Sleeping In [Stomp The Yard] (3/3)

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I sigh deeply as I finally come back to consciousness. A yawn erupted from my chest as rub the sleep out of my eyes. I notice a weight on my back so I look over my shoulder to see Zeke sleeping on lower back with his arms tucked beneath my thighs.

I reach for my phone to check for the time and it read 1:37 pm. My eyes widen as I realize that Zeke and I slept through our alarms and missed three of our classes.

"Shit!" I whisper/scream.

"Zeke," I say loud enough for him to hear, but didn't respond to me.

I turn around and he lays himself on my thighs with a sigh.

"Zeke, wake up! We missed all of our classes today." I say as I shake him.

"What?" He says groggily.

"We missed all of our classes. It's 1:37 in the afternoon." I say.

"What?!" He says as he stands abruptly from the bed.

"Damn babe, how did we sleep through our alarms?" He asks.

"I have no idea. Last night seemed like a blink and the next thing I know, it's the afternoon." I say, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

"Man I'm screwed," he says with a sigh.

"You and me both,"

I stand from the bed and my hips cracked and pain shot through my body. I yell out and immediately collapse to the ground. My legs started to shake uncontrollably as I prop myself up on my elbows.

"I told you, you broke me," I say.

"Oh come on baby, we slept for almost sixteen hours straight. You're telling me that your legs are still sore from last night?" He says.

"Yes.. I literally can't stand up straight," I say.

"Then here, let me help."  He says as he lifts me off the bed like a groom would his bride.

"Now you have no choice but to shower with me. It's not like you can't get up and walk away or anything." He adds.

I glare at him and he smiles before he presses a sweet kiss on my lips.

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