Wrongly Accused (2/3)

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"Guys, we have some bad news."

Sweet Pea and I look up at the same time and F.P. too that as a cue to start talking.

"As you all know.. Midge was killed last night at the musical. The Sheriff confiscated Jughead's recorder and on the recorder was a small clip of Fangs with Midge, they were a thing. Eventually the Sheriff was going to look found out, Jughead tried to take it back but..." He trails off and shakes his head.

"F.P.,  just tell us what happened." I say.

"The Sheriff just arrested Fangs for the murder of Midge." He says hesitantly.

"What?! I bet you money that the Sheriff was much more inclined to take him in, not only because he is from the Southside, but because he's on Hiram's fucking payroll!" I say, raising my voice.

Sweet Pea squeezes my hip as a signal to calm down. I release a slow breath and

"When are they going to release him?" I ask, in a much calmer voice.

"That's the thing... they're not, when they interrogated Fangs the first time, he didn't mention his relationship with Midge. Which means-"

"That he withheld information, and that only makes him look even more guilty.. Damn it, Fangs." I say.

"Fangs didn't do it, F.P. He wouldn't even hurt a fly, let alone kill someone that he liked." I add.

"I know.." he says.

I look to Y/S/N and she has her eyebrow raised to me.

"What?" I mouth.

The crosses her arms over her chest and gazes at Sweet Pea's hands, which are secured to my hips. She gives me a look that says:

"When did this happen?"

I look to Sweet Pea, which is completely focused on what F.P. was saying. I step closer to him and his hands nonchalantly slides from my hips to the back of my thighs. It was almost as if his hands were meant to be there.

I am snapped back into my thoughts when I hear Jughead say:

"We'll get him back, guys.. I promise."

And with that he left with Y/S/N to come up with a plan to get Fangs out of the slammer.


Our parents completely lost their minds when Y/S/N and I told them about Fangs. They went straight to the Sheriff station and hasn't been back since. Y/S/N left with Jughead again, leaving me alone with my Corgi named Cameron.

I am downstairs in the work out room, practice come kickboxing techniques to burn off some steam.

I hear Y/S/N come home with Jughead and Toni, but I decide to continue kick boxing. Then soon after, I hear the doorbell ring followed by more footsteps walking into the house.

This catches my attention and I finally stop boxing. I walk out of the room to see Sweet Pea, Toni, Y/S/N and Jughead all huddled together and speaking amongst themselves.

"What's going on out here?" I ask as I unstrap my boxing gloves.

Sweet Pea looks up and scans me in my dark purple bra and black spandex with sweat trailing down my body. Y/S/N nudged him and he snapped out of whatever trance he was in. He cleared his throat before walking over to me.

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when he says:

"Fangs is being released, tonight."

"That's amazing! Let's go, right now." I say before turning on my heel.

"No, Y/N wait." He says.

"There are people in Riverdale that are mad about Fangs release. They believe that Fangs really did kill Midge, and there is a riot outside the station. The other Serpents are preventing them from entering the station while we work on a plan to get him out." He adds.

"Okay, then let's work it out ."I say.

"Yeah... you're not coming." He says.


"It's too dangerous for you to be out there." He explains.

"Sweet, we'll meet you at the station." Y/S/N says.

He nods and I wanted to follow her out of the door, but Sweet Pea prevented me from doing so.

"How is Toni and Y/S/N- my twin sister I might add- allowed to go and not me? Do you not care enough for them to let them go and risk their lives?" I ask.

"You're really going to make me say it, aren't you?" He asks in disbelief.

"Make you say you what?" I ask.

"I love Toni and Y/S/N, I truly do.. but I just love you more. That doesn't change how much I love them..  I love you more and if you are there, then my focus is split. I will be more focused on making sure that you're safe instead of getting Fangs out of there. So just please, stop being so damn difficult and stay here where I know you are safe." He explains.

I fold my arms over my stomach and huff in annoyance.

"Make sure he gets out of there safe, okay?" I say.

He nods and he stares down at me as he contemplates what to do. Before I could even react, he pulls me closer to him and presses a soft kiss on my lips. My hand rests on his chest and let his lips massage mine. He pulls away but I could still feel his breath against my lips.

I look up at him and wanted to kiss him again, but it wasn't the time or place. Ergo, I pulled away completely and he understood. I watch as he walks through the door and started to pace at the mere thought of my brother all alone in a jail cell.

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