Beach Day (3/5) [An All American Story]

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I gaze the crowds of Spencer's family and friends and notice Jordan sitting in a chair with just Dillon talking to him. He stares down at his phone and scrolls through whatever social media he is on.

I stand from Spencer's lap and he asks:

"Where you going?"

"To talk with your friend from Beverly Hills. I'll be back." I say.

I walk over to the cooler and grab two Ginger ales. I approach Jordan, who was still on his phone. His eyes dart up from his phone and onto me. His brow furrows as he looks from where I originally was to where I am now.

"Why aren't you over there with the guys?" I ask, handing him a Ginger ale.

"I dunno.. I just don't feel like I belong here, ya know? I'm just here to try and get to know Spencer because he is one of the new people to the football team. But.." he trails off.

"I dunno." He adds with a sigh.

"Well at least you're trying. We can toast to that right?" I ask.

He pops the can open and I do the same. We both clang our cans together and take a sip from our Ginger ales.

"What's good, Y/N/N?" Dillon says, extending his hand.

I slap n' lock his hand as I say:

"Not much, you?"

"I'm Gucci; I'm just keeping Beverly Hill here some company." He says.

"The name's Jordan," Jordan corrects.

I chuckle at them before I say:

"Well I don't mind keeping Jordan company. Go mingle." 

Dillion nods before walking away.

"So.. are you and Spencer together?" Jordan asks, taking another sip from his Ginger ale.

"It's.. complicated. We've been best friends since forever, but things have changed between us." I say.

"He caught feelings for you.." he finishes.

"Yes," I say.

"Did you catch feelings for him," he asks.

"At one point I did. But things are different now.. it's hard to explain." I explain.

He nods in thought and I add:

"Well that's enough about me. What are some of your interests? Beverly Hills."

"You're funny," He says sarcastically.

"Oh so you're sarcastic? I can roll with that." I say matter-of-factly.

"Well.. my Dad is a huge football fan so I took up football just to make him proud. He's the coach of the high school football team and then Spencer came and-"

"Changed everything?" I finish.

He looks at me and nods.

"Yeah.. he tends to do that." I say, looking at Spencer who is looking at me.

"But he means well.." I add.

Spencer waves us over and I say:

"We've been summoned."

We each pull up a chair and Spencer sends me a look. A look I know all too well: jealousy. Jordan inserts himself into the conversation about who is the best rapper and then he finally started to get comfortable.

** Third Person P.O.V.:
It's been almost two weeks since Jordan last saw Y/N. There was just something about her that made things... better and happier. It was crazy to him because he only met her for a couple of hours and he knew that he wanted her in his life. Which would be kind of hard to do with Spencer becoming extremely overprotective of her.

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