Taken Off Guard (2/3)

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Derek and I's argument lingers in my head as I look through the list that Garcia sent over of men who had been discharged from the Army or Marines because they would have had to have expertise in the type of knots being tied around the hands and ankles of the women. The fact that I fit the exact description of the women that this serial killer and kidnapper has taken, is chilling.

I glance over to see Derek leaning on some women's desk as he speaks with her in his seductive tone. I roll my eyes and continue searching through the list. I come across a man who was discharged from the Marines less than a month ago, which fits our range for the killer.

I take the file and walk up to Hotch. "This may be our guy, Hotch." I say. I go into further detail and he shakes his head before saying, "Okay, you and Morgan can take him in. Good work, Y/N." "Thanks," I say. I close the file and take it with me. "Morgan, Hotch says that you and I are going to take a the suspect. Let's go," I add. "I'm busy at the moment," he says, making the woman giggle.

I toss the file onto his lap and say, "Do you really want risk the lives of these girls because of your stubbornness?" He looks from the file to me and I raise my eyebrow at him. He sighs deeply and holds the file in his hands before walking with me to the car. We put on our bullet proof vests and he hands me a gun. I take it and say, "I'm driving," "Heard,"

We get into the car and Derek sets the GPS as I immediately pull onto the highway. I rev the gas until I was going 65 before I lean my elbow on the window in thought. "So that is how is it going to be now? We're not even going to talk to each other?" "What do you suppose we talk about, Derek? The fact that we might be on our way of catching our killer, or the fact that you think that I would crave the attention of someone else's attention even after everything?" I state.

"Well when you put it like that-" "That's exactly how I feel, Derek. I felt betrayed and hurt that you would think that I would choose anyone over you." I say, not glancing off of the road. "Y/N," He says, taking my hand into his. I pull away from him and say, "I'm not in the mood for forgiveness right now," "Well when you are, let me know." And since then, the car ride was silent.

We pull into the driveway of the man and we take out our guns before advancing toward the house. Derek decided to take the front and I took the back. "Sam Walker, this is FBI!" I hear Derek say. I hear a rustling inside the house and immediately aim my gun towards the back door.

"Boo," I hear a man whisper behind me. I spin around and the man twists my wrist until I let go of the gun. "Der-" He claps a hand over my mouth and spins me around so I am leaning into his chest. I feel a sharp pain in my neck and my visions started to get blurry.

"Y/N!" Derek yells when I completely fall unconscious.


My head pounds as I slowly lift my head to scan my surrounding. My hands and legs were tied to a chair but I still tried to tug at them for any signs of weakness. "Oh good, you're awake. I thought I injected you with hydrochloride acid instead of amnesia." The man says with a chuckle. I look up at him and all I could see was the darkness of his silhouette. "Looks like this one doesn't have much of a sense of humor, huh Sam?"

I was right. It was Sam Walker. But what I wasn't right about was that there were two participants. Which actually makes sense because there violence of the murder didn't match where and how the body was left. The other man smacks me across the face and my teeth cut into my lip, causing it into to bleed.

"What do you want with me?" I ask, wondering why my mouth was so dry. "I think the better question is what do you want with me?" He restates. "What?" "You were practically begging me to kidnap you? I mean, going to the back all alone? Without your tough little agent Morgan to protect you?" He says. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Shame on you, Y/N." He adds.

"So what? Are you going to beat me and kill me like the others?" I ask. "I personally think that you are nothing like the others.. I mean, plenty have fought, but none have as much fire as you. You are something special, Y/N." He comes behind me and blindfolds me.

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