Savior (A Fast Furious 6 Story)

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Y/N saves Hobbs

Hobbs and I are definitely building chemistry the more that we hang out with one another. He was going to go have a chat with the city's surveillance system on his own, since my threat to Riley made her back off in every way. "I'll come with you," I say. "If you'll have me," I add. "Oh I'm sure that he would be delighted to have you," Tej says, earning a glare from Luke.

We hop into his bullet proof hummer and he drives us to the surveillance station. "We need to see your feed from the last three days," Hobbs says. "Can somebody tell Captain America here that needs clearance." The main guard says, making my eyes roll.

I give them a paper that basically serves as a request with formal addresses of both parties. "Sorry, those cameras were down for maintenance earlier today." The guard says. "Okay. Thank for your time." Luke says, offering his hand to the guard for him to shake. I was about to object when I hear bones cracking. Luke's biceps tighten with his grip on the man's hand. That must definitely hurt.

"Every time Shaw makes a heist around here, it seems that your cameras are always conveniently down for maintenance. Which indicates that one of your men must be working with them, and that's ridiculous.. isn't it?" Luke states.

This is about the most attractive thing that I've seen a man do. "Yeah, that's r-ridiculous." The guard says in pain. "I need direct access to your live feed from now on. And I strongly suggest that you put on a hold on any further maintenance." Luke continues. The guard could barely form any words and Luke finishes, "I really appreciated your time. Thank you so much." He keeps his grip on the guard hand for a few more seconds before letting go of his hand.

He nods his head to the door, signaling me to follow him out. "That was about the sexiest thing you have ever done." I compliment as we make our way to the car. "Nah, I wouldn't say that was the most. There are plenty of other things that I can do.." He says. "Would you dare to show me?" "Once this thing is over? Gladly."

Our little session was over when I heard the sound of guns cocking. "Get down!" I say, pulling him down and pushing him behind the car. Luke takes me with him and without even realizing it; I am straddling his waist as I keep him low to the ground. The sounds of bullets ricocheting rings in my ears didn't affect my focus much. You pretty learn to do anything under gunfire in Mexico.

"Are you okay?" I ask breathlessly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?" I nod and press a finger to my lips when I hear voices. "Where did they go?" A man asks, coming from our right. I take out two of my daggers from my sleeves and second he came into view, I slice through his knee and then his throat.

"Rick!" A woman says and kneels to his aid. I take a guns from my holster and shoot her in the chest. More gunfire came about and that was when I stand from Luke. We both continue to take cover behind a car and I glance over the front of the car. There are two guys, an Asian and a Russian that are shooting from up top.

"Give me your gun and head for the car. I'll cover you." I command. "What about you?" He asks. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just go back to the guys." I state. "Go, Luke." I add before shooting at the two men. They both stop shooting and Luke follows what I said.

I hear Luke groan and I immediately go to his aid. Somehow, someway, the big Russian dude was down here and he was beating up on Luke. He dodges as much as he could and punches the Russian dude. I shoot the Russian a couple of times in the back and he falls to the ground in pain.

I feel a sharp pain on my leg and I collapse to the ground to see an African American man with smoke coming out of his gun.

"Shit," I say, clutching my leg. The man was aiming to shoot my head, but before I knew it, Hobbs rammed the man's head into the car next to us. The man falls to the ground and Hobbs breathes heavily before picking me up from the ground.

I continue to shoot at the Asian man from the higher vantage point until Hobbs and I were in the car. Hobbs speeds back to the compound only to pick me up again and take me into the compound.

"Oh my God, what happened?" Giselle says when she sees my bleeding leg and Hobbs' bruised face. "We were ambushed by Shaw's men." He says, setting me down on a table. "Shaw's men were stealthy and had orders to kill us right on the spot. How did you two make it our alive?" Brian asks."Her. She saved my life." Luke says, crossing his arms.

"Giselle, you have to bullet out. If it stays in there any longer, it incre-" "Increases the risk of infection, I know. This isn't my first rodeo." Giselle finishes. "I need someone's belt or a rag or something," I say. "Why?" "To prevent herself from screaming." Dom answers. Roman gives me a rag and I place it in my mouth.

Giselle comes back with the supplies and says, "Okay. You ready?" I nod and she dips the pliers in alcohol before shoving it into my leg. I yell and bite down into the rag. I feel a warm hand on mine and I glance to see Hobb's hand. I squeeze his hand tightly as Giselle continues to search for the bullet.

"It's deeper than I thought," she says. "Just get it out, G." I say, mumbling into the rag. "Okay, I got it." She says before setting the bullet into the bin. "Now for the worst part." She says before pouring alcohol into my wound without warning. I yell through the rag and squeeze Hobbs' hand as I collapse on the table in searing pain.

"It's done," She says and I take a shaky breath. I pull away from Hobb's hand and take the rag out of my mouth. I tie the rag around my wound and lay back on the table. "Thank you," Hobbs says. "For saving my life," He adds. "And I'd do it again," I say. He looks down at me and doesn't say anything. He didn't need to; his eyes said everything.

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