Collateral Damage (A Beauty and the Beast Story)

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A/N: This is another story altogether from the previous Zach story, but they are intertwined in some ways.

Part One:
Vincent has clearly moved onto Catherine, just as I predicted he would. Whereas I am happy with Zachary. Something has been holding me back from moving forward with him. And for the longest time, I thought that it was my lingering feelings for Vincent; but now, I finally realized that it was me holding myself back out of fear of what will happen if I trust Zachary. Though I do love him more than I can imagine, being doubtful of people has always been second nature for me, and it is hell of a hard habit to break.

But now it is time to move forward and push passed my own doubts. Zachary told me that he was on his way back with my favorite kind of takeout: Japanese. Which gave me plenty of time to give him a surprise for when he got home.


A smirk plays on my lips as I hear the door of our apartment creak open and his keys jingling in his hands.

"Y/N, are you home?" He calls.

"Yes, I'm here." I call from the bedroom.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'll be right out." I say.

"I got you some chopstick Miss Chopstick Queen," He says, I could practically hear him smiling through his voice.

"Aw, aren't you thoughtful." I say, giving myself on last look in the mirror.

My hair is out and flowing passed my shoulders in a messy, yet sexy way. I am wearing one of Zach's button up shirts with nothing underneath. I hear Zach turn on the TV and him sigh as he sits down on the couch. I walk out of the bedroom and slowly made my way towards him as I say:

"What do you say that we have a little dessert first, before we eat dinner?"

"I was hoping you would say that, I also bought ice..cream..." He trails off as his eyes land on me.

Unable to focus on one thing, Zach looks all over the place and his face becomes flustered.

"Uh.. Y-Y/N," he stumbles as he stands up from the couch.

I 'gently' shove him back onto the couch and he groan in surprise. I softly straddle his waist and slowly begin to unbutton his shirt.

"Oh God, I can't believe this is really happening." He says under his breath, earning a chuckle from me.

I completely unbutton his shirt and it falls to the ground, leaving me fully bare on his lap. He runs his fingers through my hair and pulls me in for a rough kiss as he tugs on the back of my neck. His tongue caresses my bottom lip as his hands trail down my body.

He hums deeply and stands from the couch. He tights his grip on my thighs and didn't stumble on a single step as he walks to the bedroom.


Running on the treadmill at the gym, I hear my phone vibrate against the hollow metal of the treadmill. I place each foot on the edges of the treadmill before I answer my phone.


"We need your help at the American Legion Pool and Bar, like now!" JT yells over the phone.

"Whoa, JT calm down. What's going on?"  I ask.

"Zach and Vincent are fighting and they're starting to beast out. People are starting to notice, and I need your help because they're not listening to me." He states.

"Okay.. okay, I'm coming. Just try not to get yourself hurt, would you?" I say before hanging up.

I jog to the locker room and grab my jacket, water bottle and phone before I sprint down the street to the American Legion Pool and Bar. My beast speed starts to kick in when I realize the seriousness of the situation. In under ten minutes, I arrive and pull apart  Zachary and Vincent. Their faces were completely shifted and their eyes were beginning to glow.

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