Call Me Len

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A/N: This one is really short, I know. Sorry. This ideas just came to my mind and I thought it would be really cute.

Snart has been sneaking flirtatious looks my way all day. I was walking into Star Labs with new intel on the meta human that attacked Barry.

"Hello, gorgeous." Snart says.

"Oh, in think I'm going to throw up." Cisco adds.

I roll my eyes at him and turn my attention to Snart.

"Hi." I add.

Then I walk passed him and tell the rest of the team the intel I gathered. Little did I know that Snart was eyeing me up and down the whole time. I turned around and said:

"Did you get any of that, Snart? Or were you too busy checking me out?"

"I did a little bit of both."

He stepped closer and put his hand an inch away from mine. He lifted my chin for me to look at him.

"Call me Len."

We gaze into each other's eyes for a little bit. And Barry says:

"Ok, Snart. Let's roll out."

"A kiss good luck?" Snart pushes.

I put a hand on his chest and say:

"Don't push your luck."

I push him away and he smirks at me before following Barry out of the door.

After they defeat the meta human, Snart comes back into Star Labs to say goodbye. When he was halfway out of the door, I say:

"Bye, Snart."

He stops dead in his tracks, sets his gun on the table and walks over to me. He cups my face in his hands and kisses me passionately. I hold onto his wrists gently and he finally pulls away to say:

"I told you, to call me Len."

I smile at him and he steals on more kiss before walking out of the door. Everyone looks at me in shock and I share the same expression as them.

"Okay, well... that just happened."
Cisco says to break the silence.

I smile to myself and run my fingers along my lips. I still taste Len on them.... is it bad to say that I want more?.....

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