Fresh Start (3/6) [A Haven Story]

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My eyes started to roll to the back of my head and my body began to shake as if I was having a seizure. I inhale a raspy breath and images of my past started to flood through my brain.

First memory:
My eyes snap open as I hear a faint thunk! from the room next to me. I squint in the dark as my eyes dilate. I sit up in the dark and I gasp when I hear the wooden floor board creak. I clamp a hand over my own mouth to prevent another noise to give me away.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and tip toe into the dark corner and hide in there. I wait patiently for the person to walk into my room.

The person is an tall and broad shouldered man. He is wearing all black clothing, including a black mask and black gloves. My heart races and my eyes widen as I see a shiny object in his hands, from the structure of it, it looks like a knife. A knife that was slick with someone's blood.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." The man says, his voice is deep and raspy.

"You can't hide in here forever, sweetheart." He adds when I don't answer him.

He turns toward the corner that I am in and my blood runs cold in my veins. His mask stretches around his face and he smiles mischievously.

"Caught ya," He says.

He steps forward and aims the knife at me. I step to the side and grab the wrist of the hand that has the knife. I slide my hand up and his arm and held his wrist tightly. I pop his elbow out of his socket and place a hand on his forehead, burning his eyes out before he could release a single yell.

I take the man's name from his corpse and trot out of the rooms. I peek my head out from my door and look from side to side for any other threat. I heard the sound of my father crying and I immediately look into that direction.

I cautiously walk into Dad's room and saw him holding my mother corpse, who has a deep gash in her throat. There was a man standing over my father as he held her body. Her blood trickles out of her neck and onto her clothing. The light has completely left her chocolate brown and tears of shock brims in my eyes.

"Please, don't make my daughter an orphan." My father says with tear-stained cheeks.

The man raises his knife to slice at my father and I run up to him and pressed the bloody knife against his throat.

"Don't move,"

The man freezes and slowly turns to me. I still press the knife against his throat and I look into his grayish/blue eyes. I gasp and I pull away as I realize who this is: my fiancé, Chandler.

"Chandler," I say with disbelief.

"I'm sorry, baby. But you are already powerful. I can't have your mother and father teaching you have you to use your trouble; it'll only make you even stronger." He says.

"Did you ask for my hand in marriage, just to kill my parents?" I ask, hurt lacing my voice.

"No, well partially. I mostly wanted to marry you for the amazing sex, but I guess this would be a one-and-done relationship." He says.

My breathing started to get uneven and my hand started to glow. The knife clattered to the ground and both of my hand started to glow brighter as I stared down at them.

I look at Chandler with glowing eyes and he grabs my father with the back of his neck.

"Move a muscle and I kill him," he threatens.

"Te quiero mucho, Channah." My father says.

"Te quiero mucho tambien, Papa." I say.

He nods to me, signaling me to use my powers against Chandler, even it if kills him. I scream as I send thick beams of light towards Chandler. His knife slipped from his hand and the impact of the light beams sent him flying through the window. Our rooms were one of the highest floor on the castle, which is bad luck for him.

My eyes and hands went back to normal and I look over to my father to see a large shard of glass in the side of his neck.

"Dad!" I say, sliding to my knees next to jinx

"No, no, no, Dad!"

I cradle his body in my lap and he takes my hand into his.

"You have to run. They stop coming for you, they see you as too much  of a threat. Look for the tattoo."He says weakly.

"Who? What tattoo?"

"The.. Guard..." he says in his final breath.

His body went limp in my arms and his eyes stayed open as the light left them. I close them with my hand and slowly rock him in my arms as I cry.

Another memory:
I just finished dying my hair burgundy red and changed my entire wardrobe. I went from dressing like a Royal to dressing like a lumberjack's wife. I changed my identity and my main trouble. Since I have absorbed three different trouble in all twenty years of my life, i have options to choose from.

Now my name is Karmen Nadherny and my trouble is that manipulate the thoughts of others to my liking. A trouble that may come in handy for someone on the run.

I subtly approach a taxi with my three duffel bags worth of clothes, weapons and other essentials.

"How fast can you get me three states over?" I ask.

"To what, Connecticut?" He asks with disbelief.


"That'll be about eight hours," He states.

I pull out a wad of twenty one hundred dollar bills and show it to him.

"I'll double it if you can get there in half the time." I say.

His eyes widen and he takes the wad of bills into his hands. He pulls one of the bills out of the rubber band and looked at it from an upward angle.

Once he realizes that it was real, he asks:

"Who are you?"

"I'm just.. a woman who likes to travel." I say with a small smile.

I jolt awake with a gasp. The sentence 'a woman who likes to travel' echoes through my mind and slowly fades away. I'm still in the chair that was I in and Boyd was still asleep in the bed. I glance over at the clock and it read 4:15 am, which means that I was in whatever state I was in, for forty five minutes.

"I know who I am now, and I know why I am here." I say to myself.

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