It's Not What It Looks Like (2/2)

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I scream myself awake, whereas Sweet Pea twitches under my body, but still remain asleep. I guess he is used to people yelling him awake.

I look up at my mom and notice her hand on her hip. Her eyes darkened with anger.


Sweet Pea and I somehow switched positions. His face rests on my chest and his massive body completely lays over mine. His arms are wrapped behind my back, lifting me up slightly.

"Y/N!" She says.

"Mom! Shhh! Can we please talk outside?" I ask.


"Mom, please." I pleaded.

She huffs and raises her arms for dramatization.

"Fine." She grumbles.

I shuffle under him and somehow, this wakes him up. He sucks in a breath and his body clenches as he wakes up. He opens his eyes and licks his lips.

"What time is it?" He asks in a husky morning voice.

I look at the clock and say:


"Bless." He says.

I felt a pressure on my core that made me slightly uncomfortable. That's when I realize that his hips were settled against mine. And that's when I also realize the morning thing, that guys have. He sets his head back against my chest.

"Uh... Sweet?"  I ask.

He hums and I say:

"Don't guys have that morning thing?"

"Yea." He says.

"Well, look where yours is." I say.

He springs up onto his knees and he says:

"Shit! I'm sorry."

"Shhh. I won't tell if you won't." I say.

I sit up and wait for my body to cool down. I walk out of bed and say:

"Stay here until that is under control."

He nods, grabs the pillow and covers himself. I fix myself and wall out of my room.

"Y/N." My Mom says, her Spanish accent more heavy than usual.

I pulled her further away from the door and said:

"Mom, listen. Last night was the first time Sweet Pea came over the house. I thought he was an intruder and I almost shot him. But that is besides the point. He isn't safe in his own home anymore. His dad abuses him when he doesn't win the fights he gets in. I'm surprise he even made it through the window last night. And I know I should have told you about him the minute he walked in. But, you were sleeping and he needed help."

"Why didn't you take him to the hospital?" She asks.

"I've been taking medical classes at the school. I guess he figured, I was better than going to the hospital where they extremely overprice their fees." I say.

She huffs and said:

"This was this first time he has been in this house?"


"Have you been over his house?"

"Heck no, I was not going to get him into further trouble with his Dad." I say.

"Have you been in touch outside of school?"

"Yes. We would hang out at Pop's." I say.

"Why didn't I know about this?" She asks.

"Because I knew how you would react, Ma. And I didn't have time for your restrictions. I refused to give up on him, Ma. I'm not going to turn my back on him like Dad turned his back on us."

Hurt laced her face and she presses her fingers against her lips. She nods her head in understanding.

"I can't just... leave him like that, Ma. I'm sorry. If you want to ground me, then ground me. But that won't stop me from helping Sweet Pea." I finalize.

She walks forwards and pulls me in for a hug.

"Oh, my beautiful baby girl. Always wanting to help those in need, just like your grandmother. You have her stubbornness too." She adds.

I chuckle and hug her tighter. Our mother-daughter moment was interrupted by Sweet Pea. This time he is wearing a shirt and his hair is ruffled from his sleep. His eyes land on me and he walks to me.

"Good morning." I say.

"Good morning." He says.

He pulls me in for a hug and I sigh in comfort. He rests his chin against my head and I buried my face into the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms around my small frame and we stay there for a while. He moves his head so that the side of his face rests against mine.

"Who's up for some breakfast?" My mom asks.

"That would be great, Mrs. Barnes." Sweet Pea politely states.

"Please, call me Martha." She says.

She walks to the kitchen and motions us to follow her. Sweet Pea hesitantly lets me go and we walk hand-in-hand to the kitchen.

"So you two aren't dating?" My mom asks.

"Mom!" I say with embarrassing pinching my cheeks.

Sweet Pea chuckles and says:

"No. We're not."

"Do you want to?" She asks.

"Oh My-" I press the palm of my hand against my forehead.

"I think you can answer that question." He says.

I look passed my hand and meet Sweet Pea's eyes.

"How are you feeling?" I ask as I lightly run my thumb over his bruise.

I bite my lip as I cautiously outline the stitches I made last night.

"A lot better.... thanks to you." He says.

"Good." I say.

"You two keep this up and I will have you sleep in separate rooms." My mom teases.

I knew she was joking, but Sweet Pea didn't know. He immediately took his hands off of me.

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