Wrongly Accused (3/3)

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It happened..

The one thing the feared, happened tonight.

Someone shot my brother, and it was critical. He went into surgery the second he stepped foot in the hospital.

Y/S/N called me in tears when she told me what happened. Not caring what I was I wearing, I rushed out of the door and sped to the hospital.

My legs mindlessly sprint through the doors and I run into a hard chest. I didn't bother to apologize, I only had one thing on my mind: Fangs.

"Y/N." I hear F.P. say.

I look up into his sorrowful eyes and notice them shift behind me. I look over my shoulder to see Sweet Pea standing there with his hands balls up into fists. He clenches his jaw as he meets my gaze.

He releases a shaky breath and that's when I notice that his eyes are red, as if he has been crying.

"Y/N, I..."

I pull him into a hug and his arms squeeze around my small frame.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"There was nothing you could have done, Sweet. You're not Superman, bullets can't ricochet off you like nothing. But hey, things could be worse, more of you could have gotten shot." I say.

"I still feel like I f-failed you." He says.

I pull away and cup his cheeks. I wipe away his tears and presses a reassuring kiss on his lips. I slowly pull away and rest my forehead against his.

"It was a Northsider who did it, a Bulldog." He says in his normal, deeper voice.


"It was Reggie Mantle."

"What are we going to do?" I ask.

I look into his eyes and he gazes into mine. We practically have our own silent conversation.

"Where to?" I finally ask.

"Northside High." He says.

"Then what are we waiting for?"


Sweet Pea digs his knife into a painting and kicks over trash cans while I set random things on fire. Other Serpents shatter windows, break chairs and spray graffiti on the lockers.

If a Northsider thinks that he can shoot  my brother and still remain intact, then he has another thing coming.

"Hey asshole!" I hear Kevin call.

We all stopped what we were doing and turned all of our attention to him. There Kevin stood, side by side with Archie and Moose.

"We are not going to just stand idly by while you thugs trash our school." Moose says.

"And you think that we're going to stand idly by while our friend is dying in the hospital because your friends shot him?" Sweet Pea says.

I find my place next to him and Archie says:

"What do you mean? We weren't friend with her?"

"Her? I thought that you said that Reggie shot him." I say.

"He did."

"No, he didn't. It was Ms. Klump, Midge's Mom." Archie says.

Sweet Pea and I exchange a look before he says:

"Either way, it doesn't matter."

"A Northsider still shot him." I finish.

Sweet Pea picks up a trash can and dumped all of its contents on the ground.  Then I set it on fire with my blow torch.

"What the hell do you think you are doing to my high school?" Principal Weatherby says as he walks in with the police.

The Serpents and I all walk back before running out of the school and down the street. The rest of them made a left to run back to the Wyrm but I continued to run down the street.

"Y/N what are you doing?" Sweet Pea yells after me.

"After Ms. Klump." I call over my shoulder.

Before I could turn my head back around, I run into another chest.

What is up with all the hard chests lately?

A pair of hands rest of my sides and suddenly I am being spun around in a circle. To stabilize myself, I hold onto his shoulders; I finally look down to see Jughead.

"Jug, what.. what are you doing here?" I ask.

"We're all going to the White Wyrm, that means you too." He says, setting me on the ground.

"What? No, I have to get my revenge on Ms. Klump." I say, trying to get out of his grasp.

Suddenly, I am lifted into his arms and he is carrying me towards Sweet Pea.

"Jughead! Put. Me. Down."

"No." He says nonchalantly.

Once he gets close enough to Sweet Pea,  he give me to him and says:

"Here you go."

"Hey! I'm not just some package that you can drop off." I snap.

"Y/N," Sweet Pea starts.

"I mean seriously? I am trying to justice for my brother and you have the nerve to withhold this from me? You should be ashamed of yourself,-"

"Y/N!" Sweet Pea says, raising his voice.

"What?" I say in a small voice.

"F.P. has some bad news, it's about Fangs." He says.

A breath hitches in my throat when those words leave his mouth.

"He isn't... He's not dead, is he?" I say.

My throat stings in anticipation as tears swell in my eyes.

Third Person P.O.V.:
Sweet Pea, Jughead and Y/N walk into the White Wyrm where Rosaline, her mom and Toni were crying. Once they saw Y/N, Y/S/N rushed over engulf her in a hug.

"He's gone, Y/N/N." She says with a strained voice.

She buries her face into Y/N's neck and sobbed silently. Their Mom held them both as they sobbed over the death of her brother.

"He didn't do anything wrong." I say.

"I know luv, I know." Their mom as tears slide down her cheeks.

"He's in a better place now.." She adds.

At this point, all the Serpents were silent as they recalled memories of their fallen Serpent brother. Their hearts ached with guilt accompanied by misery.

F.P., Sweet Pea and Jughead exchange a look before walking over the group of crying women.

Jughead pulls Y/S/N in for a long hug, Sweet Pea took Y/N into his embrace and F.P. pulled their mother in for hug while consoling her.

Like Penny always said:

"Everyone Serpent has a soft underbelly."

Perhaps Fangs was everyone's soft spot, because if you think about it- what's not to love?

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