Don't Test Me (2/4)

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I jump into a ax kick and slam my foot on his forearms. His grip on her weakens and I go in between them once I have the chance. I press my hands onto the side of the ship and lean my weight on them. I kick the man once in the chest and again in the face.

He charges toward me with a series of punches; I step backwards and dodge each of his blows. I slam my elbow into his back and he face plants on the ship. I rush to kick him again but he moves out the way just in time. He kicks my legs out from under me and my head smacks against the concrete.

"Johns, leave her alone!" I hear the young girl say.

He swings his legs over me and reaches down to wrap his hands around my throat. I grab his wrists before he could get a chance and I throw him onto his side. I kick him in the groin and watched as his face strained with pain.

I straddle him and punch him in the continuously. He throws me off of him and quickly jumps to his feet. He rushes to me again and I do a trick that I learned many years ago.

I knife strike his chest and his throat all in one quick motion. His hands come up hold to clutch his throat and his eyes widens in fear as he realizes that he can't breathe. He starts to wheeze and he stumbles backwards until he finally hits the ground.

"What happened? What did you do to him?!" The skinny, blonde woman asks.

I motion for her to calm down before I say:

"Calm down, I have this all under control."

I crouch down beside Johns' and say:

"You feel that? That's your lungs going into distress. You have about... thirty seconds until you die."

I wait until I see his eyes dilate to the size of saucers before I stand up. I fold my arms across my stomach and add:

"Quite frankly, I don't care whether or not you die. Personally, I don't want a condescending asshole leading us off this rock, I don't care how strong you think you are. We will do just fine without you. You have about fifteen seconds left, just letting you know."

"How can you speak so calmly about death?" The young girl asks.

"It's a long story, but all you need to know is that I want to get off this planet as much as you do and that I will help however I can. I'm just clipping off unnecessary weight." I justify.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five..."

"Stop! Just stop, okay? We need him! He's our only hope.." the skinny, blonde woman pleads.

I sigh and roll my eyes before I gently press on the sides of his neck, releasing the pressure from his lungs. I lift him up by his collar and whisper:

"You are alive because I allowed it... think about that the next time you feel the urge to put your hands on either of us."

He collapses to the ground once I let go of his collar. I walk back into the ship to scavenge my belongings.

"She's badass." I hear the young girl say.

"She's crazy." The skinny blonde says.

"I'm both." I call from the ship.


Hours of passed and we have came up with nothing. And I am not planning on dying on this rock. I lift up some debris and continue to search for the survival bag that I know I brought with me. I huff and place my hands on my hips as I think.

Something tells me to look up, and sure enough there sat my duffel bag on the ledge. I reach up on my tippy toes and try to grab the bag. I growl with annoyance and tried jumping up to get my bag.

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