Don't Test Me (3/4)

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Riddick clenches his jaw and turns to face Johns. He steps in front of me protectively as John asks:

"What, were you two going cuddle or something?"

"What we do or don't do is none of your damn business." Riddick snaps.

"Look... the only reason why I'm here is because Fry wanted your help with something." Johns justifies.

I lift myself off of the wall and Johns moves to show my where to go. I stop to look over my shoulder and say:

"You comin'?"

Riddick puts his goggles back on and follows us to the room.

"There will be an eclipse at any minute now and we need to prep ourselves." Fry states once I walk into the room.

I lean my side onto the wall and cross my ears as I face her.

"Prep ourselves for what?" I ask.

"Zeke is dead. Something killed him." Shazza say, narrowing her eyes at Riddick.

My eyebrows furrow in defensiveness.

"Is there something you'd like to say, Shazza?" I ask.

"I'm just simply stating what I think." She justifies.

"But with an implication.... who do you think killed Zeke?" I say.

She crosses her arms and looks at me.

"Do I really have to say it?" She asks.

"I know what you think, and you're wrong... but I just want to see if you have the balls to actually say it." I taunt as I step closer to her.

"I think that if it walks like a duck, acts like a duck, looks like a duck; it's a duck." She says, whispering the last part for effect.

I grab her by the collar and slam her against the wall.

"Y/N! That's enough." Fry commands.

In spite, I wrap my fingers around Shazza's throat and slide her up the wall.

"Y/N, I said that's eno-" She says as she reaches to touch my arm.

I let go of Shazza and slam Fry against the wall in one quick movement.

Johns moves to defend her until Riddick steps in front and twirls his blade in between his fingers.

"There's something out there, and that is what killed Zeke. Riddick didn't do anything wrong; at least not today anyway." I say.

"What makes you so sure?" Imam asks.

"Because Riddick was with me when Zeke was killed. I think you've got the wrong killer." I state.

"And don't touch me." I whisper to Fry before I let go of her.

She drops to the ground, but jumps to her feet soon after. She gets in my face and I wait for her to throw the first punch, but she didn't.

She walks back to where she was and I retreat to leaning back on the wall.

I feel body heat radiating onto my back and a arm extended beside mine.

"That was hot." Riddick whispers to me.

A smirk plays on my lips and I return my attention to the briefing.


We have the energy capsules in the truck and we were now getting ready to take them back to the ship. Until the solar eclipse happened, and the light is slowly pulling away from the sky. Right in that moment, we heard multiple high pitched chirps.

We all look up to see little animals flying in the sky. My lips part in amusement when I see them moving as a flock. I am snapped out of gaze when I here Paris say:

"This is just a suggestion; but perhaps you should flee!"

I waited until Jack passed to start running.

"Get down!" I hear Fry shout.

Before I could react, Riddick tackles me to the ground and covers me as the flock of animals rush passed us.

"What the hell was that?" I ask Riddick.

"They are the least of our problems." He says.

I look into the sky to see them flying away. I try to stand up, only to be yanked down by Riddick. He pulls me underneath him and I say:

"What are you..."

I trail off when I see Riddick pointing towards the sky, signaling me to look up. When I do so, I see Shazza running towards the trailer, where Imam, his two kids, Jack, Fry, Paris and Johns stood safely.

"No, Shazza! Get down!" I hear Jack shout.

The flock of animals came back and surrounded her, ripping into her in the process. She shrieks as they impaled her and devoured what's left.

My mouth gapes open in shock of what I just saw. Riddick gets up and pulls me to my feet. He pushes me forward so I could run to the trailer.

"Oh my God." I say under my breath.

"Come on Y/L/N, don't go soft on me now." Riddick says as he passes me.

I close my eyes as I run my fingers through my hair. I mentally give myself a pep talk before I follow the group.

"What the hell was that?" John asks.

"Those were only the babies, can you imagine how the grown ups are?" I ask.

"Poor Shazza." Jack states.

Riddick and I exchange a look before we roll our eyes.

"She was a bitch." We say in unison.

They all look at us in horror and we just shrug our shoulders. They search for a room and Riddick went to check for any raptors in the ship.

I gasp when we heard a louder, more mature screech. Fry points the flashlight in the direction where we heard the screech. The light blinds Riddick and he collapses to the floor, revealing and large raptor like creature.

Johns shoots at the raptor and and that's when we figured out that light actually hurt these raptors.

Then we collect as many lights as we can before  we start running back to the ship. The raptors already killed Paris, Johns and another one of Imam's boys. They're getting more blood thirsty by the minute.

We took a small break because most of the group was beginning to get tired.

"Why do they keep following us?" Fry asks breathlessly.

"The girl is bleeding, they've gotten her scent locked the moment we left the ship." Riddick says as he tucks his fingers on the top of his tank top.

"What the hell are you talking about? Fry is not cut." John's states.

"Not her. Her." Riddick says motioning to Jack.

Oh crap. She's on her period.

I physically face palm and everyone looked at Jack.

"I'm sorry, I thought that if everyone sees me as a guy that it would be better!" Jack justifies.

"I'm sorry." Fry says as he comforts her.

I look to Riddick and subconsciously ask:

"What are supposed to do now?"

It almost seemed like Riddick read my mind when he shrugged his shoulders.

We decided to keep running until it started to rain. Riddick laughs wryly at the fact and asks Imam:

"Where's your God now?"

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