Miss Cartel (1/2) (A Fast Furious 6 Story)

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Y/N is the leader of a cattle and Giselle asks her to help her team in Britain where she meets Hobbs.

"Who stole my money?" I ask as I drag the knife across the traitor's face. "You're known for your pretty face, Hernandez. I don't want to ruin that reputation, but I will." I add.

"He said that she'll kill my daughter if I tell anyone," He croaks. "She won't touch your daughter. I'll make sure of it, if you tell me who stole my money." "Okay, okay. It was Rosa, It's was Rosa." He confesses.

"Good boy," I say before lodging the knife into his shoulder. When he yells out in pain, I say, "Don't ever lie to me again," I call my other most trust minion, Ramon, inside to say, "Bring Rosa and her family to me. If she or them tries to run, take out their knees. And have eyes on Hernandez's kid. Got it?" "Si, mi reina." "Bueno," I state.

"You're free to go," I add. I sit in my chair and prop my legs upon my desk. I am barely there for a minute until I got a call from an old friend.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it my best chica, Giselle?" I taunt.
"Hola, amor."
"What's up? It's been a while since I heard from you." I state.
"Things are getting rough here in London. We need your help." She explains.
"I'm on my way, but who's 'we'?"
"You'll know when you get here."

"Ramon!" "Si, mi reina." "You're in charge. I'm leaving for a couple of days." "Do you need me to come with you? To keep you safe?" He offers. "No. Gracias, mi amor. I can take care of myself." "Time to pack a bag," I say with a sigh.


I follow the GPS address that Giselle sent me on the motorcycle that I rented. I walk up the stairs when I hear, "You're sure about this girl?" A man asks. "If anyone can add muscle to this operation, it's her. You have know idea what she can do." Giselle defends.

"I couldn't say better, amor." I say. Everyone looks over to me and Giselle practically jumps into my arms.

"Damn, i think we need to go the Mexico." Another man says. I hug Giselle tightly and she pulls away from me for a moment to say, "You ready to kick some ass?" "Always am," I respond.

"Everyone, this is Y/N Y/L/N. She's the head of the biggest cartel in Mexico, and is basically my sister." Giselle introduces. I scan the room to find a cute face and instead find something more intriguing. Based on his stature and the fact that his hands as securely wrapped around his belt, he's the man in charge.

I take this time to really observe him. He has a strong, impenetrable stare that can easily make a girl weak in the knees. Though his bald, there is so much more to look forward to. He has tight, thick and perfectly sculpted shoulders and biceps that his black under armor shirt hugs graciously. And don't even get me started on his legs. The legs that can definitely crush a watermelon with no problem.

Everyone looks between the man and I because not one of us has drop each other's gaze. I find myself walking up to him. A bald, African American man stands in my way to say, "Hi, I'm Rom... an." He trails off when he notices that I am not paying him any mind. I finally approach the guy I was making eyes to. He is practically a giant in comparison to me.

"I'm Y/N, and you are.." I trail off as I take my hand into his. "I'm Hobbs. Luke Hobbs," He shakes it softly whereas I shake it firmly. "Hm, businesswoman?" He suggests. "Awe, how did you do know?" I state. He cocks his head to the side teasingly before I walk back to Giselle.

"Really? Hobbs?" Giselle states. "I like my men thick and dominant, you know this." I say. Hobbs clears his throat before explain what to do next. He continues to talk until Roman continuously interrupts him. I was going to throw a dagger into his throat, but I figured that despite his obnoxiousness, he is here because he is of some importance.

Almost as if Luke read my mind, he shoots the vending machine that Roman keeps interrupting him about. "It's on the house," Luke answers. He glances over at me and I bite my lip softly. "Stop distracting him," Giselle says, nudging me. "I'm not distracting him." I say innocently.


"We need to extract one of Shaw's
old associates-" Luke states. "I got it," I state. "Alright," "I'll go with you," Roman says. "No, I'm good by myself." I say, hopping off of the table that I was currently laying on. "Giselle," "if she says she has it, she has it." She defends. I take my jacket with some daggers tucked in the sleeves.

Picking him up was easy, all I needed to give him was the Im-an-innocent-girl-who needs-help look and the next thing he knew, I am tying him up and throwing him in the trunk of a car. "Where's the extraction?" Luke asks. I merely smile before getting out of the car and opening the trunk to reveal the man tied up and gagged. When he sees me, he screams into the bandana that was gagging him.

"I don't know whether I should be intrigued or concerned on how you got him in here." He says, making me chuckle. "That's up to you," "Now, who's going to be the bad cop. You or me?" I add. "We'll see how you are as the bad cop." He states. He picks him up from the trunk and sets him in a chair. I roughly pull off the gag and the man pleads, "Please don't kill me, or my family. I'll tell you anything you want. Reina Asesina." The fact that he was shaking is clearly visible.

"Relax. Nobody is going to die.. yet." "What did you do to him before you brought him here?" Dom asks. "That's the best part. I didn't have to do anything. This smart lad here knows who I am and who I killed just based off my tattoos. Didn't you?" I ask. He nods frantically and I take out one of my daggers. I take a chair and spin it so that I am sitting on it backwards.

I drag my knife along his face without drawing any blood. "Now you tell me how Shaw operates... and where I can find him next." "He didn't tell me anything. He liked to keep his plan under wraps. Only his most trusted people knew." He responds. "And let me guess, you weren't one of those trusted people." I say. "P-please,"
"You really don't know anything?" I ask.
He shakes his head no and I add, "Very well," I stand from the chair and made it so that I was walking to my motorcycle.

I take the dagger and throw it so that it nicked the edge of his ear before it lodged itself in the table behind him. "MOSCOW!" He yells out in fear. "Moscow is his next target," he add. "For?" "He's there to create more cars equipped to get the chip," "What chip?" "The chip filled with military codes that launch multiple kinds of weapons," "why does he want with the chip? Is there any particular reason why he wants it?" Luke asks. The man glances up at me and I arch an eyebrow, telling him to answer the question. "Who wouldn't want the chip?" He says in response.

I walk up to him and lift his head up so that he is meeting my gaze. "Is that all the information that you know?" I ask. "Y-yes," "you swear on your family?" "I swear on my family," he says breathlessly. "Then thank you for your cooperation." I say before knocking him out. "I would brush up on your Russian if I were you," I add.

"You were saying about her relevance?" Giselle says to Roman. "Have you ever played good cop?" Luke asks. "Didn't get a chance to. I've made bad cop my speciality." I state, earning an intrigued nod from him. "I think we should come up with kid's names for them." Tej says.

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