This Can't Keep Happening (2/3)

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I stare down at the three pregnancy tests that all say the same thing: positive. My lungs burn from the lack of oxygen entering them. I rest my face in my hands as I sit on the toilet of the girls bathroom. I tuck the tests in my purse pocket and wash my hands before leaving the bathroom.

I walk into Hotch's office and close the door as well as shut the blinds. "Y/N, is everything alright? What's going on?" Hotch asks. I pull out the pregnancy tests and set them on his desk. His mouth gaped open as he stares down at them. "You'll have my letter of resignation by the end of the day," I say before making my way to the door.

"Wait, Y/N." He says as he stands from his desk. "No, Hotch. I'm not going to wait. We were reckless. We didn't use any protection and now we have to suffer with the consequences. We have reputation we must uphold and if this gets out, then we're both done for. Which only leaves us with one option." I state. "What's that?" "I move to a disclosed location with a new alias where I can raise this child without any drama or danger." I say.

"What? No, Y/N. Meet me tonight at the Hampton and we'll talk about this." He says as he reaches for my hand. I pull away from him and say, "This happened because we didn't talk about it. We didn't do any talking at all. We didn't talk about a condom, we just had unprotected sex."

"I'll be out of Virginia in a week tops. You may only say your goodbyes through a letter on my doorstep. I can't see you or touch you, because then it'll make me question my decision." I add, tears pricking my eyes.

Hotch walks me into the door and brushes the hairs out of my face. "No, Hotch, please." I beg. He holds the side of my face and presses a soft kiss on my forehead. "I l-" "Don't. Don't say it." I say, looking into his eyes. "You might want to hide those. You wouldn't want them to find out, would you?" I add before walking out of his office.

Just as I said, I was finished moving out of my house by the end of the week. I just finished sending out a mass text to my close family members talking about the recent move and not to worry. I have the final box in my hand when I open the door to see a letter tucked underneath my doormat. I look around to see if Hotch was nearby and thankfully he wasn't.

I take the letter and hold it against the box as I make my way towards the car. I then see a note taped to the steering wheel. I look closer to see that the note says, "I love you, please don't you forget that." Tears run down my cheeks and I set the box in the back of my U-Haul before closing it.

A part of me wanted to read the letter, but another part of me knows that if I do, then I wouldn't want to leave. I place a hand over my stomach and tuck the letter and the note in between the two seats. I turn on the car and back out of my driveway for the last time.

** (Five Years Later)

I walk onto the back deck to watch the sun set. The sunsets are always the most beautiful here in Hawaii. I feel (Y/C/N)'s small hands on my leg before she says, "Are you okay, Mommy?" "Of course, koʻu pua nani." I say. I kneel down next to her and pull her in for a tight hug. "You ready to go to bed?" I ask. She nods and I add, "okay, go get Miss Xena."

Miss Xena is Y/C/N's Teddy Bear that she takes everywhere. Miss Xena also has a tracking chip and camera in her eyes. Y/C/N also has tracking chips on her earrings. You can't be too careful nowadays. I lock all of the doors and windows before tucking Y/C/N for bed.

(Aaron's P.O.V.)
Laying in my bed, I stare up at the ceiling until my alarm to get up sounds. From then all the way to the BAU headquarters are the same: get up, get dressed, pour some coffee, eat some breakfast, say goodbye to Jack and get to work. There's nothing that gives me life meaning anymore aside from Jack. Haley is dead, and Y/N moved halfway across the world, as far away from me as possible.

I walk into the conference room and my heart sunk when I see the letter that I wrote to Y/N in copies displayed on the screen. On another screen, I see a dead woman that looks a lot like Y/N. "What is this?" I ask, praying that this wasn't real. "Did you write that letter to Y/N, Hotch?" Gideon asks. "Is that Y/N? What happened? Who killed her?" I ask frantically.

"It isn't Y/N, but it is a woman who looks a lot like her. Which also means that she is being targeted. Do you know where she is?" Derek asks. "No.. no, I.. she didn't tell me." "Did you write this letter?" Gideon repeats. "Yes, I did. Y/N and I were having an affair while I was with Haley. We don't have anytime to judge. We need to find Y/N before it's too late." I say.

"Were you the reason why she left?" Garcia asks, tears building in her eyes. "Yes-" She storms out of the room angrily and I add, "We have to find Y/N. Morgan can you make sure that Garcia is working on finding her." Morgan nods hesitantly before leaving the room.

About two hours later, Garcia was able to locate Y/N and we contacted the Hawaiian Police Department to escort her back in Virginia.

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