Don't Test Me (1/4) [A Riddick Imagine]

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My body weighs with deep sleep as my mind wanders within my imagination. I was called to another planet for business. I was more than happy to go, especially since my husband brought up the idea of having kids. It's not like I don't want to have kids-actually that's exactly what it's like.

I do not want to have kids; but if I reach a point into my life where I want to have kids, I can't because I'm sterile. My husband knows this, but he didn't let that in the way. He was starting to talk about adoption until my boss gave me a traveling mission.

I wasn't even suppose to be married. I was a part of a mercenary assassin team called Project Termination. We were the most well known killers across the planets, too well known.

We went to hunt down a group of Tholans when they got to us first. They were smarter than any other group that we killed. They took out our coms and slowly started to ghost us to the point where I was the only one left.

I barely got off that hell rock, but not before taking out three quarters of their population to avenge my rest of my team that lost their lives. Apparently this created an uproar of species that my team killed and now they were out for blood- more specifically mine. Since I am the last of the mercenary teams, they will never stop hunting me until they have my head on a pike.

Now the hunter became the hunted and I had to lay low. So I pretended to fall in love, married someone and got a job. I'd say I was doing a wonderful job of blending in, aside from the wanted posters with my face printed on them. I'm wanted for ten thousand medallions, those Tholans must want me bad.

I am snapped out of my thoughts by an ear splitting whine. My eyes snap open and my body stiffen as I see a bright red light flashing at the same sequence as the high pitched whine. The ground beneath me started to shake and my pulse begins to increase.

I try to press on the glass in front of me but there was no avail. I look up to see a metal bar secured between the walls of my pod. I wrap my hands around the bar and lift my feet off of the ground. I swing to gain momentum and kick my way out of the pod. Once the pod finally gave in, I roll onto the floor before I stand up. I wipe the dirt off my hands and scan the sight in front of me.

I hear two voices bickering at each other over the high pitched whine. Everyone but four was still asleep; the two pilots are gone and the captain is dead in his pod. I try to follow the voices to find out what is happening, until I see someone who intrigued me.

There was a man with his legs chained down to the floor and his arms chained to behind a pillar. To top it all off, he is gaggedwith a thick, titanium wire.

My damn, what did he do to get this kind of security?

He has black goggles covering his eyes, making it difficult for me to tell if he is looking at me. I tilt my head to the side as I examine his gorgeously sculpted body through his tight black tank top. I take my time checking him out, but something still draws me back to his eyes.

What are behind those goggles?

My curiosity gets the best of me and I find myself reaching towards his goggles. Just when I was an inch away from his face, a man voice says:

"You don't want to do that."

I pull back my hand and fix my posture so I seem dominant.

"And why is that?" I ask.

"You're telling me that you never stopped to wonder why he was so secure?" He asks with a slight condescending tone.

I can already tell that I am not going to like this douchebag. He is practically the book definition of one; tall and muscular? Check. Acts like every woman wants him? Check. Looks at woman like they're some kind of snack? Check. Fugly as fuck? Check. And ass chin? Check.

"Oh I thought about it, I was just curious." I say.

He laughs dryly before he says:

"Then you really are dumber than you look."

"What did you just say, motherfucker?" I snap, taking a step closer to him.

A small smile plays in his lips as he towers down over me. And right when he was about to say something, we heard a loud crack. We both look in the general direction of the sound and notice the large abundance of light and air. Large pieces of equipment fly into the air.

Before I know it, I am being sucked into the gargantuan hole from the back of the ship. The entire tail of the ship was gone and that's when I finally realized that the ship was free falling and we were about to crash.

I notice the man that I was arguing with earlier is already hanging onto the side of the ship. I jump up and grab onto a hanging piece of metal. I use that piece of metal to climb to a higher place to hide. I wrap my legs and arms around a thick, aluminum tube. I close my eyes and wait for impact.

The whole ship surged forward, popping my shoulder out of place in the process. I grunt in pain and wait until the shaking of the ship subsides. I jump off and land perfectly on my seat. I hold my arm in my hand and push back my shoulder blades to make it easier to set my shoulder. I count to three in my head and yell out when I pop my shoulder back into place.

"Damn." I say to myself.

I move around my shoulders and look down to examine myself for any wounds.

"What the hell were you thinking? You could have killed everyone!" A man yelled.

I scurry through the wreckage and follow the voices. I see the douchebag man grabbing a skinny, blonde woman by her neck. She holds onto his wrists and her eyes widens as they meet his gaze.

"Please." She managed to squeak out.

There were seven other people standing there, watching as this happened.

"Hey! What's going on out here?" I exclaim.

"She almost detached the passenger bunker to 'lighten the load' and save her ass." the man states, squeezing her throat even harder.

"Okay, I understand that you are confused and scared about what just happened. But we all need to calm down and figure out what we can do to get off this hell planet." I say.

"Which means that you need to let her go." I add.

His eyes are still fixated on the woman and I say:

"If you don't let go of her right now, I will make you."

He chuckles slightly before he says:

"I would love to see you try."

I crack my knuckles and roll up my sleeves.


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