New BAU Member (A Criminal Minds Story)

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Y/N meets the team for the first time

"Calm down, Y/N. You got this. You are more than qualified in this job. They don't have a weaponry specialist on their team, and you're the first. No pressure." I say to myself as I stare at my reflection in the mirror in the women's bathroom. My cheeks are burning red and my hands are shaky because of my nerves.

I am known and have been called the most calm person someone has ever met. But that does not mean that I never have nervous breakdowns. Especially since I have worked hard to get this spot at the BAU since I was in college. To know all of those late nights studying my ass off paid off for the better.

I splash some water in my face to bring down my red hot cheeks and pop some ice breakers in my mouth. I spread some Carmax on my lips and squirt some perfume before walking out of the women's bathroom with my head held high and my posture relaxed.

I arrive in the investigation room ten minutes early and am greeted by Aaron Hotchner himself. I try my best not to shuffle under his hard gaze and he says, "You must be Y/N Y/L/N from the Weaponry Division," "Yes I am," I say, offering him my hand. I shake his hand firmly and hold his harden gaze. He nods his head approvingly and that's wen his gaze falls behind me.

I turn around to see a very attractive colored man with a cute buzz cut. He wears a black button shirt and gray slacks that bring out his perfect physique. He nods respectively to me and I return the gesture. I am assuming that is Derek Morgan; he is much more attractive than I pictured.

Get a grip on yourself, Y/N. You didn't work this hard to be distracted by a man. The more people came in, the more my heart started to race. "You can have a seat if you'd like, Y/N." "I'd rather stand if that's okay." I say as I sit on the edge of the window. Everyone looked to me with a shocked facial expression.

"Did the DEA want in on this or..?" Dr. Reid says. "No, this is a new member of the team. Would you like to introduce yourself?" "Sure," I say softly. I stand from the window and I clap my hands together before saying, "Hi, I am Y/N Y/L/N, and I am a weaponry specialist that is going to be working with you. My other expertise is in psychology, but I much prefer weapons analysis." "If I may ask, Y/N. Why do you think the BAU needs a weaponry specialist?"

"Well, just like you can tell a lot from someone from their body language, how they dress and what car they drive.." I trail off only for a moment when I glance at Derek who is looking me up and down. "They can also be analyzed by their weapons. They chose the weapon for a reason, Dr. Reid." I add respectively. "Anymore questions for Y/N?" Aaron says.

When no one answers, he adds, "Great, let's head to the jet." I feel Derek walk beside me as we walk to the jet but purposely don't say anything. "I'm assuming you know who I am if you knew who Reid was, but I'm going to be professional and introduce myself." He starts. "I'm Derek Morgan," he says, offering his hand to me. "Y/N Y/L/N, it's a pleasure to meet you." I say as I shake his hand firmly.

"Nice grip, and the pleasure is all mine."he compliments, as he keeps my hand in his. We look into each other's eyes for a moment and I pull away from his hand as I snap out of his trance.

Don't do it, Y/N. Don't do it...

Multifandom!!! (Book 1) {CLOSED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora