This Can't Keep Happening (3/3)

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(Y/N's P.O.V.)
"Mommy!" I hear Y/C/N call. This immediately puts me in alarm because she was suppose to be at school. What was she doing here. I grab my gun and cock it before tucking it under my belt. "Honey," I call as I approach the door. The door opens and I reach for my firearm when I see Y/C/N with a policeman behind her.

Y/C/N hides hugs my legs and I look at the officer. "Ma'am, are you armed?" He asks. "Yes, but I have a permit to carry. I'm FBI- I mean, I was." I say. "Never mind that, ma'am, I have orders to assist you packing your bags and escort you to the BAU headquarters in Quantico, Virginia He says. "Mommy, isn't that you used to work?" Y/C/N asks. "Yes, love." I tell her.
"May I ask why?" I add. "It is not suitable to discuss in front of children, ma'am."

"Very well. Y/C/N, pack a bag. You and Mommy are going on a little trip." I say. "Okay, Mommy." She says before running into her room. "We'll be out in a few minutes,"


Y/C/N, Brian and I land in Quantico, VA and I am immediately greeted by the team. Garcia pulls me in for a tight hug and she softly sobs into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry you had to leave the way that you did." She says. I pull away with concern and she whispers, "We know what happened between you and Hotch. The whole team knows."

"Oh," "But we don't blame you. We blame him." She says. "No, don't blame him either. Our relationship was consensual and we are both to blame for the consequence." I whisper. "Mommy, who are these people?" Y/C/N asks. "These are my old teammates, darling. Derek, Garcia, JJ, Emily, Spencer and Aaron." I say. "Phew! Old? Why you have to do us like that?" Derek teases.

"Hey," I say as he approaches me. He pulls me in for a hug and holds me tenderly. Derek was the brother I never had, and I could tell that he missed me as much as I missed him. "When I saw that picture and thought it was you, I started to cry so hard." He says. "What picture?" I ask.

We walk into the conference room and once I see the gruesomeness of pictures of women who look exactly like me, I say "Y/C/N, don't look." I cover her eyes and I add, "JJ, could you take her to the break room while we discussion where to go from here." She nods and Y/C/N says, "No, Mommy, I don't want to leave you." I kneel down next to her and say, "This is for our safety, darling. It'll only be for a few minutes." "Okay, thirty minutes. I'll make sure Miss JJ is counting." She says, making everyone laugh, including me.

"Yes ma'am." I say before kissing her forehead. JJ takes her away and Derek says, "Yep. That is definitely your child,"

** (Third Person P.O.V.)

Y/N was in the shower, which left Hotch and Y/C/N watching TV in the living room of the apartment they were assigned to. "You're my father, aren't you Aaron?" Y/C/N says. "What makes you say that?" Hotch asks. "Because whenever Mommy thinks I can't hear her, she cries whenever she reads the letter you wrote to her. And considering that be initials at the end was A.H. I just put two and two together." Y/C/N explains.

Hotch stares at Y/C/N with awe; she was about the most intelligent five year old he had ever seen. "Wow," "So, Aaron, why does my mother cry whenever she reads your letter?" Y/C/N asks. "It's an adult matter, Y/C/N. A child shouldn't worry about adult matters." Hotch answers. "You know, Mommy says that too, but I don't understand. I am the making of an adult matter. Why can't I get involved?" Y/C/N says.

"Because though your intelligent mind can understand some adult matters, it cannot understand all of them. But you will, eventually, and in given time." Hotch says. "Darling, why don't you go up in your room and draw Mommy something." Y/N says. She has listened to the end part of the conversation and decided that it was time for her and Hotch to talk.

"Okay, Mommy." Y/C/N says before standing from the couch and run up to the room. "I am so sorry. She's clearly too smart for her own good. I'm scared that I'm raising a female version of Reid." Y/N says, running her fingers through her hair. Hotch examines her slowly, taking in all of her features that he missed during the five years that there were apart.

"She's beautiful, though. Just like her mother." Hotch says, making Y/N blush. "Thank you," she says, sitting next to him "I'm the one that should be sorry. For not being careful and making you leave town-" "You didn't make me do anything. I left town on my own. And despite what the team may say out of anger of what happened, what I'm saying is the truth." Y/N says.

"She figured out that I was her father," Hotch says. "Of course she did," Y/N says with a wry chuckle. "And she also said you cried when you were reading my letter," "Hotch-" "I never wanted to hurt you, Y/N. And the fact that I have frustrates the crap out of me." He states. "It used to frustrate me too, but then Y/C/N was born, everything changed. It wasn't about you, and it wasn't about me; it was about Y/C/N. She became my everything and it's made me a better person for it. Once you find the thing that makes you feel that way, you'll agree with me." Y/N explain.

"That person was Haley, then it became you. But then you left and Haley died, so that left me with nothing." He says. "No it didn't. You have Jack. What happened with him?" Y/N asks. "He probably hates me from the lack of presence I have in his life. The nanny is around more than I am." He says, holding his face in his hands.

"I doubt that. He probably just misses you." Y/N states surely. "What makes you so sure?" "Because my father thought the same exact way until I sent him a letter that elaborately explained that I didn't hate him. Since then, our family has thrived." She explains. "Just talk to him, Hotch." She adds. He nods in understanding and then he says, "So.. Hawaii?" Both of then started to burst out into laughter.

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