Divergent Imagine #1

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So, apparently we are playing Catch the Flag tonight. I love being out a night, so I'm pretty excited for this. I can't show it though, it's one of the downfalls of being Dauntless, your face just remain expressionless at all times. We boarded the train to the location. Four was looking out of the door, but there was a confused look on his face.

"Four, what is it?"

I peek passed him to see a figure running next to the train. As this figure came into light, it showed that it was Tris. Four's eyes lit up slightly, I have always had an I liking that he had a thing for Tris. He tries to hide it, but I've been his friends since childhood, I can tell when he is lying. Once she is close enough, Four grabs her and the hauls her up to the train.

"Eric, is going to kill you, girl." She sighs in exhaustion.

Soon after a voice boomed behind me

"Who let you out?" I turn around to see Eric with his arms connected behind his back, which sticks out his chest.

His light blue eyes drilling into Tris' face.

"I did." She responds in a soft voice.

"You did?" Eric says tauntingly.

Tris nods and Eric says "Fine."

He eyes me and he walks away. A couple of minutes later, I stand in front of the door, letting the wind caress my face and comb through my hair. The cool moonlight pulling on me. I cross my arms and look out into the destroyed and abandoned city. Then all of a sudden I felt a hand try and push me out out of the train.

I quickly grab the hand to hold it the culprit in place and punched the person square in the face. Turns out, it was Tim, the six foot two condescending ass, I used to call a friend. He stumbles back and said


He came back at me and I repositioned myself for one hell of a fight. Before he could throw a first punch, Eric went in front of me. He said

"You wanna re-think that? Tim."

Tim went silent and cowered in the presence of Eric. Everyone looked at me like I was the luckiest girl in the world. Eric turn me around and looked into my dark brown orbs.

"I could have taken him. I would have thrown that prick off of this damn train."

I walk away, and he follows me.

He chuckles and whispers "I know you would. That's exactly why I got in between. I didn't want to loose a cadet."

"Hm. Wise choice."

"I know."

I scoff at his confidence and look at him. Then I roll my eyes and walk away. Then Four and Eric had to choose teams, Eric first chose Peter, then Four chose Tris. Eric secondly chose Will, Four secondly chose me. I walk behind Four and Eric shot him a hateful glare. Man, if looks could kill! Four softly grinned at Eric's reaction. Then Eric said

"May the game begin."

**After the game**

The intensity began to die down, apparently there was this chill session by zip lining through the city, but I wanted to stay with Eric. Of course, I didn't verbally say that when Uriah invited me, but I thought it.

I was throwing daggers when Eric came up behind me. I didn't hear him so when he spoke, I screeched. After that I quickly slap him with the flat side of the dagger. My hand tingled from the impact. His mouth was gaped by my actions and I covered my mouth with my hand.

"I'm so sorry! Wait a minute, you should know better than to sneak up on me like that!"

"Don't over react, cupcake. Nothing I haven't felt before."

"Did you just... call me cupcake?" I say awkwardly.


"Well, don't."

"Or what?" He says challengingly.

I started to walk backwards. My body ran into the table and his continued to walk towards me. He placed his hands on either side of me, his breathed fanned across my lips.

"Because I think. That you are absolutely....adorable."

A breathe was hitched in my throat. I gasp as he lifts me onto the table. Our foreheads are touching and lips are just barely. His hands rest on my thighs.

"Just kiss me already."

His lips crash into mine and we had a make out session. Then we continued it in his bedroom.

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