Desperation vs. Interested (A Criminal Minds Story)

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Y/N gets jealous of all of the women who are flirting with Derek

Waking up in a horrible mood over the fact that my date bailed on me last night, I walk into the BAU headquarters with a particularly irritated stride. I set down my messenger bag at my office and make my way to the break room for coffee to see Derek being surrounded by three girls.

Once he looks at me, he winks and I roll my eyes. I am not in the mood to fall for Derek's games today. "So, do you work out often?" One girl asks and I find myself groaning in annoyance. I pour my coffee in my mug and Derek asks, "What's up with you, Y/N?" "Don't worry about it," I say, reaching for the creamer.

I pour some creamer in and toss seven spoonfuls of sugar into my coffee. "I'm so surprised that you are even single, Derek. Who in their right mind would say no to you?" One woman asks. "Oh, you'll be surprised." I feel Derek's gaze on me. I sip on my coffee and cringe at the lack of sugar. I put seven more spoonfuls of sugar in the coffee and the girls continue to fawn over him and I have had enough.

"You do realize that there is a difference between interest and desperation... right?" I say loud enough for them all to hear. When they all look at me in silence and don't say anything, I add "That's what I thought." I walk out of the break room and sip nonchalantly on my coffee.

I hear Derek's running footsteps behind me but choose to ignore them. "Was that jealousy that I sensed in your voice?" He asks as he walks next to me. "No, that was irritation. I am irritated. I had a really rough morning, and I didn't particularly feel like hearing women fawn over you like they do every other morning. Like the have nothing better to do with their lives than to fawn over a guy." I snap.

"Then do something about it," He states as he prevents me from walking by holding me back by my arm. "I did do something about-" "No, you said something about it. I want you to do something about it." He interrupts. "Like what, wrap my legs around your waist and kiss you until my lips hurt? Claim you as mine?" I offer.

"That's exactly what I want you to do," He says, stepping closer to home. He walks me into the wall and I was careful than to not let the coffee spill.

"Morgan, I need your help with..." Reid trails off. "Okay, I'll come back later." He adds. "You should probably go," I say, his breath present on my lips. "Are you sure you want me to?" He asks. He leans in until his lips are centimeters from mine. "I can't," I say, finding myself pushing him away to walk back to my desk.

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