Y/N abusive foster parents show up (2/2)

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My heart races when I see my ex foster dad standing in the doorway. A smirk is plastered on his face as he crosses his arms.

"You respect your mother, (Y/N/N)" He states.

"My name is (Y/N), you never had the right to call me anything else." I snap.

"And I don't have to respect either of you. She is just as guilty as you are, because she didn't lift a finger to stop what was happening." I add.

"Is that how you really feel, daughter?"

"I am not your daughter! I never was and I never will be." I explode, stepping closer to him.

"You could be choking on your own blood and I will make no effort to help you. You want to know why, because you deserve every bit of pain that comes your way." I add.

"Doctor (Y/L/N)," Jordan scolds as she walks into the patient's room.

She probably heard everything I said; I could care less if she did.

"Can I speak to you for a moment?" She adds.

I glance to my ex foster father before body checking him and walking out of the room.

"I don't want to talk about it." I say to Jordan.

"Uh-uh, you're going to have to give me more than that if you want to walk away consequence free of what you just pulled in there." Jordan commands.

"Look, all you need to know- all any of you need to know- is that they are a part of a very dark part in my past and I want nothing to do with them." I explain.

"Convincing me otherwise will only make me upset, so don't try." I add.

"They're your foster parents, aren't they?" Jordan asks.

"Like I said, I don't want to talk about it. And don't provoke me, Jordan." I say before pushing passed her.

I then see Drew leaning against the wall with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Really? You paged him?" I say to Jordan.

"You two are the only people who can calm each other down when things go to hell, so yeah, I called him." She states.

"Work it out or else I'll send you home." She adds before taking her clipboard and walking away.

I cross my arms as I approach Drew and he says:

"So they are your foster parents. They were the ones that abused you and your sister, aren't they? The reason why you ran away in the first place."

When I don't say anything, it confirms his statement. I walk away and he follows me to pull me into another empty patient room.

"I already figured it out, there's no need to hide it anymore. Why were you hiding it in the first place?" He says.

"Because I.. I didn't want to burden you. The last time I told you about my past, you put that person in the coma." I say.

"Listen, I know that my temper gets the best of me, especially when it comes to you. I just.. I love you and I want you to be safe." He confesses.

"I am safe with just having you in my life, but I need you to trust me. I need you to trust that I have this under control, and that despite me being angry, I won't do anything stupid." I explain.

"Okay?" I add.

"Okay," He says.

"Good, now I have to check on my patients." I say.

" (Y/N)," He says, making me turn back around.

He places a hand on the back of my neck as he me in for a hug. My arms wrap around his biceps and I rest my face against his shoulder.

"I'm sure you've been having flashbacks about what happened with your sister." He whispers, tears pricking my eyes with every word.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that." He adds.

I bury my face into his chest and sob softly. A shaky breath leaves my throat and he rubs circles down my back.

"You're okay," He comforts.

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