Blast From the Past (A Scream: TV Series Story)

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Part Three:
"Wait, please, I'm sorry." He says.

"Sorry doesn't change what happened, Kieran."

He grabs both of my wrists and pulls me closer to him. His breath fans against my lips and before I had a chance to react, he slams his lips on mine. A part of me wanted to push him away and slap him for all of the pain that he had caused me. But the other part- the winning part- wanted to embrace him kissing me. My arms wrap around his neck as he walks me into a wall. He pins my arms next to me to pull away from lips and press them down my neck.

I hum as I lean my head back against the wall, until I realize something. Emma.

"Wait, what about Emma? Isn't she your girlfriend?" I ask breathlessly.

My claim is confirmed when he doesn't respond. I push him away from me and he says:

"Y/N/N, I'm... I'm so sorry. I don't know what is wrong with me. I.." He trails off to run his fingers through his hair.

"I won't tell anyone if you won't," I say.


"And I think that we should remain separate, for the night." I interrupt, still recovering from his kisses.

"Okay... alright.. goodnight, Y/N/N." He stumbles as he walks to his room.

"Goodnight, Kieran."

I turn off the light before setting the pillow along side of the arm rest of the chair before I lay on the couch. I pull the blanket over my body and sigh as I stare up at the bare ceiling. I am doing exactly what Thomas told me to do, and how Kieran kissed me. I think this is headed towards our life back to Atlanta all over again, and that cannot happen.

A yawn escapes my lips and I turn so that I am facing the door. I feel a sense of security if I am falling asleep facing the door. Some call it paranoid, I call it being cautious. My eyes weigh with sleep and I slowly succumb to it.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" The doctor asks as he sits down in his chair.

"Get that thing out of me," I say, glancing at my stomach with anger.

I'm not angry at the baby, he or she, didn't do anything wrong. It was Kieran and I who were responsible for creating it, I, just not ready to be a parent, especially now that Kieran called me a filthy whore and left town for a couple of days and my mother shunning me for getting pregnant at an early age. This is not a life that I want for this baby, and since it is barely even two weeks old, it makes it easier to terminate. This day will probably haunt me for the rest of my life.

"Miss Y/L/N," the doctor says, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"I asked if there was any family you  wanted to call so that you won't be alone after the surgery." He repeats.

"I have no family to call so," I state.

"The dad left town as soon as I told him, and my mother shunned me for getting pregnant in the first place." I add.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but are you sure you don't want to carry it to term and give it up for adoption?" He asks.


"Why not?"

"Because if I carry it to term and give birth to her,  then I fear that I would want to keep her. And I cannot afford to keep her. I'm sorry, but it has to be this way." I explain.

"Now when can we get this procedure over with?"


I've been in the hospital for the passed three days and I decide to go home, try to get my parents to talk to me again.

As soon as I open the door, I notice bags of my clothes packed near the door.

"D-Dad," I whimper.

I hear rustling of someone getting up from the couch.

"Y/N/N," he says with relief.

"You had me so worried, I haven't seen you in days," he says as he pulls me in for a tight hug.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can't hug you that hard with the baby huh?" He teases as he pulls away.


"I managed to persuade your mother that we should help you raise your baby since the father clearly won't do it." He explains, making tears prick my eyes.

"What's wrong, baby? Are those tears of joy?"

"I.." I trail off, scared of what he would say.

"I didn't keep the baby," I whimper.

"You what?" He says, his eyes dilating with anger.

"I'm sorry, I was scared. I didn't-" I am interrupted by him smacking me across the face.

More tears spill onto my cheeks as I cradle my stinging cheek.

"Get out of my house! We are Christians! It's bad enough you got knocked up by your crappy boyfriend, now you aborted the baby!" He yells, making me wince.

"We're done with you," He adds.

A sob escapes my mouth as I mane my way towards the door.

"You are the biggest disappointment I have ever seen," He calls after me.

I grab the bags of my clothes and glance up at the stairwell to see my mother looking at me with an ice cold face. I inhale sharply before opening the door. I stop in my tracks and glance over to see Dad's keys for his Buick and his wallet. I take the keys and as much cash that he has in his wallet, which so happens to be almost five hundred. I glance back at my mother and she walks back up the stairs, indicating that she doesn't care what I'm doing.

"Y/N," I hear a voice echo in my head.

A hands touch the sides of my arms and I grab them as I jolt awake.

"Y/N, stop. It's just me." I hear a voice say.

My eyes snap open and I am looking into a huge pit of darkness. I try to free my hands and stand from the couch, but something isn't letting me.

"Y/N/N, it's me, Kieran. Calm down." He says.

Surely you enough, when I look up I see Kieran's moderate green eyes.

"Hey," He says gently once he realized that I am calm.

I push his hand away and stand from the couch. I rub the sides of my arms anxiously as I walk over to the window. The sun is just barley peeking over the trees, which means that is nearly six or seven in the morning. My body trembles with fear from reliving the nightmare of my life. I feel a warm blanket being placed over my shoulders and he says:

"It was that bad huh?"

"You have no idea," I whisper.

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