Master of hypnotisim - part 1

Start from the beginning

As Minato walked out of Paulownia mall , he noticed the people spacing out in public from Apathy Syndrome . He also noticed that they were in pairs . Wondering if that was the case in the last months , he made his way back to the dorm . On his way to the dorm he met Fuuka .

" oh ... Minato-san " she said nervously " um ... how're you feeling today ? "

" I've just returned from Paulownia mall after stocking up on first aid kits and checking the available gear in the police office , I made sure the SEES is prepared for anything "

" you're amazing ... I'm so nervous about the next full moon , but somehow when I look at you , I feel like we can overcome anything "

" it's tomorrow , the full moon , isn't it ? "

" yeah ... our senpais told me these full moon shadows appear outside of Tartarus , so I thought I could sense them if I took a stroll down the city , but I couldn't sense anything . Looks like we have no other choice but to wait for them to appear "

" don't strain yourself , relax "

" I ... It's my first full moon missions ... "

" you've already been there , and you saved us , Fuuka " Minato gave her an encouraging smile " lighten up , you got this "

" thank you ... " Fuuka smiled appreciatively " I'll do my best "


The next night , the SEES members and the chairman gathered up in the computer room . Fuuka had summoned Lucia and began scanning for shadows .

" I can see it ! " Fuuka exclaimed " I can see a strong shadow inside Shirakawa Boulevard ! "

" I see " the chairman said " the pairs of those suffering from Apathy Syndrome are couples ... it makes sense now "

" couples ... ? " Mitsuru thought it over slowly before realizing " oh ... I ... uh ... I get it ... "

" ooohhh ! " Junpei said excitedly " this should be fun! "

" why ? " Fuuka released her Persona " what do couples suffering from Apathy Syndrome have to do with Shirakawa Boulevard ? "

" it's a love hotel , Fuuka ! " Junpei laughed " where lovers go to do ... theeese things , if you know what I mean ! "

" wh—what ?! "

" you're the worst , Junpei ! " Yukari exclaimed

" that's not it " the chairman shrugged " it's just a regular hotel , the rooms are fancier , that's all "

" guys ! " Minako entered the room with a confused look on her face " my naginata broke in our last operation , and the only thing I found in the storage are Hockey sticks "

" well , you could be a good hooker in our operation ! " the chairman laughed , but when he saw that no one was laughing he tried to explain the pun " get it ? Hockey sounds like hooker , and we're going in Shirakawa Boulevard! "

" A—anyway ... " Minako ignored the pun " can I get a suitable weapon now ? "

" here " Minato handed her a naginata " you're breaking your weapons way too often , you know that ? "

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