Mourning Part Two

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Once we go to his room, he closes the door. He sat down on the bed, whereas I stood.

"I know... about Dreamer and everything else that has happened; Shatter filled me in." I state.

"It's one thing for Pulse to resurface and he dies but Dreamer..... she... s-she sacrifices herself for the Strucker kids and that only made me think of you. You got the Sentinel Services off our trail and went missing ever since. We didn't know what to think besides the worst. Like what if they caught you and turned you into their hounds. Or worse, they killed you..." John rants.

He sniffles and I cup the sides of his face. I press a lingering kiss on his forehead. He sigh and pulls me closer to him for a hug. He presses his face against my stomach and holds the back of my thighs.

"I can't take anymore loss. I just can't, Y/N/N." He croaks.

"Let it out, Johnny. Don't bottle it in anymore." I say while I run my fingers through his hair in a soothing manner.

Then, he finally let go. His body shook as he sobbed.

"As a leader, everything that goes wrong is my fault. When the Strucker kids, Blink and Dreamer were all captures; it was my fault. When Dreamer was killed, it was my fault. When that telepath got into our heads and turn us against each other, it was my fault. Everything is my fault." He rants.

"No it's not your fault, Johnny. You can't save everyone." I say.

"But it's so much easier if I do. No more loss. No more crying. I just want me and the people that I am in charge of, to be happy." He states.

"We're in a world where happiness comes few by the dozen." I say.

"When the victories come- and the victories will come- we take them and run with them. We appreciate the small victories because if we don't, we will all go insane." I add.

"You're not alone in this fight, John. Everyone is shaken from the loss of Dreamer. Right now, they don't need a leader; they need a friend."

He looks up at me and I wipe away his tears with my thumb.

"I missed your advice." He states.

I smile down at him and presses a kiss to my hand. The door to his room opened and I turn around to see the same purple haired girl, I believe her name is Blink.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, am I interrupting?" She asks frantically.

"No, you're fine." John states.

He stands from his spot on the bed and asks;

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Everything is fine.... well actually no it's not. The telepaths are here." She states.

"What?" John states as he squeezes my hand.

I look up at him to see his jaw clench and his eyes darken. We all walk downstairs to see the triplets all wearing the same thing. He stand on the main stairs and say hello in unison.

"Well that's creepy." I mumble.

Shatter, Lorna and Marcos stand next to John and I.

"What are you doing here?" John asks.

"We need your help." One of the Triplets says.

"And why the hell should we help you?" Lorna snaps.

"Oh? Perhaps we should use one of you as leverage?" The triplet taunts.

"No." I say strongly.

"Oooh. She looks strong." A triplet states.

"Where did she come from, Johnny?" Another triplet asks.

"None is your damn business." I snap.

"Feisty... maybe we should use you as leverage."

All of their eyes glow and John says:

"No! Leave her alone."

He steps in front of me. They all raise their hands towards him and he groans in pain as he collapses to the floor.

"John!" Marcos, Lorna and I say in unison.

I step in front of him and notice his eyes glowing a light blue, like the triplets. Anger boils under my skin and I face the triplets.

"Let him go." I say with seriousness lacing my voice.

"Awww. You're angry we messed with your boyfriend?" They taunt.

My fists clench together and they try to go the same thing to me. Once they realized they couldn't, their eyes are laced with confusion. My eyes glow a bloody orange and with my infrared vision, I was able to see their brain activity. I raise my palm towards them and warm winds whipped through the warehouse.

I slowly curl my fingers and as that happens, their eyes stop glowing and they double over in pain. They grab their heads as they shriek in pain.

I hear murmurs all around me but I keep curling my fingers. The triplet plead for me to stop, but I keep going. I don't show any mercy to those who hurt the people I care about.

"Y/N/N." I hear John say.

"Y/N/N Stop." I hear Lorna say.

John steps in front of me and I immediately drop my hand. My eyes turn back to normal and the warm winds stop. I look around me to see everyone looking all disheveled.

"Is everyone okay?" I ask.

They all nod and a teenager states:

"That was awesome!"

I look back to the triplets to see them unconscious on the main stairs.

"How did you....?" John asks.

"Something I learned." I say.

"No messes with the people that I care about." I add.

John smiles as he tucks a curl behind my ear. He presses his forehead against mine and says:

"Welcome back, Y/N/N."

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