Y/N's abusive foster parents show up [A Nightshift Story] (1/2)

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I watch helplessly as Drew and Kenny do MMA training in the weight room. I feel my heart beginning to race as I see him taking off his shirt because of the Texas heat.

"You're totally stripping him with your eyes aren't you?" Jordan says as she sits next to me.

I hum in response but my eyes don't leave him.

"Do you blame her? Look at the man. A man with that physique should be a model." Mollie says.

Drew looks away from Kenny to see me staring at him. He lifts a brow before motioning me over to him.

"Go get your man, girl." Mollie teases.

I make my way towards him, my ponytail swaying with every stride. I make my way towards him and he says:

"You plan on joining us? Or do you plan on just staring and checking us out?"

I wrap my arms around his neck and step closer to him.

"If I am completely honest. I would much rather stare and check you guys out." I say, rubbing my nose against his.

He leans down to meet his lips with mine. He hums as I pull away from the kiss and Kenny says:

"What is this, kissing time or training time?"

"You wanna train, huh? I'll give you some training." I say, taking off my jacket.

"Oh shit," Kenny says.

"Someone get out their phone and record this." Mollie says as she pulls out her own phone to record.

"W-With or without gloves?" Kenny asks.

"I don't care either way, so the choice is yours." I say.

"I'll say we wear gloves because I don't want to over power you by accident." Kenny teases.

"Mm-hm," I say.

He tosses me the gloves and I catch them and put them on.

"Do me a favor and don't break him. I need him for training later on." Drew whispers in my ear.

"Then maybe you should be the ref," I say over my shoulder with a smile.

He pulls me into his chest and he sends soft kisses down my neck, completely oblivious to the fact that everyone was watching.

"You want to go a few rounds after this?" He asks.

"Ah, you want to get your ass kicked like Kenny too huh?" I tease.

"I didn't mean that kind of round," he clarifies, sending chills of warm down my body.

"Meet in our supply closet in ten," He adds before pulling away from me.

I bite my lip with a smile before I snap back to reality and focus on Kenny.

"Let's go then," I say.

He huffs before slamming his gloves together and stepping closer to me. I glance at Drew who was tapping the watch on his wrist before leaving the room. Kenny swings and I say:

"Sorry, Kenny,"

I grab his arm that was still elongated and flip him over my shoulder. I let him fall gently before putting him in an arm for ten seconds.

"Well that was quick," Paul says.

"That's because Miss (Y/N) has a date with her boo." Mollie teases.

I take off the gloves and nonchalantly walk out of the room and into the supply furthest from the front desk. As soon as I walked in, I am lifted off the ground and my legs are wrapped around Drew's waist. He connects his lips with mine and I inhale sharply as I run my fingers through his spiky hair.

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