Fresh Start (2/6) [A Haven Story]

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"So, what was you're trouble?" I ask as we walk through Binney Park.

Though it was fall, the Japanese Cherry Blossom trees still had its gorgeous light pink pedals. The pedals that fell off sent the most rejuvenating smell of cherry as it danced through the wind. The remaining trees had leaves that started to turn banana yellow. The scenery of this park is absolutely amazing, from the trees, to the wooden bridges,

"I could make fire," He says, taking a sip of his hot cocoa.

"Really?" I ask.

"Hold your hand out,"

I comply and he takes off my gloves. He stuffs them in his pocket and adds:

"Now close your eyes and concentrate on making fire with your hands."

I close my eyes and furrow my brow a little as I concentrate. I gasp when I feel a surge of heat roll through my body.

"Open your eyes,"

I do so and saw a literal ball of fire fabricate in my hand. It levitates from my hand and steam started to seep out of it as it continued to burn. I stare deep into it all of a sudden grew twice its size.

I yell and flail my arms frantically. The ball of fire flew into the air and exploded in the sky with a loud boom. Pieces of ash fell onto the trees and set some of the leaves on fire.

"Oh my God!" I yell.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Something that I have been dealing with all my life." He says.

"Can't I just undo it?" I ask.

"Well you absorbed Jennifer's trouble, which was to undo everything she does. So yes, you can undo it." He explains.


I lift my hand and looked up at where the fire ball exploded. I close my eyes and slowly closed me fist. My eyes snap open when I heard a loud crack of a tree. The smell of burning pedals left my nose and there was no trace of the ball of fire that I just created.

I stare at my hands and looked up at Boyd.

"Did I do it?" I ask.

He nods with amusement and I say:

"This is something that needs some getting used to."

"Agreed," He says as he hands me my gloves.

I slide them on and notice that he started to shiver.

"One of the benefits of controlling fire is that I never felt cold.  Now that my trouble is gone, I'm always cold." He states.

I hold his hands in between my palms and blow hot air against them. He sighs and steps closer to me. He leans his face against mine and he pulled away; his eyes drift from my eyes to my lips, almost as if he was asking permission. I nod and his soft lips massage mine.

"Are you guys alright?" A man asks.

We pull away from each other and look toward the man. He wears a black, North Face jacket and gray hats and gloves; gray scarf peeks out from beneath his jacket. He also wears light brown khakis and basically framed black glasses.

"Yeah, we're fine. Thanks for asking, Curt." Boyd says.

I wave to the man and have him a small smile.

"Wait a minute, you're Y/N Y/L/N, aren't you?" He asks.

"Y-yes?" I stumble.

I hear him mumble something and he scurried over to me. I started to get defensive and looked to Boyd. Though Boyd knew the man, he still looks at him as the man approaches, almost as if he was waiting to see what he was going to do.

The man looked deeply into my chocolate brown orbs before pulling me in for a hug. I stand there with my arms dangling by my sides and stared at him confusingly.

"Thank you, so much for taking away my trouble, I don't what I would have done without you." He says Info my hair.

"You're welcome?" I say.

He pulls away from me and smiles as he slides his hands down the sides of my arms.

"What's wrong?" He asks me.

"She doesn't remember everything ever since she woke up from her coma. She doesn't even remember taking away everyone's troubles. She only knows what I told her." Boyd states.

"Oh no.. that's so horrible how someone could do such a generous thing and not remember it?" The man says.


Boyd looks to the ground and shuffles his feet nervously. I notice that he was getting uncomfortable and took it as a sign to take him back home.

"Well it was nice talking to you.."

"Curt," he answers.

"It was nice talking to you, Curt. I'm sorry I couldn't remember you, but I think I ought to go home and rest. See if any memories resurface." I explain, taking Boyd's arm into my hand.

We walk back to his car and drives me home.


I lay on my side and Boyd spoons me from behind. His hands are linked with mine in front of my body and our legs are entangled with one another. He snuggles his face into my neck and released soft snores as he slept.

It's been a week since I've woken from the coma. I appreciate how much Boyd was being so understanding and compassion. Apparently, him and I were quite serious; we had been together for more than three years and had lived together for the same amount of time.

This only news me feel worse about the fact that I don't remember him. I know how much he loves me, but just don't love him as much as he loves me. Maybe I did before, but I don't now; and I don't know how to break it to him.

Out of guilt for him, I had sex with him. It wasn't awful, don't get me wrong; but it just wasn't satisfying enough for me. Apparently it was more than satisfying to him, since he came twice. He felt right on asleep afterward, leaving me awake and unsatisfied. I didn't want to make him feel bad, so I just let him snuggle me.

I look into the starry night sky through the window and sigh. I stare at my tattoo of an infinity sign within an infinity sign that I have no idea when I got. I furrow my brow when I see my tattoo beginning to turn a light shade of yellow, but there was no pain coming with it.

I delicately slide out of Boyd's arms and put on my bra and underwear. I sit on a chair and cross my leg in a way that I can see my glowing tattoo.

I run my thumb over the tattoo and felt a small sensation of heat on it, but not enough to cause me any pain.

"What is happening?" I ask myself.

The tattoo started to shine brighter and it almost seems like there was a live image moving in the tattoo. I bend down and just when I was able to see the image, a bright flash of light assaults my eyes. I fall back into the body of the chair and fall unconscious.

Multifandom!!! (Book 1) {CLOSED}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang