Despair Final Part

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"Y/N. What are you doing here?" Thomas asks.

"I think I have a better question. Why the hell did you lie to me?" I say.

He stands up from his desk and walks over to me.

"Baby..." He starts.

I slap him across the face and he steps back

"You're a fucking liar. You lied to me from the minute we met. We've 'loved' each other for three years and not once did you have the decency to tell me the truth!" I snap.

"I can explain..." He states

"What! What could you possibly say to justify your actions as a misogynistic, manipulative bastard?! Why would put your life — your wife and kids— in jeopardy for someone like me?" I say.

"Because I loved you, Y/N.. I still love you."

"Cut the crap, Thomas." I state.

"Hey! It hurt me a lot more than it hurt you!"

"Really... really?! You suffered four months of depression? You pushed away everyone that ever cared about you? You thought about chugging down a whole bottle of ibuprofen just to take away the pain of heartbreak? You did all of those things? Great! Because at least it shows that you actually have a heart!" I state.

"Y/N." He states as touches my arm.

"Don't touch me." I say with seriousness as I yank my arm away sharply.

My throat stings in anticipation of my tears as I say:

"You sent two Marines to my house... were they even real or did you hire them to lie for you?"

His eyes are laced with guilt and he just simply states:

"I'm sorry."

"You promised me that you would come back and that you would tell me the truth always, remember?" I say.

He opened his mouth to say something and I interrupt him.

"You know what? Don't talk to me, don't contact me, don't even look in my direction because of now, you are dead to me. Dead."

I open the door to see Thomas' wife with her hand covering her mouth and tears brimming in her eyes.

My face remained neutral as I walked passed her.

I hear her hand come into contact with his face, followed by:

"You named our five year old after her?"

** Timeskip

I stop outside of Luke's door and take a couple of seconds before I actually knock on his door. Within seconds, he opens it and scans me before I ask:

"How'd it go?"

I didn't say anything, I just walk up to him and press my forehead against his chest.

"That bad huh?" He asks.

I sigh in relief that I am no longer in Wisconsin.

"I could order some Thai food and we could talk about it?..." He suggests.

I look up at him and ask:

"Where have you been all of my life?"

He smiles down at me and I hear Roxy bark. Our gazes meet and I feel Luke being pushed into me.

I yelp out in anticipation but soon sigh in relief as I feel my back hit the door. Luke hands land next to my neck and he face lands on my chest.

He pulls away and say:

"I'm so sorry! Bad girl Roxy."

Roxy whines and hides behind me. I chuckle as I crouch down to pet her.

"I think Roxy is trying to tell us something." I say.

"Like what?" He asks.

"Like this..." I say.

I stand and pull him closer by the collar as I press my lips to his. The kiss lingered on his lips before I pulls away. He is slightly dazed by the kiss and I smile at him.

"I think Thai food sounds great."

He smiles before he pulls me to his chest and presses another kiss to my lips.

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