It's Not What It Looks Like (1/2)

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There I sat in bed with my laptop, editing a article that Jughead sent me. Jughead and I became friends as soon as we saw each other. It's hard finding someone with the same passion for writing as I do. My fingers clicked rapidly against the keys as I leave comments along the sides of the article.

The wind whipped against my window and The rain banged furiously against the roof. Lighting ran through the sky, followed by thunder. With each strike, the foundation of my house shook slightly.

The heard a shuffle on the roof and I freeze in my spot. The shuffling grew louder and I suck in a breathe. I shut my laptop softly and reach into my drawer, where I keep my Glock. I find a dark corner of my room and stood in it as I watched someone open my window. The crawl through and collapse onto the floor. The large figure stands at an angle, he looks almost pained.

I load my barrel and say:

"Don't move."

The figure grunts and stands with his hands in the air. I move out from my spot in the dark corner and the figure sighs in relief. He shuffles towards the lamp and I say:

"Hey! I said 'don't move.'"

He turns on the lamp and says:

"Y/N/N, it's me."

I lower my gun as I realize it was Sweet Pea.

"Sweet Pea, what the hell? I could have killed you!" I whisper/scream.

He chuckles and says:

"I don't think so."

He sits down on my bed while holding the left side of his abdomen. I put my Glock back in the drawer and got a good look a Sweet Pea. He black clothes clung to muscular abdomen and his hair is soaked. His face was flushed from his medium tan, to a pale white. I can see a bruise starting to form underneath his right eye. The complex discoloration of purple and light green. His lip is busted and the right side of his face is starting swell. I softly touch his bruise and he winces. He holds back my hand back by my wrist and I ask:

"What happened to you, Sweet?"

"The Northside happened." He says.

His swollen cheek is already interfering with his speaking. Which means that he has been like this for at least an hour.

"The Northside did this to you. What? Did they jump you or something?" I ask.

He huffs and says:

"Andrews came into our territory two nights ago. And when we confronted him, he shoved a gun in our faces, and threatened to shoot us. So we back off, and waited until tonight. We went to his door and we were ready to fight. We found an abandoned place and we threw down. When things were looking rough for them, his girlfriend shot a gun into the air and we hopped into our cars; and drove away. When I came home, and my dad found out..." He trails off and lifted up his shirt for me to see masses of bruising along the left side of his abdomen.

"Oh my gosh, Sweet." I say.

"Nah, it's fine. This is what happens when you're in a gang." He defends.

"No, it's not okay, Sweet. This all happened one day. That's too much to handle." I say.

"Then you don't want see me after the Serpent initiation." He jokes.

My face remains serious.

"This isn't funny, Sweet."

His chocolate brown eyes look up into mine.
I notice the cut at the corner of his left eye.

"That's going to need some stitches."

He bows his head and huffs.

"Yea. I figured."

"You can just take your shower. There are fresh towels on the rack. I came sneaky into my mom's room and grab a pair of Dad's clothes that Mom still keeps." I say.

He nods and I turn to walk away until I was spun back against his chest.

"Thank you." He says softly.

I run my fingers through his sopping wet hair.

"No problem." I say with the same softness.

His eyes light up slightly and caress his check with the back of my hand. He leans into my touch but instantly regrets it. He grunts in pain and said:

"I should have done that."

I chuckle and walk away to my Mom's room. The door is ajar, so it makes it easier to sneak in. I slowly opened her drawer and pulled out Dad's sweatpants and T-shirt. I walk back out of the room, leaving everything in the same place I found it. I walk into my room and I hear the shower running followed by a trail of curse words. My assumption is the water pressure pounding on his cuts and bruises.

I walk to the kitchen and warm up the Chicken Alfredo Mom made for dinner. Then I make a cup of hot cocoa for him. My family's traditional hot cocoa consists of normal hot cocoa, whip cream and bits of peppermint candy canes. I put the Alfredo and hot cocoa on a platter and walk upstairs with it.

I walk into my room to reveal Sweet Pea in my Dad's sweatpants. He is bent over as he dries his raven black hair with the towel. And I must say, the view isn't bad either. I tilt my head to the side as I look at how nice those sweatpants makes his ass look. I clear my throat and he stands straight up. That's when I notice he doesn't have a shirt on.

Oh boy.

He turns around to face me. His skin tone restored and his cheek inflammation went down. He tosses the towel in the dirty basket and says:

"That was probably the best, yet most painful shower I have ever had."

I hand him the platter of food.

"Oh, you're a goddess." He praises as he devours the Chicken Alfredo.

I pull out the First Aid Kit and look at the clock to see if was 12:10 AM. Thank God it was Friday, well technically Saturday.

He held the hot cocoa in his hands and took a couple sips. I open up the First Aid Kit and dabbed some alcohol on the cotton ball. He sets down the hot cocoa and braces himself.

I run some alcohol on the cut on the corner of his eyebrow. He hisses in pain and grunts in pain.

"Sorry." I say.

I push the thread through the sowing needle and gave him a look. I push the needle through his flesh and continue stitching together the separated skin.

Once I was finished he collapses onto the bed with exhaustion.

"Should I get you some ice for those?" I ask referring to bruises on his abdomen.

"No." He says.

"Can we please go to sleep now?" He adds.

I nod and slip under the covers. He mimicked my actions and I reached over to silence my phone.

I move around to find my comfortable position.
The bed creaked underneath my movements and he huffed.

"Sorry. I just-"

He interrupted my words by pulling me into his chest. His chest sunk slightly as my head rests against it. His heartbeat soothes me and my eyes finally start to grow heavy. His hands rests loosely on my hips and we both fade off to sleep.

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