He Was Just The Wrong Man For You Part Two

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I run into my living room to see my sister sitting on the couch, crying into her hands. I knelt down to her level.


Her head pops up and she jumps into my arms. She squeezes my back and sobs into my shoulder.

"Why. Why would he do this to me?... I thought- I thought he cares about me but I..."

Her body trembles under my touch. I shush her and run my fingers through her hair in a comforting manner.

I look up at Toni and she gives me a sorrowful look. I shake my head and clench my jaw.

"I'm going to kill him." I say.

She sobs further into my shoulder. I rest my chin on her head and rub circles on her back.
Her breathing increases as she cries. I hear the pebbles crunch under tires. Headlights break through the front window. The brakes squealed the car to a stop.

Sweet Pea peaks out of the window and looks at me.

"He's here." He states.

I give Toni a look and she walks over to me. I trade Y/S/N off to her and take off my jacket. I walk towards the front door. Sweet Pea blocks my way to the door.

"Sweet, Listen. That son of a bitch broke my sister's heart. And I will be damned if he is just going to get away with that. She deserves more, better than him. I am in a rage, and unless you want me unleash all of my pent up anger on you, then I strongly suggest you step aside. I'm only going to say this once: step aside, Sweet." I say.

He slowly moves to the side and I walk passed him.

"I'm not going to let you fight him alone." He states.

"It's wise if you do." I say.

I open the door and Reggie turns off his car. He hops out and closes the door.

"Y/N, you've got to listen to me... it's not what it looked like." He fibs.

"What it looks like you proved me right, that you are a sex-driven, cold-hearted fuck boy. You went against my rules and you broke my sister's heart because you couldn't keep you John in your pants." I snap.

"Y/N/N." He says stepping closer.

The last thing I remember before I blacking out, is lunging towards him.

Third Person P.O.V:
For the first time in years, Y/N's mind blacked out. She lost all perceptions regarding to ethics. Her conscience was put on pause. Her mind only blacks out when she is upset on a whole other level.

She lunges towards Reggie and clocked him right in the jaw. Reggie stumbles to the ground and Y/N pins him under her. She winds her arms back and hit him continuously in the face. With every strike, more blood stains her knuckles.

"You bastard!"

"How dare you hurt my sister!"

"You no good son of a bitch!"


She screams out as she punches his body. She feels his ribs crack under her knuckles. His face is swelled up like a balloon and his lips is split in two places. His left cheek bone is fractured and he has deep gash on his forehead. She exhausts herself and climbs off of him. Reggie groans in pain and clutches his side. She stumbles back covering her face.

The pebbles dig into her legs and she body comes into contact with the ground. Sweet Pea ran over to me and tried to hold me.

"No! No! Don't touch me!" She exclaims while pushing him away.

She is insanely strong. How did she get this strong? Sweet Pea thinks to himself.

"Stop." He says.

He embraces her anyway. She tries to push him away again and Sweet Pea has enough.

"Y/N! Cut it out!" He exclaims.

Y/N freezes and panics at her actions. Sweet Pea looks down at her and says:

"It's alright. I've got you. We've got you."

Y/N's breathing quickens as tears started to flow down her cheeks.

"What wrong with me?" She asks looking at him.

He pulls her closer to his chest and cups the back of her head with his massive hand. She silently sobs against his chest, staining his shirt with her tears.

"There's nothing wrong with you." He states.

"Yes, there is. I'm.... I'm a monster." She stutters out.

More cars approached Y/N and Y/S/N house. Y/N grew defensive, but Sweet Pea held her down.

"Hey, Hey. I got you, Y/N/N. I got you." He says into her ear.

She stops fidgeting and welcomes Sweet Pea's embrace.

"Fang, take him to the hospital in his car. Jughead, trail him and bring Fang back here." Sweet Pea directs.

Fang and Jughead murmurs in agreement and took care of Reggie. Sweet Pea lifts Y/N off of the ground with ease. He carries her bridal style into house and places her the couch.

He takes off his Serpent jacket and wraps it around her.

Y/N's P.O.V:
I wake up with a familiar, dwelling head pain. I slowly blink the sleep out of my eyes and that's when I notice the weight on my hips. I peer around the room and notice Y/S/B twinkling eyes looking at me. I do a double take and my eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"What?" I say.

She puts her index finger to her lips and shushes me.

"Why?" I mouth.

She points behind me and I quickly glance over my shoulder. My mouth gaped open as I see Sweet Pea face drooped with sleep. His raven black hair points every which way and his mouth is slightly open, releasing soft snores.

His body clenches against my back and he emits one loud snore. Y/S/N giggles on the couch across from me. I roll my eyes at her and slowly move his arm. He doesn't wake up so I continue to move his arm. Once I got an opening, I quickly get out of his grasp. I stand up only to trip over his shoes and land face first onto the rug. The impact made a loud bang! which then wake up Sweet Pea. He quickly stands and steps over his shoes.

"Y/N?" He asks.

"Down here." I call from the floor.

"What are you doing down there? Are you okay?" He asks.

He extends his hand and I gently grasp it. I haul myself up and almost trip again. His arm holds me up from behind. He pulls me closer and our lips brushed against each other. I suck in a breathe and look into his eyes.

"Thank you." I say.

"For what?" He asks.

"For catching me; and for taking care of me last night." I say.

"I'll always catch you." He responds.

"Sweet Pea, I—"

I was interrupted by Sweet Pea's soft, plump lips. I pull back immediately and I push him away.

"Sweet Pea!" I exclaim.

"What?" He asks.

I look at Y/S/N and she looks so happy and proud.

"Y/S/N, I'm so sorry." I say.

"Sorry? Sorry for what? I was counting down the days until you two hooked up." She states.

"But what about last night?"

"It still hurts, but I will be okay. You two make me feel better. Just because one sister doesn't have much luck with love, doesn't mean the other can't love." She explains.

I look at Sweet Pea and he steps closer to me. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and presses a lingering kiss on my forehead. I intertwine my hands with his and press my forehead against his.

"Finally." He says.

I chuckle and press a soft kiss to his lips.

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