Welcome to Beverly Hills (4/6) [An All American Story]

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"Y/N/N," I hear someone whisper.

When I don't respond, the same voice whispers:


I groan and turn my body away from the person. I feel a hand push my hair over my shoulder and immediately open my eyes with alarm. Spencer never plays around with my hair while I'm sleeping- Spencer never plays around with my hair, period. I jump up and push away the hand. I put up my hands defensively and the figure stands up with his hands up in surrender.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, take it easy." The voice soothes.

I rub the sleep out my eyes and look to see Asher in normal clothes.

"Asher, what the hell are you doing in here? How long have you been in here?" I ask sharply.

"Not long at all, I just got in here. Jordan is throwing a party here later on tonight, and there will be a lot of people there. I wanted to make sure that you're awake or you lock the door so no douchebag would try anything stupid." He explains.

"Oh.." I say.

I yawn as I run my fingers through my hair.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

He chuckles before saying:

"You were out for ten hours... maybe I should try drinking warm milk if I can sleep ten hours straight."

I roll my eyes at him and pull off my blanket. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stand up. I adjust my shirt and shorts and look up to see Asher still staring at me.

"You can go now," I say.

"Right, sorry." He says.

He walks out and I collapse back on the bed with annoyance before I brush my teeth and get ready for the party.

He walks out and I collapse back on the bed with annoyance before I brush my teeth and get ready for the party

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I glance at myself in the mirror one last time before I walk out the door. I pull my hair into a ponytail as I walk down the hall. Jordan started to play some hype music and I walk into the living room to see a small group of people starting out.

"I'm surprised she didn't slap you, dog. She don't play around when it comes to her sleep." Spencer says to Asher.

"She was about to." Asher says with a smile.

He looks up from at me and his gorgeous ocean blue eyes burrow into my dark brown ones. He doesn't look like he is going to break eye contact anytime soon, so I break it for him. I pull a pool stick from the case and rub the stubbed against the tip of the stick. I approach the group of guys and say:

"Hey, do mind if I play?"

"Anything for a babe like you. If you want any pointers, I will gladly give you some." One guy says with a smile.

"Alright, you break." I say to the main guy.

He leans over the pool table and breaks the triangle of balls.

"I'll be striped," I say as I lean over the pool table and position the pool stick in between my middle finger and my ring finger.

I hear wolf whistles from some guys and I ignore them as I hit the ball into the socket. The guys murmurs as I continue to hit the balls into the socket with ease. When I finally mess up, I say:

"Your turn,"

The guy messes up sooner than I thought and it was my turn again.

"Maybe I should be the one giving you some pointers." I tease.

"Ha! Very funny." He says sarcastically.

We look at each for a little while until I stare down at the floor. I lick my lips in thought and I look up to see Asher staring right at me again. I set the pool stick on the table and walk towards him.

"Is there a problem?" I ask.

"No, there's no problem." He states.

"Are you sure, because you keep staring over there. And that either means you want to say something to me or that you want to play pool. So.. which is it?" I ask.

Before he could say anything, the doorbell rings. Jordan opens the door and lets in at least thirty more people in.

"You weren't kidding when you said there would be a lot of people." I say.


Spencer yells:


The crowd yells in amusement and Spencer approaches me with two shots in his hands. He gives me one and says:

"Bottoms up, sis."

We clink cups and he walks away. Before a drop of liquor could touch my tongue, Asher takes the cup away from me and tosses it in the trash.

"Dude, what the hell?!" I exclaim.

"Believe me, you don't want to drink that shot." He says.

I look around to see mostly everyone drinking the shots, including his girlfriend Leila.

"Why not? Is the shot laced with something?" I ask.

Asher crosses his arms and looks to Jordan.

"I'll take that as a yes," I say.

"Just don't drink the shots." He says before walking away.

"Gee, thanks. Ya douche." I say before I make my way back to the pool.


The next day, Spencer had one hell of a headache; but he didn't want any Advil because it could make him tired before practice. Throughout the day, I've seen a whole lot more people with headaches, me, Jordan and Asher, not behind one of them.

I sigh as I sit upon the cold bleachers outside. Today was the scrimmage and Spencer wasn't looking too hot out on the field. He talks to Jordan and Asher on the sidelines and Coach Billy yells at them to get back on the field.

From the way Spencer moved, one of them definitely said something to piss him off. I watch as Spencer completely bulldozed Asher on the field. He lands straight on his side and he abruptly stands. He gets all up in Spencer's face and I made that my business. I pack up my things and dart down the bleachers.

The rest of the football team were surrounding Spencer and I throw my book bag on the ground. I place myself from between the other football players and Spencer.

"What the hell you guys think you are doing? This is a scrimmage, not a fight club." I say.

"Get the hell out of here," one of the football players say.

"Oh, I'm really hoping that you are willing to make me." I challenge.

He steps forwards and I do the same.

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