their fate , we only observe and answer when requested . I don't know when it happened , but I started to have interest in your life and concerns about your fate . At first I thought it was a part of my role as your servant , but when you lost your control over your Persona and started attacking your friends , I was ready to break out of my role and directly interfere to save you ... "

" I ... I see ... " that night was a night Minako wished she could forget , but she was glad Theodore was worried about her " sorry for making you worry about me ... "

" that is not my cause of concern , I'm worried that I may have shamed the velvet room . My desire to break free of these rules , my curiosity to know more about you ... I feel like ... I feel like I'm unworthy of being your servant ... "

" Thoe ... please stop calling yourself a servant " Minako gave Theodore a kind and encouraging smile " you're my assistant , and my friend . And I couldn't possibly ask for a better assistant than you "

" thank you , my lady ... "

" besides , it makes me so happy that you want to know about my world and my life . Just tell me whenever you feel like it , and I'll take you for another walk , how's that sound ? "

" of course ... I look forward to that ... "


Mr. Slacker is back , everybody ! Sorry it took so long for this update , I will try to return to my previous momentum .

I wanted to publish this part earlier but I ended up slacking off and publishing other parts instead , before I knew it , it had almost been a month .

After that , it would be Elizabeth's turn , I have a feeling it would be much funnier than the day with Theodore , because I couldn't bring myself to make fun of such an awkward innocent boy like him . Stick around for Elizabeth to see how a day with her feels like . And if you enjoyed this part please considering voting , and remember to inform me which girl in Persona 3 deserves to date a door , and I will see you in the next part . Stay safe


The debate is closed , read the part about the results to find out who won

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