DC & Marvel?? Intro

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A/N: In this imagine, it will feature Stephen Amell, Ryan Reynolds, Grant Gustin, Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill & Gal Gadot as their posed DC character.

And of course all the Avengers.

A/N: Also in this imagine, the main character is with Bucky and Bucky gets jealous when the guys (beside Superman) began flirting with her.

I was cuddling with Bucky on his bed while watching the movie Hitch; until FRIDAY said that there was a code 12. Bucky and I jolted up and ran out of the door. Steve's voice came on coms

"We have a code 12 in the West Wing."

"Copy that."

We sprint to the West Wing to have an encounter with a woman with yellow and red armor, a shield with a 'W' on it. And a man with a blue and red suit with a 'S'. Protocol for code 12 is to initiate contact and ask questions later.

The woman tried to whip me but I blocked it, then material that the whip was made out of made my forearm burn. So I pull it and chuck it across the room. She rushes towards me and she flew right into the wall when I hit her with a jumping side kick. She jumps back up and she tries to punch me. Damn, this bitch is strong. I block it and put her into an arm bar as I punch her in the face continuously.

She gains momentum and knees me in the face. I jerk backwards and roundhouses me into the wall. I slide down the wall and jump up using my forearms.

"That's it. Now I'm pissed."

I stand into a back stance with a double knife block. They look at me with alarm. And purple energy began to originate from my hands and eyes. I aim my energy ball at her throat and she is on the ground gasping for her breath. And she was bent over I kicked her in the face, knocking her out.

"Wonder Woman!" screams the man.

The man then charges towards me and Bucky says

"Not a good idea."

"I agree with that statement." Says Thor cockily.

The man puts his hands up in surrender. And I ask Thor

"Where is Cap and the others?"

"They are in the next following rooms, fighting others in interesting costumes."

"Ok. I'll go check on them. You ok over here?"
I say referring to Bucky and Thor.

"Yes." Thor says confidently.

Bucky gives me a look and says

"Be careful. Ok?"

"I always am." I say then give him a quick peck.

In that moment the man looked at me and Bucky and smiled. Like he knows how it's like to love someone. As I jog out of the room, Steve says on coms

"The West Wing is now secure. Meet at the tundra for debriefing."

**During Debriefing**

"So it turns out, this group call themselves the Justice League." Tony says.

"And they say that we are on the same side."
Steve says.

"I would say that is up for debate for the time being." I say.

They all look at me and nod. But Bucky continues to stare at me. I look over and blew him a kiss, and I catches it and put it in his pocket. I smile at him and he smile back.

"So what are we going to do about this? Because I haven't even remotely heard of these people." Says Pietro.

"Neither have I." Says Wanda.

"I suggest that we have a civilized conversation with them and come up with a solution on how we send them back to wherever they came from. Instead of punching first and asking questions later." Says Vision.

"And I agree with that statement." Says a man in a black uniform, black cape and a yellow bat symbol on his chest.

"We don't want any trouble. We just want to know how the hell we got here." says the blue and red man.

"Well, lets start with names." I say stepping forward.

"Well, I'm Superman. This is Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder woman and Flash."

"And what about your real names?" Ask Natasha.

"That's classified." said Batman.

"And why is that?" I say.

"Because we don't trust you." He says stepping forward.

"Well, we don't trust you either." I say stepping forward as well.

"Ok that's enough." Says Steve.

"Are you still going to be in your costumes?" I ask.

"Why do you care?" Says Batman.

"Because I don't trust people who don't show their face... that's why."

He looks at me and slowly takes off his mask, and sets it on the table. His dark brown eyes bore into mine.

"You happy now?"

"Not necessarily."

Green Lantern, Green Arrow and Flash take off their masks.

"Better?" Asks Green Lantern.

"Much better. See? Now we are finally getting somewhere." I say.

They all stare and me and I look to Captain for further instructions. Batman's eyes continue to follow me

Bucky's fingers laced with mine, I turn to see if he was ok. I saw a twinge of jealousy in them, and I smile at him. He squeezed my hand and I give him a short but genuine kiss. Batman clears his throat and says

"What are your thoughts about how to get us back?"

"I don't know.... yet." Says Tony.

I look at Wanda and see her fidgety. And when she fidgets, it means she did something wrong. She saw me staring at her and she walked out of the room, with me following close behind her.

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