Rescue Mission (Criminal Minds)

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The metal tools once again pierced my skin. But now, I think my body is adapting to pain of the tools. But I'm not going to let him know that; so I fake scream. You can be surprised how good of an actor you can become in these type of situations.

I have no idea where I am, but I know that I have been here for three years. There is a small crack in the cement of the wall where I can see when the sun rises and sets. And that's how I can tell how long I've been here.

Within the second week, I figured out his patterns. On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, he comes down and does... horrible things.

Even though I adapted to the pain of his tools. I don't think I can ever adapted to the mental torture.... or sexual torture...

I am angry at myself for letting him get me so easily. I was coming back from my nightly lectures at NYU, when I heard a man following me. I turn around to see no one there. I increase my speed and take my shortcut to my apartment.

All of a sudden, I was pushed up against the wall. He covers my mouth with one hand and pressed a knife to my abdomen with the other.

"If you say a word, or try to call for help; I will kill you." He threatens.

Tears swell into my eyes and I try to hold back my sobs.

"Do you understand?" He asks.

I gently shake my head and he lets go of my mouth. Not a minute after, he punched me across the face, knocking me out in the process.

I wake up and I am here; in this basement like structure with no daylight other than the crack in the cement. The wooden door he has on the very top has three locks on it. To add to my hell,  he shoves a something heavy on top of door to ensure that I'm not getting out of there.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a smack across the face.

"Snap out of it, Brittany!" He exclaims.

His voice makes my skin crawl. I look into his dark, hazel eyes and he pulls my matted, dark brown hair.

I yelp out in pain and he said:

"I asked you a question."

"I didn't hear you, I'm sorry." I whisper.

"And why is that? Hm? Were you dreaming of escaping again?" He asks.

Once he realized, I didn't answer. He yanked my hair so hard I heard some strands fall off.

"Please stop." I plead as I hold his wrist.

"Answer me!"

"No. I wasn't dreaming of escaping." I say.

He lets go of my hair and asks in his low, condescending voice:

"Then what were you daydreaming about?" He asks.

"I was thinking of how I got here." I say.

"Aww. How nice of a memory it was." He states.

I bow my head and let a tear slip from my eye.

"Hey. I'm sorry...." He states.

I didn't say anything.

"Are you lonely?" He asks.

I shake my head no.

"Why not?" He asks.

I shift my weight in the metal chair, causing my  chains to rattle.

"Because I don't want you to kidnap another innocent girl..." I say.

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