Bonding (A Criminal Minds Imagine)*

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Smut Warning.

Luke's P.O.V:
I sigh as I walk into the BAU office. I walk over to my desk and set down messenger bag.

"Hey Luke." Rossi greets.

"Hey." I say.

"How is Y/N treating you?" He asks.

"She's amazing.. I've missed everything about her but I was so used to being on my own. That when I come home, I expect to have Roxy greeting me.. and I don't.. know how to act around her anymore. She's so perfect." I explain.

"You don't think you're good enough for her." He states.

"I really don't. She's beautiful, she cooks, she cleans, she can multi-task. She knows mixed martial arts.. there is nothing that I know of that she can't do. And then there is me, and I'm flawed.."

"Nobody is perfect... no matter what they make you think. She has flaws, just like you." Rossi reassures.

"I.." I trail off into a sigh.

"I don't know.." I add.

"Maybe you should tell her that. Tell her how you think you are not good enough for her. Talking about things strengthens anybody's relationship ya know." He states.

"When was the last time you sat down and had a talk?" He asks.

"We haven't yet." I say.

"That's exactly the problem."

"Maybe you need so time alone, if you know what I mean." Rossi states.

I smile to myself as I look up at him.

"You think so?" I ask.

"Yes! It's clear that there is tension between you two. Maybe a release is all you need." He states.

He pats my back before he walks away.

I had a few minutes to myself to think about what I should do with Ruth.

"Newbie! We have a case!" Garcia calls from the conference room.

I huff before I stand up from my chair and walk into the conference room.

** Y/N's P.O.V:

I apply the Preggo sauce to the noodles of my Shrimp Alfredo. I fed Roxy her kale, egg, ham and chicken bowl. Then I fed Zuzu her gourmet cat food. They both calmly eat side my side.

I hear the front door open and Luke says;


I hear him set down his keys and messenger bag. He loosely rests his arms on my hips and buries his face into my neck. He sighs in relief and presses a lingering kiss on the curve on my neck.

"Long day?" I ask.

"I've been away from you too long." He says.

His hot breathe taunting my neck.

"Well aren't you sweet." I say.

Multifandom!!! (Book 1) {CLOSED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora