Meeting James (A Supergirl Imagine)

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It is year 2030 and there the world is under a massive apocalypse. Aliens— more specifically, white martians— have invaded our Earth.

According to Mon-El, we had to go under a deep sleep and transport ourselves to another time period. He volunteer to stay awake and watch over us.

Y/B/N, my brother and I all objected, but Mon El wasn't going to change his mind. He placed the gas mask over my mouth and nose. Almost immediately, I fell into a deep sleep.


I feel a prick on my right shoulder. I jolt awake screaming and immediately take cover. I fall on the floor and use the medical bed as my shield.

"Y/N/N! Y/N/N. Calm down. It's me, it's Mon-El."

I slowly rise up from medical bed. I glance around the room and finally see Mon-El. He had his hands up in a surrender and his deep blue eyes are slightly dilated.

"Mon-El?" I ask.

He nods and a small smile appears on his face.

"Hi." He says softly.

I stand up and run over to hug him. He embraces me and lifts me off of the ground. I wrap my arms around his biceps and bury my face into his shoulder.

He finally puts me down and I ask:

"Where's Reed?"

"He's in the other room."

"Is he awake?"

"Not yet. But he is on his way."

"What about Y/B/N?"

As soon as I ask him, Y/B/N ran into the room.

"Y/N?" She states.

"Mon-El?" She adds.

I pull away and let Y/B/N hug her husband. Their relationship always made my heart warm. As the kiss and hug each other, I notice another woman in the room who reeks of jealousy.

Her blonde hair is pulled into a loose ponytail and she has hazel eyes. She wears a red button up shirt and a black formal skirt that is about knee length. She wears black heels accompanied by black framed glasses.

She eyes Mon-El and tears were beginning to swell in her eyes. Another woman went to comfort her. She has burgundy red hair and dark brown eyes. She wears a combat one piece with weapons attached to the sides.

Both of them left, leaving me, Mon-El, Y/B/N and another man. An attractive man. He is tall, broad shouldered and well built. His black tank top compliments his biceps and mocha skin tone perfectly. His tan pants hug his leg muscles.

He eyes me and sends me a small smile. I return the gesture. He approaches me and says:

"Hi. I'm James."

He extends his hand and I take it. As I shake his hand, I say:

"I'm Y/N Tor-El from Earth 2030."

"I'm sorry, did you say 2030?" He states.

I nod and that's when I realized we are still holding hands. I gently take me hands away and his chocolate brown eyes burrow into mine.

"How did you get here?" He asked.

"We transported here." I say.

I turn to Mon-El and say:

"You haven't told them yet?"

He shakes his head no and my eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"Excuse me, but I have to check on my brother." I say to James before leaving the room.

I walk into Reed room to see him awake.

"Reed?" I say.

"Y/N? Hey." He says weakly.

I trot over to his side and take his hand in mine.

"Hey. How you feeling?" I ask.

"Like hoor sluk." He states.

"You'll be fine, Vlecho." I say.

"You should walk around this place with me. It's almost like the castle, but less modified." I add.

"You're royalty?" A man asked.

I jump and spin around quickly. I ball my hands in fists and the man puts his hands up in surrender.

"Surn jequm, cyugol. He is a friend, not a foe. His name is Winn." My brother states.

He rests a hand on my bicep, holding me back.
I stand down and Winn walks further into the room. He glances from me to Reed and back to me.

"So you're the big, bad older sister huh?" He ask.

"Yes. I am." I say.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Winn. And you are?" He introduces.



Reed is finally out of his medical bed. He is hanging out with Mon-El and Y/B/N, leaving me to explore on my own. I walk around the warehouse and discover a large room with sparring weapons on two main walls.

One wall has bow staffs and swords of all varieties. The other wall has guns and daggers. In the far left corner, I see James with a bow staff. He whips the staff through the air in a series blocking moves. Then he uses a foam dummy as his target. He walks to a far enough distance before he launches the staff. The staff spirals through the air and practically impales the dummy.

I wolf whistle and he looks at me. He smiles and pulls the bow staff out of the dummy.

"Not bad." I say.

"Think you can top that?" He asks.

"Oh yes. Definitely. I'm just complimenting your abilities, especially for a rookie." I say.

"Wow. A rookie.... that's low." He says.

"I can use and operate every single one of these weapons."

"So can I." He states cockily.

"So I guess there is only one way to see who is the best." I say.

I trot to the bow staff and take one from the hook. I whip it into relaxed position. He stands in front of me and mimicked my actions.

"On your mark." He says.

"Get set." I say.

"Go." We say in unison.

We both raise our staffs and strike at the same time.

A/N: I used an English to Alien translator for some parts. I'm not sure how accurate this is but;

Hoor sluk means like crap.

Vlecho means brother.

Surn jequm, cyugol means relax, sister.

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