Killed in Action (1/3) [An All American Story]

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A/N: This is a continuation of Beach Day.

"Would you rather drink room temperature yet bitter coffee or scolding hot tea?" I ask, already knowing what my little sister, Y/S/N would pick.

"Hmmm.. I would rather... drink scolding hot tea." She says.

My eyes widen as I realize that I picked the opposite of what Y/S/N said. Which means that I don't get a point.

"That's not fair! You know which one you would pick so you pick the opposite so that I don't get a point." I say.

"What! I would never!" Y/S/N defends.

"And you are a horrible liar," I say.

"Now, now, girls. Settle down." Mom mediates.

It was Mom's turn to play, until it was interrupted by the phone ringing.

"Alright, Y/S/N you take my turn while I take this phone call." Mom says as she stands up from the couch.

"Okay.. would you rather have super sensitive taste or super sensitive hearing?" Y/S/N asks.

"I would have super sensitive... hearing." I say with a smile.

"What? That's not fair! I-"

"Yeah, well life isn't fair." I interrupt.

"My turn," I add cheerfully.

My face drops as I see something move in the corner in my and I stop to look. There Mom stood in front of the corner of the living room. She places a hand on the corner to stabilize herself as she stares down the ground. Her chest moves with short and heavy breathes.

"Mom?" I say, standing from the couch and Y/S/N does the same.

I place a hand on my shoulder and say:

"Mom, what's wrong?"

She takes my hand into hers and looks up at me with sadness eyes. The whiter part of her eyes turned pink as tears streamed down her face.

"Mom, why are you crying?" Y/S/N asks as she places a hand on Mom's face.

She doesn't respond.. all she could do was look at me, and that's when I caught onto her drift.

"Y/S/N, go upstairs and get Uncle Tommy on the phone." I direct her.

"But what about Mom? She doesn't seem okay, we should take her to the hospital-"

"Y/S/N, Mom is fine. Just go upstairs and call Uncle Tommy. If he doesn't answer, then call Aunt Freya." I say, sharply.

"But why..?" Y/S/N whines.

"Listen to your sister, Y/S/N/N." Mom says.

Y/S/N hesitantly complies and runs up the stairs to grab the phone.

"No.. please tell me he isn't.." I trail off.

"That was the Department of Defense on the phone.. they said that they found his.. t-they found.." she couldn't care to finish the sentence.

I let go of her and collapse onto the floor. My lungs aches as I withheld my sobs. My chest shakes and my tears began to blurred my vision.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Mom staring down at me with tear-stained cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, my baby." She whispers as she crouches down to my level.

She slides one arm under my neck and another around my back. I hold her arm and rest my face on the crook of her elbow as I release all the sobs that I've been silencing.

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