Kidnapped (1/2) Once Upon A Time]

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A/N: This is a continuation of Love As An Enchanted Wolf.

"Good morning, my l—" I trail off as I open her bedroom door and notice that she wasn't there.

Her bed had no trace of her sleeping there for the night. I burst into the room and checked every place that she could possibly hide, and I couldn't find her. My heart began to race as I realize that scent was about a day old.

I grab my phone and called Neil immediately.

"Neil? Do you have Y/D/N? Please tell me you have Y/D/N, because if you don't I think I'm going to have a conniption. She's not in her room and her scent is about a day old! She—"

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Y/N slow down. What happened?" Neil says.

"I think someone kidnapped my daughter."

"Okay.. we need to be level-headed about this, because of you're not, then that could cost your daughter's life." He instructs.

"Okay, you're right.. So what do you think I should do?" I ask.

"Do what wolves do best: track. I'll get Emma and David on keeping an eye for your daughter, but there is only one person who can find her: you." He says.

I walk out of the room and turned the corner. I gasp as my phone slid out of my hand and  fell to the floor.

"Y/N, what happened? Are you alright? Y/N!" I hear Neil say from the phone.

I see a wooden dagger stabbed through a piece of paper on the kitchen counter. I slowly approach the dagger and lift it off the counter. I closely examine the dagger and trailed my fingertips down be smooth wooden exterior. The craftsmanship looks really familiar. I look at piece of paper and saw the following words written in squid ink:

"Miss me, amor?"

I crush the paper in my hands and the paper caught fire. I gasp as I watch it turn to dust. A knowing smile spread across my lips, but I had to do something to make sure. I raise my hand and think about the dagger; within seconds, the dagger is in my hands.

"I never thought I would be happy that I had my magic." I say to myself.

"Y/N!" I hear Neil scream through the phone.

"You don't have to alert Emma or David. I have my magic back, and I know exactly who took my daughter." I say.

"Who?" He asks.

"Her father,"


I unroll my mat full of weapons onto the counter and open my duffel bag of more weapons. I load my hand guns and put on their safeties. I tuck them into their holsters strapped on my thighs. I was in the middle of tucking a dagger beneath my jacket coat when Hook walked in.

"Good morning beautiful," he greets.

"Whoa, what's with all the weaponry?" He asks.

"Someone's kidnapped my daughter, and I know exactly who did." I say, pulling out my Samari sword from its case.

"Is the person who took her this powerful?" Hook asks.

"When he's angry, yes." I say.

"And how do you know so much about him?" Hook asks.

"Because he's my ex, and Y/D/N's father. This was some ruse to get me to talk to him after seven years." I say.

"Well if he's this strong, then it is unwise for you to go alone." He states.

"At least let me o-or Emma help,"

"Thank you, I appreciate the offer, but no. I do not want you or anyone else getting hurt and especially not Emma. I mean, yes she is the Sheriff and everything, but she's known about magic and us for what? Five minutes? I'm not letting an amateur get in the way of me getting to my child, because if she does, then I am coming after her." I explain.

"I'll be fine, Hook." I add.

I pack up my things and approach the door.

"So much for our morning round, huh darling?" He says.

"Don't worry.." I trail off as I press a kiss on his soft lips.

"We'll have plenty of time for that tomorrow morning." I add.

I close my eyes as I inhale the scent of Juliano's on the wooden dagger. I walk outside the apartment and move to track him down.


I was almost approaching the house when I decided to speak to Emma, David and Hook, who have been trailing me ever since I entered the woods.

I stop on a fallen log and turn to say:

"We're almost there ya know. So if either one of you were planning to turn tail, this is probably the time."

"How did you know? I made sure that we never make a noise or anything that would give us away." David starts.

"You can never sneak up on a wolf." I say matter-of-factly.

"The cabin is a mile from here. The only reason why I allowed you to follow me was to make sure that Y/D/N got return back to town safely, while I stay behind and give Juliano a piece of my mind." I add.

"What if he hurts you?" David asks.

"Aye, mate. Isn't that a question I'm suppose to be asking her?" Hook asks.

We all roll our eyes and I say:

"I know him, and believe me when I say that if he hurts me, then I will most definitely hurt him back."

I whip out both of my samurai swords with a smooth shling! and I continued to hike.

"She doesn't play around when it comes to her kid." Emma says.

"As she should," David states.

We approach the cabin and I hear Y/D/N laughing hysterically.

"Well she doesn't look to be in any danger to me, darling. Why are you so angry at this man again?" Hook whispers to me.

"It's complicated, and just remember what you guys are here for, to rescue Y/D/N and get her out of here. It's about to get nasty." I say.

I place the samurai swords into their holsters and approach the cabin. I nonverbally tell them where do in from, which Emma and David understood and Hook didn't.

"I'm sorry, luv. But you have to speak where you want me to go, I don't understand this." Hook states whilst moving his hand frantically for an exaggerated example.

"Finally, I thought you were never come." Luciano taunts, making Hook and I jump.

Multifandom!!! (Book 1) {CLOSED}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz