Meeting Sweet Pea

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A/N: So, the new Riverdale season is getting good! I called the ship between Toni and Jughead. Anyways, I am going to start writing Sweet Pea imagines.

A/N: For those of you who don't know. Sweet Pea is the leader of the Southside High School Gang. And he got my attention. He's a badass, tall, muscular, dark haired and dark eyed. There is a picture above ⬆️. Enjoy!

My twin sister and I first stepped foot in South Side High School, and we instantly regretted it. The lockers had graffiti all over it. And the first thing you see are metal detectors, for obvious reasons.

My sister and I were separated into two lines. I catch glancing in her direction the entire time. She isn't know for being a fighter; she is a lover instead. Whereas, I don't have any problem slapping some sense into someone. We're like ying and yang, I stick up for her when she can't stick up for herself. And she calms me down when I get too aggressive.

I put my bag on the moving belt and walk through the detector; nothing went off. I have to spread my arms and legs to be checked. The security guard patted my down my squeezed when it came to my thighs and breasts.

"A little handsy, aren't we?" I snark.

"Only for the pretty women." He says smiling a fugly smile that revealed all of his green, decaying teeth.

This guys definitely did Meth or something because my damn.

My sister and I grab our stuff and walk down the halls to our first class: English. We walked up to the door, and take a deep breathe. Right now, we expect the worst. I open the door and the room immediately got quiet. All eyes were on us and the teacher walks up to us. She looked scared but she tried to hide it.

"Class! This is Y/N and Y/S/N Barnes. And yes, they are twins. Be nice to them and treat them with respect please." She says softly.

Poor, lady. These kids clearly punked her.

"Oh, I treat them nicely alright." A voice spoke seductively.

Chuckles erupted throughout the classroom. I roll my eye and shift my weight to one hip.

"Damn she is thick." Another voice piped up.

"Oh, get over yourselves. You can't win us over even if you tried." I sass.

"Y/N/N." Y/S/N mumbles under her breathe.

"What? They were the ones being rude." I defend.

She shoots me a look and I huff in defeat.

"Oh fine." I say.

The classroom were separated into three categories: serpents, ghoulies and just plain weirdos. We find our seats further away from them as possible. But you can only go so far.

I heard a pair of footsteps shuffle over to my sister and I. Soon after, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I spin around and say:

"Can I help you?"

"Actually. I was wondering if you could help me. If you can answer some questions for me.." He trails off.

"My silence is you que to continue." I sass.

"Is your muffin buttered?" He asked.

My face is laced with confusion when it clicked to me. He was quoting from Mean Girls. I mean, really? How pathetic is this guy?

"Do you want someone to butter your muffin?" He continues.

I hold my hand up for him to stop.

"You know, I could have sworn that is a quote from Mean Girls.... Now, why would a big, bad man like you, watch something as cheesy as Mean Girls?" I say.

The room erupted into laughter. Embarrassment flooded his cheeks and he narrow his eyes at me.

"What are you doing watching Mean Girls?"

"Hmm. Probably because I'm a girl and I found their struggles entertaining.. the better question is... how can you use quotes from it, as your pick up line? How pathetic are you?" I tease.

He stands from his chair, and so do I. He is a good four inches taller than me, but I don't care. I am trained to take down an attacker's here larger than me.

"Y/N/N, don't!" Margaret pleads.

Before I could do anything, the boy was yanked back by his collar. He fell to the floor and scrambled up to meet the eyes of a much taller boy. His black hair was slick back and he had an 'S' tattoo in the form of a snake on the left side of his neck. So I'm assuming he is a Serpent. He is a good three inches taller than the boy and the Serpent guy stepped closer to him with his chest puffed out in a dominant.

"You talk to her again, I will break you in half." The Serpent Guy states.

More Serpent stood behind him with their arms crossed. The boy cowered back to his corner and the Serpent Guy looked at me. He walked over to me and sat in the chair in front of me.

He leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. He looks up at me and our eyes lock. His  dark chocolate eyes were slightly different than the other guy. The had a twinge or amusement in them. The corners of his lips curved up slightly.

"Y/N, right?" He asks lowly.

I nod and he looks down for a split second before returning his gaze back to me.

"It's was a slick move you pulled there. Not very smart if there are only two of you and six of them." He adds.

"What makes you think I can't defend myself?" I ask cockily.

I lean back on my hair and flip my dark brown hair over my shoulder. He chuckles and says:

"That's cute."

"Excuse me? But you're not allowed to call me cute. No calls me cute; first of all. And second of all, how is that 'cute'?" I say.

"Well. You're short and sassy, those two don't scream badass to me." He says.

"If only you knew..." I trail off.

We continue to gaze into each other's eyes until my sister nudged my leg. I look at her and she gives me a look saying don't-even-think-about-it. I blow her off momentarily and he stands from the chair. He walk going to walk away until he stops and says:

"I'm Sweet Pea."

He goes back to the other Serpents and I twist my body around so I am facing my sister.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"I have no idea."

"Do you think he likes you?" She asks.

I look passed my shoulder to see Sweet Pea half listening and half staring at me. I quickly look away and bit my lip slightly.

"I have no idea." I say.

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