Love? (A Spencer Reid Imagine)

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I've been with the BAU for going on three years now. I've created a special bond with each of them; but there was something about Reid that drew me in. Reid and I have been friends for a while now, and we've only grown closer. We have shared some of our darkest secrets with each other.

Then something changed; he acted... different. He's been distant ever since our get together at the local cafe.

The night, winter air nipped at my exposed cheeks as we continue to walk down the empty sidewalks of Virginia. My thick pea coat, gloves, earmuffs and hat concealed my warmth. I glance over at Reid to see him dressing in the same manner.

"Are you sure you want to be out here like this?" He asks.

"I would rather snuggle on the couch and watch Shutter Island." He adds.

"Are you serious? Out of all of the movies you could have picked?" I say as I shove my hands inside my pockets.

"What? It is in the top list of intellectual movies!" He defends.

I roll my eyes and start to cross the street.

The moment I step on the crosswalk. There was a commotion with tires squealing and a man yelling:


My head snaps up to observe where the problem is the next thing I knew, I see a Ford Gladiator Truck speeding towards me.

In that moment, I couldn't move. All I could do was stare into the bright headlights with my mouth gaped open. My heart and lungs scream at me to move out for the way. Even my body emits adrenaline to wake me up. The close the car gets, the faster my heart beats.

Then I hear Reid exclaim:


I feel a strong pair of arms wrapped around my torso and pulls me away just in the nick of time.

He trips over his feet and starts to fall backwards.


To prevent me from getting the fall, he pulled me towards his chest and held me there until the fall was over.

Once his back comes into contact with his back, I could hear the wind leave his body, followed by a faint crack!

"Reid! Reid, are you okay?" I frantically ask.

I climb over his body and check his vital organs for any damage. He seems perfectly fine, but where did the crack come from?

"Reid?" I whisper.

His deep green eyes burrow into my dark brown orbs.

"Hey! Oh my God, are you okay? I took that corner way too sharp. I'm so sorry." A man frantically says.

"I'm fine. But he took the fall for me and I think we need to go to the hospital." I say.

"No. No I'm fine." Reid says.

I stand up from him and extend him my hand. He hauls himself up and brushes himself off.

"Are you sure you're okay? I heard a faint crack when you took the fall and I..." I trail off as he cups my cheeks.

"Hey... I'm fine." He softly states.

His eyes slowly trail down my face and to my lips. He leans in so close, I could feel his hot breath and his lips brush up against mine. I close my eyes and wait for the kiss. But the kiss never came; instead I feel his warmth leave my body. I open my eyes and see his line green eyes laced with regret.

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