Second Chances (A Beauty and the Beast Imagine)

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Part Two:
Staring up at the ceiling in complete boredom, I throw a rubber ball into the air and catch it with ease. It's been five days since my Dad's funeral, I should be in Portland by now; and yet, I am still here. I have no idea why— correction, I do know why, but I just don't want to say it aloud.

"I have to get out of here," I say to myself.

"I agree. And I have a great idea on how to help with that." Vincent's raspy voice echoes.

"What the— Vincent? What are you doing here?" I ask, launching myself from my makeshift bed.

"I tracked you here. You really know how to cover up your tracks." He compliments.

"Well, I did graduate at the top of our class in tracking both before and after I became a beast." I state, listening for his heartbeat to locate him.

"I know, you were amazing. You still are." He states.

His heartbeat is behind me now. I spin around and push him into the wall whilst pressing my forearm against his throat.

"You didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?" I repeat.

"We left off on the wrong foot the last time we spoke," he says with strain.

"Gee, you think?" I say sarcastically.

"I want to make amends with you."

"There's nothing left to make amends with. Our relationship— romantically, or not— is over." I say, pulling away from his throat.

"Which is why I have a proposition for you, that I think you will like." He says.

I cross my arms as I look out of the window to see the moonlight shining over the awakening city and cars moving faster than I've ever seen in Portland. One of the things that I truly hate about New York City, was that everyone is always in a rush.

"I'm listening," I say after a few moments of silence.

"Are you okay? You seem.. sad." He states.

"I thought that you were here with a proposition, not because you care about me." I state.

"But I do care about you," He says.

When I don't respond he sighs with defeat as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I was thinking that we spar. We're both beasts so it's not like we're not on an even plane field. That way, you get to take your anger on me, and we can start over." He adds.

"And what's in it for you?"

"If you win, I'll leave you alone for good. If I win, you have to stay for an extra two weeks and you have to answers any questions that I may have." He states.

I look into the sparking, chocolate brown eyes that I once fell in love with.

"So what do you say, are you in?" He asks.

"I'm in. When do we start?" I ask.

"Right now," He starts as he swings to punch me.

I duck just in time and swing my leg out from underneath him. Before he jump to his feet, I grab his arm and put it into an armbar against my inner knee.

"Okay, ow, ow, ow." He says.

Letting go of his arm, I say:

"You have gotten soft since the last time we sparred, Vince."

I hear him growl under his breath and soon after, I am tackled to the ground. Vincent straddles my waist and pins my forearms to the ground as he tightens his grip.

I clench my fists tightly and try to pull myself out of his grip. When I couldn't, I growl under my breath and my eyes begin to glow. His eyes do the same and I start to feel my fangs grow in as I lift my arms out of his grasp.

"How did you—" I cut him off as I kick him off of me and send him flying into the opposite wall.

I jump to my feet and run towards him but he picks me up by the waist and throws me onto my makeshift bed.

"How are you so strong?" He asks breathlessly.

"Because I'm angry," I say, my voice is deep as I feel myself continuing to shift.

"Even when I'm angry, I'm not that strong. What happened to you?" He asks.

I run towards him and jump into a punching and kicking combo that he could barely block. He catches my leg and throws me against a concrete pillar. My collarbone snaps in two as my back caves into the concrete pillar. Placing my hand on the broken collarbone, I gently fall to my knees in pain.

"Y/N?" Vincent says with worry as he kneels down next to me.

"Y/N, I am so sorry. I didn't mean.." He trails off as I crack my collarbone back into place and the bone slowly starts to mend itself.

"What kind of beast are you?" He asks.

"The kind that can heal herself," I say with relief as the pain subsides.

"Could you do that before?"

I nod and I slowly stand from my place on the floor.

"I'm sorry, again. I just wanted— I'm.." He stumbles.

"It's fine, Vincent. I've been through worse." I say.

"So.. would you say that I won or..?" He states.

Looking over my shoulder, I say:

"Well right now we're at a tie... so, then next person who wins is the winner."

"You up for it?" He states, making me growl in agreement.

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