Kidnapped [A Sherlock Imagine] (3/5)

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Y/N inhales sharply when she sees the box hit the ground. She expects to see a bomb slide out of it and blow her and Moriarty to bits, but instead the miniature fridge slid out in its plastic casing.

"Oh my God," She says in relief.

Then she realizes that she has an opportunity to escape and she repeats her previous statement as she runs toward the door. She swings the door open and immediately runs into a broad and firm chest. She backs up and realizes that it was Luke.

"No, no, no.."

She tries to shoot him but he slams her wrists down with his large hand, making her drop the gun. He slaps her across the face, sending her to the floor. He steps toward her and she backpedals away from him.

She scans the room around her for anything she could use as a weapon. She scrambles to her feet and runs to grab the poker from the fire place, but Luke catches her before she could do so. He lifts her off of the ground with a tightening grip and she yells out in pain.

Her vision started to blur but she wasn't going to give up that easy. She took Luke's pinky into her mouth and bite down on it until she felt a crack between her teeth.

"You bloody whore!" He says in a strained voice.

She feels his grip falter slightly and she slams the back of her head against his nose as she elbows him in his ribs. He stumbles back as he cups his bleeding nose. She kicks him to his knee and punched him in the face.

She jumps over him and takes the gun before jogging down the stairs.

"Y/N, what's wrong? I thought I heard a gun shot." Mrs. Hudson says.

"Mrs. Hudson..." Y/N says as he approaches her.

"Go into your flat, lock all of the doors and call the police. When they get here, you take this and give it to Sherlock.. tell him I said: Renegades." Y/N says, giving her phone to her.

She stands in her doorway, dumbfounded and Y/N says:

"Now Mrs. Hudson, please!"

She scurries into her flat and locks the door. Y/N release a slow breathe before cocking the gun and opening the door. Three big men stood with even larger guns.

"Miss Y/N, why don't you come with us?" One of them said.

"Over my dead body," She says.

"I'm afraid that's not an option," He says.

Before Y/N could say anything, Luke came up from behind her and presses a cloth of chloroform against her mouth and nose. Within seconds, Y/N collapses in his arms and they take her away, along with a wounded Moriarty.


Sherlock and John look around in confusion when they see that the police were here.

"Sherlock!" Mrs. Hudson says as she runs out of her flat with tear stained cheeks.

"Mrs. Hudson, what happened? Are you alright?" John asked.

"Y-Y/N... something horrible has happened to Y/N." She says.

Sherlock's lips part with concern and as John consoles Mrs. Hudson, he walks up the steps two at a time. He slowly walks into the apartment to see Lestrade, Anderson and a couple more people.

He breathes heavily as he scans his flat. The murmurs from them disrupted his concentration so he said:

"Everyone get out! Now! I can't think!"

They all look to Lestrade and he gave them a cue to leave. They all leave and Sherlock presses on his temples as he thinks of what happened to Y/N.

"Sherlock!" Mrs. Hudson calls, but he chooses to ignore it.

"Sherlock, it's important!" She repeats.


"Mrs.Hudson! What could possibly be more important than finding Y/N!" Sherlock snaps.

"Renegades!" She says.

Sherlock lifts his head before running to Mrs. Hudson..

"What did you say?" He asks as he held onto her arms.

"She gave me her phone and told me to tell you the word Renegades. Oh Sherlock, please find her." Mrs. Hudson says.

Sherlock took the phone from Mrs. Hudson and sat on the couch. He held the phone between his palms as he placed his hands on his lips, like he was praying.

Different thoughts coarse through Sherlock's mind, important thoughts that could help them find Y/N, but instead.. pictures of Y/N smiling and laughing clouded his memory.

"Sherlock?" John says.

No response.

"Sherlock.. are you okay?" Lestrade asks.

Still no response.

Y/N's P.O.V.:
I am awoken by an overflow of water entering my nose and mouth. I jolt awake and cough out as much of the water as I could. I try to move my arms, only to hear the sound of chain clinking. I look to see that the chains that weigh on my ankles and wrist are linked to poles.

"Wakey, wakey..." I hear Moriarty's reminiscing voice say.

I shake off the water from my face and look up to see Moriarty paler than I last saw him and he's wearing a sling on his right side.

"How's the arm?" I ask hoarsely.

"Not bad.. how's the rib?" He asks.

"What rib?" I ask.

He gives a cue to someone and I feel a knee lodging itself against my ribs, breaking one in the process. I lower my head and release a slow breath to prevent from yelling.

"There, now we're even.." Moriarty states.

"Anyway.. do you know why I brought you here?" He asks.

"To have a nice chat about Sherlock," I say weakly.

"Well.. you're not entirely wrong, but no. That is not why I brought you here. Would you like to try again?" He says.

I don't respond and he sighs before saying:

"You're so boring... I brought you here to get Sherlock's attention. He was beginning to ignore me and I didn't like that.. so I took his girlfriend."

"For the last time.. I am not his girlfriend. Sherlock doesn't have girlfriends or boyfriends, he's a highly functional sociopath; he doesn't feel anything for anybody." I say.

"Aww... you're trying to protect him, that's adorable... and as for him not feeling anything for anybody. Just wait until you see the way he looks at you when you're not paying any attention: it's pure admiration." He explains.

"Let's see just how much he cares for you, Y/N. Because the clock starts now.." He adds.

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