Don't Test Me (4/4)

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The team was slowing us down so he directs them to a cave and moves a boulder so they are boxed in. Riddick and I continue to run to the ship. I wring out my hair and watch as Riddick turns on the ship. He sits in the pilot's seat and closes the rafts before he clicks a few buttons.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"What's it look like?" He asks as he adjusts his goggles.

"W-? Well we're not going to just leave them there to die." I justify.

"That's exactly what we're going to do." He contradicts.

I flash him a look and he says:

"What? Is the cold-blooded mercenary killer starting to have emotions?"

I stand from the bench and press the button to open the door.

"Y/N." Riddick calls.

I grab the harness with lights attached to it and run out of the ship. The skin piercing rain drops soak my clothes and weighs down my hair.

"Y/N!" He calls in an angered tone.

I stop in my tracks and turn around to say:


"You're willing to die for them?" He asks.

"No, I'm willing to die for Jack.. I need to make up for those who I've killed and the families that I tore apart. This is where I start. You can leave and go back to New Meca but I'm staying here." I say.

I glance at him one last time before I start running. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I hear the screeching of the raptors. Everything around me became blurs as I elongate my strides.

I dodge as many raptors as I could until one of them pinned me to the ground with its talons. I use a large bone to cover my face and vital organs.

I press on a button on the inside of my boots that reveals a large dagger on each boot. I dig the dagger into the raptor's stomach and cover my ears as it screeched in pain. It pulls its head back to bite my head until I hear a large crack! The raptor collapsed onto the floor and Riddick stood there with his goggles in his hand.

"You're the only person I care about in this fucking planet. I will leave everyone else but I'm not going to leave you here." He admits as he helped me up.

"Well I'm not going to leave them there like sitting ducks." I say.

He gazes down at me with his starling silver eyes and I don't break eye contact. He huffs before he motions me to follow him. He leads me to the cave and pulls the rock from the opening and Jack said:

"Never had a doubt."

We all run back to the ship and that is when I noticed that Fry was missing.

"Where's Fry?" I ask.

Jack looks around and Imam gazes back outside the ship.

"Oh no." I say under my breath.

"Don't even think about it." Riddick says behind me.

"Can I at least-?"

"No. You're not going back out there, especially not for Fry." He states.

I hear Fry scream and immediately run out of the ship before Riddick could catch me.

"Damn it, Y/N!" He exclaims.

Fry knocks over a metallic barrel in attempt to run away. There were three raptors running after her and I load my gun before I shoot at them. A raptor uses it tail of smack the gun out of my hands and pierced its tail through my arm.

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