I Love You (A Criminal Minds Story)

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Y/N tells Derek that she loves him for the first time

Gideon didn't tell me that Derek was putting himself in the line of fire- more like the line of the bomb. He put himself in danger for a random woman. He could have died today and I wouldn't have known.

Gideon tells me that I would have made matters worse because I am beyond overprotective of the team, especially Morgan. After we captured the bomber and landed back in Virginia, I called the right to drive Morgan and me back to our apartment. "So.. are you going to give me the silent treatment all night?" He asks. "Oh believe me, you'd much rather want me silent than to say all of the things running in my mind right now." I say.

I pull into our driveway and get out of the car after I turn it off. I walk into our apartment and set down my things. I walk into the kitchen and take a bottled water from the fridge. I sigh deeply as the cold liquid streams down my throat. I set down the bottled water and run my fingers through my hair.

"I understand that you're upset-" Derek starts as he enters the kitchen. "Upset? No, I'm not upset. I'm infuriated." I say, closing my eyes only for a moment. "You could have died today, Derek." I add. "Y/N-" "Why! Why would you put your life in jeopardy for a woman you didn't even know?" I snap. "We do that every day, Y/N. We were meant for jobs like these. We're quick on our feet, and we will do anything to protect the innocent." He states. "That's what I'm talking about, Derek! This job.. it's dangerous. That wasn't a problem for me before. I actually thrived off of it, but now.. now it scares the crap out of me." I say.

"I care about you- I love you too damn much than to see you walk out that door with the heart shattering possibility that you won't walk back through it. And vice versa," I add. Morgan's eyes are sparkling because of the fact that I said I love you. This was the first time that I ever said that to him- to anyone besides my mother. He walks up to me, and I could tell that he wanted to take me right here in this kitchen. But I can't let him do anything unless he hears with I'm saying.

I shake my head and he cups the sides of my cheeks. He presses a soft kiss on my lips but I decided to pull away from him. It took everything in my body to pull away from him. I hold onto his wrist and say, "No, Derek. I need you to let me finish this and I need you to listen me and comprehend what I am saying."

He pulls away from my face but steps closer to me. I sigh before continuing, "You are my family now, Derek. And I'd do anything to protect my family. So when I found out that Gideon kept where you were away from me. I felt helpless, and I hate feeling helpless, Derek." "I know. But if you were there, then your life would have been in danger too. And I couldn't have that, because you see, I love you too, Y/N."

"I love you more than I've ever loved anybody else in my life." He adds. "Then don't do that again. You come back to me, Derek Morgan." I say as I shove him away to make my point. "I will, I promise." He says, brushing my hair over my shoulders. "Can I kiss you now?" He adds. I nod and pecks his lips softly. He pecks mine and then the kiss melts into a longer kiss. His hands wander down my body and lifts me up so my legs are wrapped around his waist.

He sets me on the counter and run my hand up his neck as he slides his tongue across my lips. "You lo-ove me," He taunts as he pulls away from my lips. "That I do," I say, pulling him in for another kiss. He picks me up and walks me into the bedroom.

(Third Person's P.OV.)
"So, uh, there's something I have to tell you guys," Y/N says as she sits on Prentiss' desk where Garcia and JJ stood. "Oh? Is there tea that needs to be spilled?" Garcia asks. "Yes, there is." "Ooooo, this is going to be good." Prentiss says. "I told Morgan that I loved him," Y/N admits. "W-what?!" Garcia exclaims, making all eyes turn to us. "Shhhhhh! Damn it, Garcia." Y/N scolds. "Sorry, I'm just.. shocked. What did he say? How did he react?" Garcia asks.

"He.. he said that he loved me too." Y/N says, smiling as she recalls what happened the night before. JJ, Garcia and Prentiss all look at Y/N with their mouths gaped open. "What?" They all say in unison. Morgan walks into the break room where Reid, Hotch and Gideon were pouring their coffee. He whistles a tune, getting their attention.

"Someone's happy." Reid says. "You're damn right I am. Y/N told me she loved me last night." Morgan says with a smile. "Really? And how did you react?" Aaron asks. "I told her that I loved her too," He says. "You, Derek Morgan, told a woman that you loved her?" Aaron says.

"Yes I did. And it led to a great night." Morgan says. "TMI, Morgan." Reid says before leaving the room. "What? It's true." Morgan says teasingly. When Y/N walks passed the break room, Morgan rushes after her. He grabs her from behind and she gasps in surprise. He buries his face into her neck and Y/N smiles. He presses kisses down her neck softly and says, "Good morning, baby."

"Good morning, love." She says. "You ready to kick some ass?" He asks. "Yes," She says as she leans her head up so it is leaning under derricks his lips. He presses a soft kiss on hers and pulls away to say "I love you". "I love you too," she says it with a warm smile. "So it is true?" Garcia says from behind them, causing both Derek and Y/N to chuckle.

Multifandom!!! (Book 1) {CLOSED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora