My True Identity (1/5) [A Haven Story]

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These are some dark times, here in Haven. It turns out, the only way for the troubles to leave Haven is if Audrey goes into some supernatural barn with the Hunter comes.

The Hunter being a metro shower that comes every twenty-seven years. Nathan doesn't want Audrey to go into the barn, which goes against everyone else in Haven. But Nathan doesn't care, he loves Audrey too much than to let her go.

The day finally came, Audrey was going into the barn and Duke and Nathan did everything they could to keep her from going in. But members from the Guard came to make sure that she went in, to restore the peace in Haven for the next 27 years.

Members of the Guard has guns aimed at Duke, Audrey and Nathan. Dwight had Karissa and I in the car so that we weren't caught in the crossfire. But if this complication gets Duke hurt, and I could have done something about it, I don't know how I would live with myself.

"I can help this situation," I say.

"Look, Connie, I know you want to help. But there is nothing that you can do to stop this. The Guard.. they're merciless when it comes to the troubles. And if you go out there, wanting to stop them, then there is no doubt in my mind that Karissa will want to go out there too. I don't plan on seeing her get hurt." Dwight explains.

"Dwight, you're going to have to trust me when I say, I know what I'm doing." I say.

I look into his concerned, dark blue eyes and he sighs with defeat. He reaches into the back seat and pull out his shot gun. He loads and cocks it before walking out of the car. Karissa and I get out of the car as well and follow Dwight to the field where Nathan, Duke and Audrey are.

"Guys, wait." I say as we approach them.

"I am not waiting one more second, I have had it with these troubles. I want to be able to touch someone, to feel someone again. And if putting Audrey into that barn will do it, then I will shove her in, myself." Jordan threatens.

"Over my dead body," Nathan says.

"Then so be it." Jordan states.

"Guys stop, I have a solution that doesn't involve throwing Audrey into the barn." I say.

Everyone looks at me and Vince says:

"I'm sorry, but that's impossible. Audrey has to go in the barn, in order for the troubles to be gone."

"Temporarily gone." I retort.

"At least we have twenty seven years." Jordan says.

"What if I had something more permanent?" I ask.

"You can do that? How?" One person asks.

"By absorbing your power," I answer.

"That's impossible. The only person who has that trouble is.." Vince trails off when I show him my tattoo that is an infinity symbol inside another infinity symbol.


"My real name is Y/N Y/L/N, and I am Spanish royalty. My trouble is the ability to absorb someone else's trouble. About two years back, I moved here for Colorado, where I absorbed almost sixty-five thousand other troubles."

"If you're Y/N, then who is she?" Vince asks.

"She's no one," I say.

Multifandom!!! (Book 1) {CLOSED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt