Welcome to Beverly Hills (5/6) [An All American Story]

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"Enough!" Coach Billy says.

"This is not the time and it sure as hell is not the place for this foolishness!" He adds.

"Now get all of your asses out on the field and play! Or else I'll have all of you doing suicides for two hours straight!" He yells.

They step away from Spencer and I. Asher looks over his shoulder and looked at me with sorrow.

I roll my eyes at him and face Spencer.

"Kick their ass," I say to him.

He smiles and we do our secret handshake.

After the scrimmage, the boys headed to the locker room to get changed. But after what they pull back there in the field, I'm not letting Spencer alone with those douches.

I lean on the wall next to the door of the boys locker room. I hear the normal commotion, and then I hear silence. I burst through the door and a football player throws a punch at Spencer. Spencer dodges it in time and punches the guy in the gut. He doubles over and Spencer finishes the guy off by punching him in his face.

Before he could do anything else, two linebackers held his arms back while another threw punches at his gut.

I run up to one of the guys surrounding him and tap his shoulder. He turns around and I punch him square in the nose, breaking it in the process. His throws his head back in pain as he clutches his bleeding nose. Then I kick him in his balls and threw him against the locker.

Some guys noticed what I did and started to go after me. One guy swings but I duck just in time and threw two punches to his ribs. He threw two hooks punches and I block them both back to back. I push his arms away, exposing his chest and rapidly punch his solar plexus. His eyes widen as the air leaves his lungs and I jump on the side of lockers to spin and hit him in the face with a roundhouse kick.

"What the fuck? Is she like a ninja or something?" A guy says.

Four more guys were surrounding me, but they were moving with caution, afraid of what I could do. I move my neck intimidatingly and they all wince. I smile as I move through them and went to save Spencer, who was now getting punched in the face.

I run into a flying side kick and hit on the football players in the throat. He lets go of Spencer as his hands shot up to his throat. He was gasping for air and I knock him out with a jump inside crescent kick.

When I hear cleats behind me, I hit him with a spinning back kick to the stomach. He doubles over and I take him down with a jumping axe kick.

I turn around to see the other linebacker throwing Spencer to the ground and raising his arm to punch him. I grab the guy's arm before he could throw a punch and I swing my legs over his head. I twist my body so that my legs took him down instantly.

I stood in front of Spencer and put up my guard.

"Come on, I can do this all night." I say.

Most of the team was still intact and they took some steps toward Spencer and I. I reach into a locker and pull out a field hockey stick. I tap the neck of it against the floor before I spin in between my fingers like I would a bow staff.

They took a step back and that's finally when Coach Billy says:

"What the hell is happening in here?"

"Oh now you come in here, huh?" I snark.

I toss the field hockey stick to ground and extend my hand to Spencer. He looks at me with a busted up eyes and uses my hand to bring himself to his feet.

He clutches his side with pain and I swing his arm over my shoulders to assisted him out of the room. None of them moved as I tried to pass, and that's when I finally see Jordan and Asher in the front of the crowd.

Fucking traitors. You can't trust anyone in this town.

"Move or I'll make you move." I say threateningly.

They made a pathway for me and Spencer to go through.

"I think he needs to go to the hospital." Coach Billy says.

"No, he should go home and forget this ever happened." I say sarcastically.

He merely looks at me and I add:

"Yes, he needs to go the hospital. Let's go."

"I'll drive," I hear Jordan says behind.

"Yes, could you-"

"No," I interrupt.

"You've done enough for him already." I add.

Jordan clenches his jaw with shame and I walk Spencer out of the locker room.

"Pull up the car. I'll wait here." I say.

He looks at me skeptically before looking back at the boys.

"Believe me, they're not dumb enough to go after me once they saw what I can do." I reassure.

He runs to his car and I let Spencer rest by sitting him on a bench. He groans as he sits down and he rests his face against my stomach. I rub slow circles on his back and he inhales sharply.

I crouch down and hold his head on my hands. He looks at me dazzlingly and I say:

"It's okay, Spence.. We're going to take you to the hospital as soon as we can, okay?"

He nods and I press my forehead against his. I hear a car honk and say:

"There's Coach.. come on."

I help Spencer to his feet again and when we pass the locker room, I hear Asher say my name. I glare over at him and he tosses me my book bag. I catch it with ease without saying thank you and put Spencer in the car.

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